Exams , Whakamātautau

What you need to know about exams at Massey – from key dates to information about getting extra support and what to do if you're sick or there's an emergency.

Online exam checklist

Some exams at Massey are online. Learn what to expect, how to prepare and where to get information about online exams.

Timetables, clashes & exam changes

Find out where to get your exam timetable, what to do if you have a clash and how to request to change an exam date.

Extra assistance & alternative arrangements

Apply to get extra assistance if you're eligible, like extra time, a writer or reader or other exam help.

Rules for exams

Know the rules you need to follow if you're sitting exams at Massey.

Aegrotats & impaired performance

Let us know if you've missed an exam, or illness or another personal emergency affected your performance.

Results, re-marks & requesting exam answers

Learn when you'll get your results, and how to get your exam re-marked or get your exam answers returned to you.

Past exam papers

Find past exam papers for your Massey courses in Discover.