Dr. Christian Thierfelder
Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics
Bldg.40, NZ Institute for Advanced Study
Massey University (Albany Campus)
Private Bag 102904
North Shore MSC, Auckland
New Zealand
Phone +64 9 414 0800 ext. 9886
Fax +64 9 443 9779
Email: C.Thierfelder@massey.ac.nz
Research Interests
The weak neutral current (Z-boson exchange) between electrons and
nucleons (quarks) introduces a small energy difference between
enantiomers of a chiral molecule owing to parity violation. This parity
violation has not been detected by experiment. I perform relativistic
Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations on molecules like CHFClBr to calculate
the parity violation contributions to vibrational transitions which can
be directly measured.