Institute of Education , Te Kura o Te Mātauranga

The Institute of Education promotes equity in education through its academic and professional programmes and research, and lifelong professional learning and development opportunities.


He Kura Tāngata, He Tāngata Kura

This whakataukī expresses our valuing of scholarship and recognition of the unique talents of each member. It cherishes the importance of connecting with people to encourage collaborative partnership in the field of education.

The Institute of Education – Te Kura o Te Mātauranga is an educational environment that values equity, excellence and scholarship in teaching and learning. Our mission is to use responsive and transformative ideas, and work with people in partnership to affect all levels of education success.

Our teaching and research focuses on the role education plays in shaping a just, fair society for all.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi at Massey

We are deeply committed to being a Tiriti-led university, demonstrating authentic leadership in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand as we uphold te Tiriti o Waitangi, the founding document of our nation, and its principles through our practice. We embrace this not just as an obligation but as a real opportunity for the nation and its people.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – The Treaty of Waitangi at Massey

Study with us

The Institute of Education offers a range of opportunities for your lifelong learning journey and career pathway.

Teacher with primary school students and colourful pens

Professional programmes

To work in the education sector, our study options include:

Our qualifications are accredited, meaning graduates can be registered practitioners.

Academic programmes

Examine learning and equality in education, including in-depth research with our master's and doctorates. Explore areas such as:

Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (DMIC)

A whole-school commitment to transforming mathematics teaching and learning by adopting research-based, culturally sustaining practices. DMIC staff conduct professional learning days and in-class mentoring, emphasising equity, social justice, and linking maths to students’ cultures and lives.

Short courses for professional learning

Our short courses can be tailored to suit your needs. Some are online, others can be at your school, kura or organisation.

Tātai Angitu – professional learning for teachers and leaders in schools

NetworkED – online short courses

Short courses in mathematical learning

Who we are

Our people make us who we are.

View details for all staff and explore their research interests


Our researchers are committed to achieving opportunities and practical benefits for all New Zealanders involved in education.

Find out more about our research

Research centres

Our research centres seek innovative solutions to contemporary issues.

Equity through Education

Dr Wendy Holley-Boen and Dr Lucila Carvalho

An inter-professional community of educators researching issues of educational inequity. Our vision is to break down barriers to learning and promote equity in and through education via research, inquiry, supervision/mentoring and scholarship.

Centre for Research in Mathematics Education (CeRME)

Professor Roberta (Bobbie) Hunter and Associate Professor Jodie Hunter

We bring experts together to work on the transformative potential of maths education in New Zealand, the Pacific and the world. A focus on equity and cultural responsiveness underwrites our projects and our developmental work with teachers, postgraduate students, and new researchers.

Meet our graduates

“By the end of the programme I was putting a lot of what I had learned into practice, and definitely felt I had grown as an educator.”
June Chiaroni

Works with senior students in a Catholic School in Perth, WA

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching

“Massey allowed me to be Māori in my thoughts, my language and my practices.”
Te Ataakura Pewhairangi

Ngāti Porou

Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)

“I enjoy acting in a supporting role to teachers and families and empowering them to feel stronger and more successful in their roles.”
Rachel Malins

Master of Educational Psychology

Rankings and accreditations

Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

Massey's Initial Teacher Education programme is accredited by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.

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New Zealand Speech-language Therapist Association logo

New Zealand Speech-language Therapists Association

Massey's Speech Language Therapy programme is accredited by the New Zealand Speech Language Therapists Association.

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New Zealand Psychologists Board logo

New Zealand Psychologists Board

Massey's postgraduate psychology qualifications are accredited by the New Zealand Psychologists Board.

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New Zealand Association of Counsellors

Massey's Counselling and Guidance programme is accredited by the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC).

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QS Ranking - Education

Massey is ranked in the world's top 250 universities for education in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings.

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Massey is the first university in the Southern Hemisphere to partner in a UNESCO UNITWIN initiative: the Global Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education.

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Meet our graduates

“It was a great programme, all in Māori. He tohu pai, katoa i te reo Māori.”
Aroha Rauhihi

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Ruanui

Te Aho Paerewa Postgraduate Diploma Teaching and Learning in Māori Medium

“Doing my master’s was a great opportunity for me to go back to the research and literature and really reflect on my practice.”
Julia Wright

Independent contractor, Talking Trouble

Master of Speech and Language Therapy

Mother and child

Speech-Language Therapy Clinic

A teaching clinic offering therapy for children and adults who experience communication and eating difficulties. Supervised by specialist staff, students provide assessment and intervention support at the clinic and in the community.

Location: Auckland campus

Education scholarships, subsidies and grants

There are a variety of scholarships, subsidies, grants and awards available to our students

Education scholarships, subsidies and grants

Search all Massey scholarships and awards

Contact the Institute of Education

Institute of Education – Auckland campus




Physical address
Institute of Education
Ōtehā Rohe
Old Albany Highway
Gate 5
Auckland 0632
New Zealand

Postal address
Institute of Education
Massey University
Private Bag 102 904
North Shore Mail Centre
Auckland 0745
New Zealand

Use our Auckland campus maps or find us on Google Maps.

Institute of Education – Manawatū campus




Physical address
Institute of Education
Social Sciences Tower
University Avenue
Massey University Manawatū Campus (Turitea)
Palmerston North 4474
New Zealand

Postal address
Institute of Education
Massey University Manawatū
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand

Use our Manawatū campus maps or find us on Google Maps.

Social media

Connect with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences on:

Looking for a staff member? Visit our staff directory or use Expertise search.