Thankyou for testing the H-Shifter compatibility.
To take part, all you need is a controller, and a bit of time! Just follow the steps below:
1. Go your Gaming Options Control Panel applet, and write down the name of your controller.
2. Run regedit (From Start->Run) and do a search for the name of your controller. (Press F3 to pop up the Find box). You are wanting to find the key that has the information regarding your controller. On my system it is:
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\
The OEMName entry under this key should contain your controller name. If you found it, you can move on and take part in the test. If not, keep searching (Press F3 to search again) and hopefully you'll find it. If not, email me the details of your controller, so that I can maintain a database of controllers that work and those that don't.
3. Highlight the entry OEMName, and right click and select Modify. Change the name to "ACT LABS" (Without the quotes!!). Note that you can always change it back later if things don't work!!
4. Download the official ACT Labs RS-Shifter Utility from here.
5. Run ALShift.exe. It should now have recognised your controller as it's shifter. If not, please email me the details so I can update the database.
6. If all is well, you can now go to the File menu and bring up the Status Info. Now, try pressing each of the buttons of your controller in turn, and write down the Button value and what gear it says the shifter is in. Once you've tried every button, try pressing pairs of buttons simultaneously, writing down the reactions that it produces, and then triples, quadruples etc. Once you've exhausted all options, you can move on to step 7. Note that this is testing the RS Shifter, and it is looking for buttons 1,2,6 and 7, as well as the POV hat.
7. OK. That's the RS Shifter tested for. Now for the GPL Shifter.
8. Go back into the registry, and find the key you changed. Now change the name so it reads:
and repeat steps 5 and 6. This time it is just trying to get buttons 1-8, so you should have better compatibility.
9. Send all your findings to me, along with your controller info, and I'll compile a database of working controllers, and hopefully we'll be able to find the best way to implement our H-Shifter!