In June 1957, a conference of "Data Processing and Automatic Computing Machines" was held at the Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury, South Australia. Many eminent numerical analysts and computer scientists, and others who would go on to become eminent, were invited from half-way around the world. The conference proceedings is hard to find these days, so here is a scan of Volume I, "Programming and mathematics". (I haven't seen Volume II, Engineering, or Volume II, Business Applications.)
Amongst the authors are
James Wilkinson and Maurice Wilkes (both Turing Award winners), Sir Tom Cherry, and
Sandy Douglas. John Butcher has a paper in here too; I think it is his second published paper. But the volume was of special interest to me for the paper by Robin Merson, An operational method for the study of integration processes. The story of this paper and its significance is told in R I McLachlan, K Modin, H Munthe-Kaas, and O Verdier, Butcher series: A story of rooted trees and numerical methods for evolution equations, Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter, vol. 7 no. 1, 2017.
At the end of each paper, the discussion that followed has been transcribed. This makes an interesting snapshot of people's views of computing and numerical analysis in 1957. I haven't looked at all the papers, so if you see anything interesting, let me know and I will flag it here.
Robert McLachlan
- Cover
- Preface
- Organising committee
- H J Brown, Introduction
- Table of contents
- Proceedings
- B G Gates, Opening address
- R W McG Boswell, Introductory remarks to the Conference on Data Processing and Automatic Computing Machines
- W C J White, Introduction to the WRE data processing system
- J A Ovenstone, The WREDAC system
- T M Cherry and F Hirst, The Machine CSIRAC
- J M Bennett and B E Swire, The SILLIAC
- R G Smart, The UTECOM digital computer
- T Pearcey, Data reduction in pure scientific research
- A D Booth, Machine translation of languaes
- F W Harwood, Linguistic applications of computing machinery
- M V Wilkes, Some remarks on the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
- J W Carr III, Generalised functional round-off error analysis
- R H Merson, An operational method for the study of integration processes
- J M Bennett, Continuant matrices in numerical analysis
- J H Wilkinson, The calculation of the eigenvectors of codiagonal matrices produced by the Givens and Lanczos processes
- A Jones, Eigenvalues and vectors of a symmetric matrix using Jacobi's method
- A S Douglas, On the solution of parabolic partial differential equations by difference methods
- T M Cherry, Numerical solution of a problem in forced convection
- B A Chartres, Monte Carlo calculation of the multiple scattering of muons
- J C Butcher, On the numerical inversion of Laplace and Mellin transforms
- P J Claringbold, The automatic design and analysis of biological experiments
- A S Douglas, Computers and Crystallography
- H C Freeman, 'SILLIAC' computer programs for X-ray crystal structure analysis
- C L Hamblin, An addressless coding scheme based on mathematical notation
- G W Hill and J G Sanderson, Automatic computing
- R G Smart, The DEUCE matrix interpretive scheme
- I M Bassett, Interpretive programming
- J M Bennett, J C Butcher, M Chapple, A new diagnostic routine block
- Appendices
- Abstract cards
- Volume I complete