Ruili Wang   B.E. M.E. PhD (Dublin)


Dr. Ruili Wang

Senior Lecturer

Computer Science and Information Technology
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Massey University (Albany Campus)

Private Bag 102-904, North Shore Mail Centre

Auckland, New Zealand
Email:    R dot WANG (at) MASSEY dot AC dot NZ  

Phone:  (+64) 09-4140800 ext 43258 (from Auckland)

Fax:    + 64–6–350 2259    Mobile: ask me

Free Phone: 0800-Massey (ext. 43258)

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A Full Marsden Fund $660,870 (plus GST)

 “No Longer Lost in Recognition: Development of Novel LargeVocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Techniques”


Speech Processing and Maori Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is one of the main areas in speech processing and signal processing. Large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR), especially spontaneous speech recognition, remains a grand scientific challenge in the signal processing and artificial intelligence communities. This research aims to develop several novel LVCSR techniques. We will then apply our newly developed techniques and other state-of-the-art speech recognition technologies to develop a Maori speech recognition system that can convert Maori speech (such as continuous news broadcast speech and spontaneous speech) to Maori text. This research will for the first time develop a large-vocabulary continuous Maori speech recognition system. 

The overall aims of the proposed research include: (i) development of novel Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) methods for large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR); (ii) development of large-vocabulary continuous Māori speech recognition systems based on the new LVCSR methods developed in this project and state-of-the-art speech recognition technologies. Four research objectives underpin this project:

Objective 1 will involve developing novel acoustic and language modelling methods.

Objective 2 will involve developing robust speaker adaptation methods.

Objective 3 will involve developing techniques for spontaneous speech recognition.

Objective 4 will involve developing Māori speech recognition systems (MSR) based on the novel methods developed in this project and other state-of-the-art technologies.


Principle Investigator:      Dr. Ruili Wang  

Associate Investigators:

·         Professor Tatsuya Kawahara, Kyoto University JAPAN

·         Associate Professor IR Lane Carnegie Mellon University USA

·         Associate Professor A  Lee, Nagoya Institute of Technology JAPAN

·         Associate Professor WH, Abdulla, The University of Auckland

·         Dr DJ Joseph Massey University





          Principal Investigator, Dr. Ruili Wang, who will lead the research and supervise the overall project, has expertise in speech processing and machine learning.

          Overseas Associate Investigators:

·         Prof. Tatsuya Kawahara, Kyoto University, Japan

·         Associate Prof. Ian Lane, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

·         Associate Prof. Akinobu Lee, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan


All have strong expertise in speech recognition, spoken language understanding, and spoken dialogue systems.


          New Zealand Associate Investigator: Associate Prof. Waleed Abdulla, Auckland University, who has strong expertise in signal processing.

          New Zealand Associate Investigator: Dr Darryn Joseph, Massey University, who is an expert in Te reo Māori.




·         $3m in Marsden grants for Massey researchers

·         3 PhD scholarships in Speech Recognition available