Welcome to Simurg! Simurg is Massey's premier high performance computing cluster - previously known as Marvin, owned and maintained by New Zealand Insitute of Advanced Study (NZIAS) and its Centre for Theoretical Chemistry & Physics (CTCP). The heaviest users come from CTCP and INMS, however user accounts & cpu-time are freely available for all Massey University's College of Science members and their research collaborators.
So…what's with the weird name? Simurg represents a branding of top high performance scientific computing performed at Massey. The name comes from Persian myths about a chimera of parts peacock, lion, and dog. Like its namesake, the research on Simurg is chimerical: projects in quantum chemistry, molecular biology, theoretical physics, photonic engineering, and nonlinear mathematics all have a home here; if you have computationally scientific requirements at Massey, Simurg is for you! According to legends, the creature had seen the world's rebirth several times over - current Marvin node upgrades are the fourth incarnation of the original Helix cluster at Massey. The creature was seen as a symbol of purification and fertility - emulated by the pure nature of the research performed on Simurg, and by the amount of publications it makes possible. So let's spread our wings, flex our claws, and start barking…