Current and Past Postgraduate Student's Projects
Last updated: March 14, 2011
• Ecology and reproductive biology of the Bronze Beetle, Eucolaspis sp (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (Prasad Doddala, PhD).
• Reproductive behavour and fitness trade-offs in aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) (Rashmi Kant, PhD).
• An environmentally-based systems approach to systainability analysis of organic fruit production systems in New Zealand (Girija Page, PhD).
• Response of soil invertebrates to pastoral management, and their links to soil services (Nicole Schon, PhD).
• The impacts of forest fragmentation on invertebrate community composition and ecological functioning (Jessica Costall, PhD).
• Catchment-scale sustainability: trends in carbon emissions during catchment-scale land use management (Daniel Smiley, MSc).
• Monitoring strategies for the giant land snail Powelliphanta traversi tararuaensis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Rhytididae): an assessment and exploration of current and future techniques. (Rachel Turner, MSc).
• Optimising methods for collecting invertebrates for agricultural biodiversity assessment and monitoring (Ngaire Larsen, BSc Honours).