Previous Issues
Index to paper titles of previous issues
2023 - Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1
Published: December 2023
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 27, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 27, Number 1
Research Papers
Non-specific psychological distress following the Christchurch earthquake: 10 years later - How are they doing now?
Lynne Briggs, Kathryn Hay, Patricia Fronek & Sue Bagshaw
Keywords: Disasters, earthquakes, early intervention, SF-36, Demoralization DS-II, subjective incompetence, hopelessness
Recovery workers who have also been personally affected by disasters: Exploring the perspective of people who have dual experiences of disaster recovery
Kate Brady, Lisa Gibbs & Louise Harms
Keywords: Disaster recovery, recovery workers, emergency management, disaster, recovery
Sustaining research and researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A dose of the collective method as a strategy
Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Dana M. Greene, Shawna Bendeck, Sonya Cowan, Christine Gibb & Simone H. Goertz
Keywords: Collective method, slow disaster, reflexivity, COVID-19
2022 - Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 3
Published: December 2022
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 26, Number 3 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 26, Number 3
Research Papers
Post-disaster residential mobility: Considerations for Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia
Denise Blake, Gail Adams-Hutcheson, Lisa Gibbs & Phoebe Quinn
Keywords: Residential mobility, relocation, displacement, earthquakes, bushfires, disasters, Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia
The limits of resilience: A discussion of resilience from the perspectives of critical disaster studies
Shinya Uekusa & Steve Matthewman
Keywords: Canterbury earthquake sequence, critical disaster studies, disaster risk reduction, disaster theory, limits of resilience, resilience, social capital, sustainable recovery
Understanding pandemic behaviours in Singapore – Application of the Terror Management Health
Hoi Ting Leung, Peter K. H. Chew & Nerina J. Caltabiano
Keywords: TMHM, COVID-19, health behaviours, Singapore, empirical validation
Volume 26, Special Issue on Information Systems
Published: December 2022
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 26, Special Issue on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in the Asia Pacific Region (complete issue)
Introduction to the Special Issue on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in the Asia Pacific Region
Thomas J. Huggins, Vincent Lemiale & Raj Prasanna
Keywords: Special issue, Editorial, COVID-19, Information Systems
Special Issue Papers
Online learning adoption by Chinese university students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Thomas J. Huggins, Marion L. Tan, Yi-Lung Kuo, Raj Prasanna & Darrell D. Rea
Keywords: Online learning, technology adoption, business continuity, pandemic
Practice Update – Social-psychological emergency response during Wuhan lockdown: Internet-based crisis intervention
Johnston H. C. Wong & Candy T. Zhou
Keywords: E-counselling, COVID-19, social work
Tourism supply chains: Issues and resilience strategies during the global pandemic
Muhammad Umar, Rizwan Ahmad & Robert Radics
Keywords: Hotel supply chains, supply chain resilience, tourism, Covid-19 Pandemic.
Research Update – A framework to study supply chain strategies against global pandemic
Muhammad Umar, Mark Wilson, Rizwan Ahmad & Robert Radics
Keywords: Supply chain resilience, Haddon Matrix, disaster management
Clearance time prediction of traffic accidents: A case study in Shandong, China
Anyi Zhang, Fanyu Meng, Wenwu Gong, Yiping Zeng, Lili Yang, Diping Yuan
Keywords: Highway, Accident clearance time, Vehicle types, Passenger vehicles
Practice Update – Improving security and trust for IoT devices during rescue operations
Yuri Tijerino, Yasushi Miyazaki, Carlos Tovar & Christian Espinosa
Keywords: Distributed Ledger Technologies, IoT Devices, First Responders
Research Update – Using SARA app and video feedback for dispatchers to improve the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest handling
Ophélie Morand, Robert Larribau, Stéphane Safin, Romain Pages & Caroline Rizza
Keywords: Cardiac arrest, apps, community engagement, collaboration, Living-Lab
Adaptable socio-cyber physical systems for supporting disaster response
Samaneh Madanian, Kenneth Johnson, Mathew St.Martin, Roopak Sinha, Javier Cámara & David Parry
Keywords: disaster management, disaster response, socio-cyber physical system, situational awareness
Rethinking the improvisation of digital health technology: A niche construction perspective
Sindisiwe Magutshwa
Keywords: digital health technology, radical improvisation, crisis response, COVID-19
All papers are protected under the Creative Commons attribution as per our copyright notice.
Volume 26, Number 2
Published: November 2022
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 26, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 26, Number 2
Children and Disasters: A tribute to Professor Kevin Ronan
David M. Johnston, Lauren J. Vinnell, Julia S. Becker & Lucy Kaiser
Keywords:children, disaster, research, Australia, New Zealand, United States
Research Papers
The generational gap: Children, adults, and protective actions in response to earthquakes
Rachel M. Adams, Jennifer Tobin, Lori Peek, Jolie Breeden, Sara McBride & Robert de Groot
Keywords: Earthquakes, protective actions, schools, children, earthquake education
Researching children and disasters: What’s different in pandemic times?
Christine Gibb, Nnenia Campbell, Gabriella Meltzer & Alice Fothergill
Keywords: Research methods, children, COVID-19 pandemic, ethics, virtual research methods
Research Update
Agency expert partners supporting bushfire disaster resilience education for primary school students: A case study in New South Wales, Australia
Tony Jarrett
Keywords: Geography, disaster resilience education, expert partners
Volume 26, Number 1
Published: August 2022
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 26, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 26, Number 1
Research Papers
Does a disaster worsen anxiety when you are already anxious? Psychological consequences following exposure to a M7.1 earthquake in an outpatient anxiety disorder population
Lee Kannis-Dymand, Helen Colhoun, Monique Huntley. Colette Woolcock, Ron Chambers, Dianne Le Compte, Juliet Macleod, Claire Gilbert. Dixie Statham, Monique Jones, Clare Sullivan, Jane Alexander, Steven Love & Caroline Bell
Keywords: Anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, peritraumatic distress, personality temperament, earthquake
Memories for the emotions that you and others experienced during COVID-19 lockdown
Zhe Chen, Cameron Hooson-Smith, Ailsa Humphries & Simon Kemp
Keywords: Biases in memory, COVID-19 lockdown, emotion of others, memory for emotion
Barriers to seeking help for an emotional or mental health condition among Australian emergency services workers
Wavne Rikkers & David Lawrence
Keywords: Help-seeking barriers, emergency services workers, mental health, first responders
Cyclone Harold and the role of traditional knowledge in fostering resilience in Vanuatu
Charles A. E. Pierce & Sarah L. Hemstock
Keywords: Vanuatu, resilience, tropical cyclone, traditional knowledge (TK), TK transmission, food security
2021 - Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 3
Published: December 2021
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 25, Number 3 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 25, Number 3
Citizen science initiatives in high-impact weather and disaster risk reduction
Lauren J. Vinnell, Julia S. Becker, Anna Scolobig, David M. Johnston, Marion L. Tan & Lisa McLaren
Keywords: Citizen science, high-impact weather, earthquakes, disaster risk reduction
Research Updates
Using citizen data to understand earthquake impacts: Aotearoa New Zealand’s earthquake Felt Reports
Tatiana Goded, Marion L. Tan, Julia S. Becker, Nick Horspool, Silvia Canessa, Rand Huso, Jonathan Hanson & David M. Johnston
Keywords: New Zealand, Felt Reports, citizen science, macroseismic intensity
Build and measure: Students report weather impacts and collect weather data using self-built weather
Thomas Kox, Henning W. Rust, Bianca Wentzel, Martin Göber, Christopher Böttcher, Jonas Lehmke, Elisabeth Freundl & Matthias Garschagen
Keywords: Citizen science, motivation, weather, impacts, observation
Practice Update
Experience from large-scale crowdsourcing via weather apps
Harald Kempf
Keywords: Crowdsourcing, app, weather, best practice
Volume 25, Number 2
Published: November 2021
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 25, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 25, Number 2
Research Papers
“We were all heartbroken”: Emotional wellbeing and healing after the 2017/2018 Manaro Voui eruptions in Ambae, Vanuatu
Rachel Clissold, Karen E. McNamara, Ross Westoby, Elizabeth Raynes & Viviane Licht Obed
Keywords: Psychological health, disaster, environmental hazard, evacuation, healing
Practice Update
Emergency sanitation challenges and opportunities following a large Wellington Fault earthquake scenario: November 2019 workshop
Matt Brenin, Carol Stewart, David Johnston, Richard Mowll, Jacqui Horswell & Liam Wotherspoon
Keywords: Emergency sanitation, Wellington Fault earthquake, public health, emergency preparedness
Volume 25, Number 1
Published: June 2021
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 25, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 25, Number 1
Research Papers
Designing tsunami risk communication with communities: A site-specific case study from Tūranganui-a-Kiwa, Aotearoa New Zealand
Harmony Repia & Jo Bailey
Keywords:Tsunami risk, communication, Human-Centred Design, Mātauranga Māori, community
Strategies for Internet-enabled and gender-sensitive tsunami early warning
M.K.K.K. De Silva
Keywords: Internet, tsunami early warning system, gender equity
2020 - Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 3
Published: December 2020
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 24, Number 3 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 24, Number 3
Research Papers
Exploring an anniversary effect three years after the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake
Ellen A. Turnbull, Martin J. Dorahy, Eileen Britt & Donncha Hanna
Keywords: Earthquakes, distress, anniversary
Factor structure of the Brief COPE in a population from Australia and New Zealand exposed to a disaster
Lee Kannis-Dymand, Prudence M. Millear, Rachael Sharman & Janet D. Carter
Keywords: tephra fall, soil remediation, pasture recovery, volcanic eruption, Mt Taranaki, Mt Ruapehu, Taupō, agriculture
Volume 24, Number 2
Published: Sept 2020
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 24, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 24, Number 2
Research Papers
Social adjustment in New Zealand and Philippine emergency responders: A test of main and moderating effects of received social support
Johnrev Guilaran, Ian de Terte, Krzysztof Kaniasty & Christine Stephens
Keywords: social adjustment, posttraumatic growth, social and occupational impairment, received social support, emergency responders
Farmers’ perceptions of options for pasture remediation and recovery following major tephra fall in New Zealand
Seethal P. Sivarajan, Jan M. Lindsay, Shane J. Cronin & Thomas M. Wilson
Keywords: tephra fall, soil remediation, pasture recovery, volcanic eruption, Mt Taranaki, Mt Ruapehu, Taupō, agriculture
Closing the research-practice gap in emergency services organisations
Christine Owen, Noreen Krusel & Loriana Bethune
Keywords: Research-practice, research utilisation, learning organisations, fire and emergency services, emergency management
Volume 24, Number 1
Published: June 2020
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 24, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 24, Number 1
Research Papers
Volunteered Geographic Information for people-centred severe weather early warning: A literature review
Sara Harrison, Sally Potter, Raj Prasanna, Emma E H Doyle & David Johnston
Keywords: early warning system, people-centred early warning system, volunteered geographic information, disaster risk reduction, severe weather
Citizen science as a catalyst for community resilience building: a two-phase tsunami case study
Emma E H Doyle, Emily Lambie, Caroline Orchiston, Julia S. Becker, Lisa McLaren, David Johnston & Graham Leonard
Keywords: tsunami, citizen science, community resilience, disasters, evacuation, warnings
Post-disaster health status of train derailment victims with posttraumatic growth
Danielle Maltais, Anne-Lise Lansard, Mathieu Roy, Mélissa Généreux, Geneviève Fortin, Jacques Cherblanc, Christiane Bergeron-Leclerc & Eve Pouliot
Keywords: technological disaster, train derailment, posttraumatic growth, post-traumatic stress disorder, post-disaster psychological health, positive effects of disaster
Research Updates
A research update on the demography and injury burden of victims of New Zealand earthquakes between 2010 and 2014
Shewa Basharati, Michael Ardagh, Joanne Deely, Nicholas Horspool David Johnston, Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, Alieke Dierckx & Martin Than
Keywords: earthquakes, sex and age, scene of injury, population exposed to shaking intensity, injury burden
2019 - Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 2
Published: December 2019
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 23, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 23, Number 2
Pathways to Earthquake Resilience: Learning from past events
Lauren J. Vinnell, Caroline Orchiston, Julia Becker, & David Johnston
Keywords: Earthquake, resilience, research, practice, New Zealand
Research Papers
Risk judgments and social norms: Do they relate to preparedness after the Kaikōura earthquakes
John McClure, Millie Ferrick, Liv Henrich, & David Johnston
Keywords: Earthquake, risk perception, norms, preparedness, optimism
The impact of the Kaikōura earthquake on risk-related behaviour, perceptions, and social norm
Lauren J. Vinnell, Taciano L. Milfont, & John McClure
Keywords: Earthquake, New Zealand, natural experiment, earthquake preparation, social norms
From physical disruption to community impact: modelling a Wellington Fault earthquake
Charlotte Brown, Garry McDonald, S. R. Uma, Nicky Smith, Vinod Sadashiva, Rob Buxton, Emily Grace, Erica Seville, & Michelle Daly
Keywords: Disaster impact, socio-economic modelling, disaster recovery, Wellington Fault earthquake
Research Updates
Disaster resilience in Wellington’s hotel sector: Research update and summary
Nancy A. Brown, Jane E. Rovins, Caroline Orchiston, Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, & David Johnston
Keywords: Tourism, resilience, capital, hotels, disaster
Business recovery from disaster: A research update for practitioners
Elora Kay, Charlotte Brown, Tracy Hatton, Joanne R. Stevenson, Erica Seville, & John Vargo
Keywords: Business recovery, organisational resilience, disasters, disaster recovery
Practice Updates
Wellington City’s response to the November 2016 Kaikōura earthquake
Simon Fleisher
Keywords: Civil Defence, emergency management, disaster response, Kaikōura earthquake
Wellington Resilience workshop: Creating shared ideas and meanings
Nancy A. Brown, Emily Campbell, David Johnston, Helen McCracken, Sophie Bradley, Scott Dray, & Dan Neely
Keywords: Resilience, culture, community, co-creation, participatory
Operationalising theory-informed practice: Developing resilience indicators for Wellington, Aotearoa
New Zealand
Elora Kay, Joanne R. Stevenson, Julia Becker, Emma Hudson-Doyle, Lucy Carter, Emily Campbell, Sam Ripley, David Johnston, Dan Neely, & Chris Bowie
Keywords: Resilience measurement, operationalisation, knowledge co-production, top-down and bottom-up assessment
Volume 23, Number 1
Published: August 2019
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 23, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 23, Number 1
Research Papers
The low-likelihood challenge: Risk perception and the use of risk modelling for destructive tsunami policy development in New Zealand local government
Miles H. Crawford, Wendy S. A. Saunders, Emma E. H. Doyle, Graham S. Leonard, & David M. Johnston
Keywords: Tsunami, risk perception, policy development, risk modelling, cognitive bias, local government
Surabaya Resilience Index for potential earthquakes: An institutional perspective
Adjie Pamungkas, Mega Utami Ciptaningrum, Lalu Muhamad Jaelani, & Data Iranata
Keywords: Resilience index, Earthquake, Kendeng Thrust, Institution, Risk Management
2018 - Volume 22
Volume 22, Port Hills Wildfire Special Issue
Published: December 2018
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 22, Port Hills Wildfire Special Issue (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 22, Port Hills Wildfire Special Issue
Special Issue Editorial
Editorial: Special Issue on the Port Hills wildfire
E.R. (Lisa) Langer, J. McLennan & D.M. Johnston
Keywords: Port Hills, Canterbury, wildfire, emergency management
Research Papers
The 2017 Port Hills wildfires – a window into New Zealand’s fire future?
H. G. Pearce
Keywords: wildfire risk, rural-urban interface, house loss, New Zealand
Institutionalising wildfire planning in New Zealand: Lessons learnt from the 2009 Victoria bushfire experience
M. Kornakova & B. Glavovic
Keywords: land-use planning, wildfire risk, Port Hills fire, New Zealand, Victoria bushfires, Australia, institutional barriers, institutional enablers
Christchurch’s peri-urban wildfire management strategy: How does it measure up with international best practice?
S. Kraberger, S. Swaffield & W. McWilliam
Keywords: wildfire hazard, wildfire risk, wildfire threat, wildfire management strategies
Wildfire risk awareness, perception and preparedness in the urban fringe in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Public responses to the 2017 Port Hills wildfire
E.R. Langer & Simon Wegner
Keywords: urban fringe, rural-urban interface, risk perception, risk awareness, preparedness
The Port Hills fire and the rhetoric of lessons learned
R. Montgomery
Keywords: lessons learned; lessons management; learning legacy; elite panic; situational awareness; social media; enabling communities.
An integrative review of the 2017 Port Hill fires' impact on animals, their owners and first responders’ encounters with the human-animal interface
H. Squance, D. M. Johnston, C. Stewart & C. B. Riley
Keywords: Animal welfare, emergency management, wildfire, 2017 Port Hills fires
Volume 22, Number 1
Published: July 2018
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 22, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 22, Number 1
Research Papers
Where is social work in emergency management? Exploring visibility in New Zealand online media
Kathryn Hay & Katheryn Margaret Pascoe
Keywords: Social work; disaster, emergency management, media, New Zealand
Older adults’ strategies for managing adversity through connection and purpose
Nicki Weld
Keywords: Post-disaster, Canterbury Earthquakes, Older adults, adversity, coping, resilience.
Practice Update
Building a data integration and visualisation platform for resilience research in New Zealand
Joanne R. Stevenson, Elora Kay & John Vargo
Keywords: Resilience, data integration platform, metadata
2017 - Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 2
Published: December 2017
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 21, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 21, Number 2
Research Papers
Capacity building for child and adolescent mental health in disaster areas: Learning from the experiences
of mental health care workers in Indonesia
Theresia Citraningtyas, Martina Wiwie, Nurmiati Amir, Hervita Diatri &Tjhin Wiguna
Keywords: training, disaster, children and adolescents, mental health workers
A systematic review exploring the presence of Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Secondary
Traumatic Stress in Alcohol and Other Drug Clinicians
Peter Huggard, Janice Law & David Newcombe
Keywords: compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, alcohol and drug clinicians/counsellors, systematic literature review.
Impact of riverbank erosion: A case study
Tuhin K Das, Sushil K Haldar, Debaprasad Sarkar, Marion Borderon, Stefan Kienberger, Ivy Das Gupta, Sangeeta Kundu & Debarati Guha-Sapir
Keywords: riverbank erosion, socioeconomic impact, displacement, human poverty, rehabilitation policy
Research Update
Assessing research priorities and practices following the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake
Tracy Hatton, Robert Kipp, Charlotte Brown & Erica Seville
Keywords: Post disaster research; research practice; collaborative research
Volume 21, Number 1
Published: May 2017
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 21, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 21, Number 1
Research Papers
New Zealand wheelchair users’ preparedness for emergencies
J.A. Dunn, J.M. Nicholls, D.L. Snell & J.L. Nunnerley
Keywords: emergency preparedness, wheelchair users, people with disabilities, disaster management, emergency planning
Getting through: Children’s effective coping and adaptation in the context of the Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquakes of 2010-2012
Maureen Mooney, Ruth Tarrant, Douglas Paton, Sarb Johal & David Johnston
Keywords: Children, effective coping, adaptation, earthquake, disaster, Canterbury
In some strange way, trouble is good for people. Posttraumatic growth following the Canterbury earthquake sequence
Rebekah Smith, Virginia V W McIntosh, Janet D Carter, Helen Colhoun, Jenny Jordan, Frances A Carter & Caroline J Bell
Keywords: Postraumatic growth, Canterbury Earthquakes, thematic analysis, content analysis, sense of community
Practice Update
Get prepared for an emergency: An infographic
D. Blake, A. Miller & A. Rampton
Keywords: Preparedness, emergency management, infographic, earthquake, disability, community
2016 - Volume 20
Volume 20, People in Disasters Special Issue
Published: December 2016
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
Volume 20, People in Disasters Special Issue (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 20, People in Disasters Special Issue
Special Issue Editorial
First International Conference on People in Disasters
Joanne M Deely & Michael W Ardagh
Keywords: Canterbury earthquakes, Australian bushfires and floods, psychosocial wellbeing, mental illness, community response
Research Papers
The Cat’s Cradle of Responsibility: Assigning and Taking Responsibility for Companion Animals in Natural Disasters
Cheryl Travers, Chris Degeling & Melanie Rock
Keywords: companion animal, responsibility, taxonomy, natural disaster, Black Saturday
A Review of Compassion Fatigue of Nurses During and After the Canterbury Earthquakes
Jai Chung & Nicky Davies
Keywords: compassion fatigue, earthquake, emotional exhaustion, disaster, nursing
‘Te Waioratanga’: Health Promotion Practice - The Importance of Māori Cultural Values to Wellbeing in a Disaster Context and Beyond
Emma Rawson
Keywords: Māori, wellbeing, Te Waioratanga, Māori health promotion, responsiveness
An Innovative Response to Family Violence After the Canterbury Earthquake Events: Canterbury Family Violence Collaboration’s Achievements, Successes, and Challenges
Lesley M Campbell & Susie J Jones
Keywords: family violence, collaboration, cross sector, disasters
Resilience in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Following an Earthquake
Heidi Su, Helen Lunt & Kit Hoeben
Keywords: disaster medicine; type 1 diabetes, resilience
Building Resilience Through Post-Disaster Community Projects: Responses to the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes and 2011 Tōhoku Tsunami
Maria R Dionisio & Eric Pawson
Keywords: community resilience; earthquake recovery; community-driven projects; Christchurch; Tōhoku
Ripples of Recovery and Resilience: Tracking the Effects of the Canterbury Earthquakes on Older New Zealanders
Fiona Alpass, Sally Keeling, Brendan Stevenson, Joanne Allen & Christine Stephens
Keywords: older people, longitudinal study, reported earthquake effects
Thriving After Trauma: Posttraumatic Growth Following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence
Rebekah Smith, Virginia V W McIntosh, Janet D Carter, Helen Colhoun, Jenny Jordan, Frances A Carter & Caroline J Bell
Keywords: posttraumatic growth, resilience, gender, earthquake
Volume 20, Number 1
Published: September 2016
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
This journal publication has been revised and is now presented as a series of individual PDF files as linked below.
Volume 20, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 20, Number 1
Research Papers
Asking for help and receiving support after a disaster
Kayleigh A. Urmson, David M. Johnston & Simon Kemp
Keywords: Christchurch; earthquake; help-seeking; comfort; support
Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
Sarah L Hemstock, Leigh-Ann Buliruarua, Emily YY Chan, Gloria Chan, Helene Jacot Des Combes, Peter Davey, Paul Farrell, Sian Griffiths, Henning Hansen, Tim Hatch, Ailsa Holloway, Teuleala Manuella-Morris, Tess Martin, Fabrice G. Renaud, Kevin Ronan, Benjamin Ryan, Joerg Szarzynski, Duncan Shaw, Soichiro Yasukawa, Tiffany Yeung & Virginia Murray
Keywords: capacity development, accreditation, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, training
The role of the organisation following disaster: Insights from nurse experiences after the Canterbury earthquakes
Zoe Mounsey, Sarb Johal & Katharina Näswall
Keywords: disaster, recovery, mental health, burnout, organisations, nursing
Toward a substantive dialogue: The case for an ethical framework in emergency management, Part 1
Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, Steven Jensen, Sandy Smith & David Etkin
Keywords: disaster risk management; emergency management; ethics; values; decision making; emergency; disaster
Toward a substantive dialogue: The case for an ethical framework in emergency management, Part 2
David Etkin, Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, Sandy Smith & Steven Jensen
Keywords: disaster risk management; emergency management; ethics; values; decision making; emergency; disaster
2015 - Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 2
Published: November 2015
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
This journal publication has been revised and is now presented as a series of individual PDF files as linked below.
Volume 19, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 19, Number 2
Practice Update
Knowledge transfer between communities, practitioners, and researchers: A case study for community resilience in Wellington, New Zealand
Emma E. H. Doyle, Julia S. Becker, Daniel P. Neely, David M. Johnston, Bruce Pepperell
Keywords: community resilience, knowledge transfer, facilitation, research, practice, communities, disasters
Research Papers
Did dog ownership influence perceptions of adult health and wellbeing during and following the Canterbury earthquakes? A qualitative study
Samuel Coombs, Annabel Eberlein, Kago Mantata, Ashleigh Turnhout & Catherine M Smith
Keywords: Canterbury Earthquake, Dog Ownership, Health, Wellbeing
Quiet heroes: Teachers and the Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes
Carol Mutch
Keywords: disaster studies, schools, teachers, first responders, psychosocial support
Volume 19, IRDR Conference Special Issue
Published: April 2015
The authors, titles and keywords of papers published in this issue are listed below with the title linked to each paper in PDF format.
A full listing of this issue's papers including abstracts can be found in the Contents Pages.
This journal publication has been revised and is now presented as a series of individual PDF files as linked below.
Volume 19, IRDR Conference Special Issue (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 19, IRDR Conference Special Issue
The importance of theory, analysis and practice to integrated disaster research: Introduction to the IRDR Conference Special Issue
Thomas J. Huggins & David M. Johnston
Keywords: disaster risk, analysis, theory, practice, social dimensions, integrated research
Community-led disaster risk management: A Māori response to Ōtautahi (Christchurch) earthquakes
Christine M. Kenney, Suzanne R. Pjibbs, Douglas Paton, John Reid & David M. Johnston
Keywords: Integrated, Risk, Governance, Indigenous, Management
Defining disaster: The need for harmonisation of terminology
Lidia Mayner & Paul Arbon
Keywords: text analysis, disaster, terminology, definitions, glossary
A needs-based approach for exploring vulnerability and response to disaster risk in rural communities in low income countries
David Oscar Yawson, Michael Osei Adu, Frederick Ato Armah, Joseph Kusi, Isaac Gershon Ansah & Canford Chiroro
Keywords: vulnerability, flood risk, disaster response, needs-based approach, northern Ghana, low income countries
Emergency preparedness and perceptions of vulnerability among disabled people following the Christchurch earthquakes: Applying lessons learnt to the Hyogo Framework for Action
Suzanne Phibbs, Gretchen Good, Christina Severinsen, Esther Woodbury & Kerry Williamson
Keywords: disaster, disability, preparedness, vulnerability, risk
Environment as trickster: Epistemology and materiality in disaster mitigation
Roberto E. Barrios
Keywords: epistemology, modernity, disasters, material agency, development
2014 - Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 18, Number 2 (with abstracts)
How People Affected by Disaster Use the Internet: A study of Facebook Usage during the 2014 Hazelwood Mine Fire in Victoria
Dr Owen Kulemeka
Keywords: social media, Australia, China, Facebook, fire
The Emotional Impact of the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake on the Junior Doctor workforce
Dr Dale Sheehan, Dr John Thwaites, Dr Blair York & Dr Jaejin Lee
Keywords: Disaster, Medicine, Narrative, Thematic analyses
Volume 18, Number 1 (complete issue)
Contents page -Volume 18, Number 1 (with abstracts)
The need for careful study design when investigating the benefits of psychological interventions for trauma survivors: a commentary on Renner, Bänninger-Huber, Peltzer (2011)
Tracy M. McGuire, Christopher W. Lee & Peter D. Drummond
Keywords: methodological rigour, research design, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, EMDR
Fallen through the cracks? The role of second responders in the Christchurch emergency: A Wellington perspective
Beverley McNally
Keywords: Christchurch, earthquakes, second responders, emergency management
Spirituality, gratitude, hope and post-traumatic growth among the survivors of the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi in Java, Indonesia
M.A. Subandi, Taufik Achmad, Hanifah Kurniati & Rizky Febri
Keywords: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Traumatic Growth, positive psychology, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
Reporting on the Seminar - Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA): Decision Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty
The World Social Science (WSS) fellows on Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA)
Keywords: interpretation, action, decision making, uncertainty, communication, interdisciplinary, workshop
Indigenous Peoples and urban disaster: Māori responses to the 2010-12 Christchurch earthquakes
Simon Lambert
Keywords: Christchurch, Indigenous communities, disaster response, Māori, cultural institutions
2013 - Volume 2013
Volume 2013-2 (complete issue)
Contents page -Volume 2013-2 (with abstracts)
The experience and future of businesses displaced by earthquake from central Christchurch, New Zealand.
Simon Kemp, Kin Yan Chan & Carsten Grimm
Keywords: Business decisions, Earthquake, Relocation
The 2009 New Zealand West Coast ShakeOut: Improving earthquake preparedness in a region of high seismic risk.
Caroline Orchiston, Chris Manuel, Maureen Coomer, Julia Becker & David Johnston
Keywords: earthquake hazard, ShakeOut, New Zealand, Alpine Fault, preparedness.
Volume 2013-1 (complete issue)
Contents Pages of Volume 2013-1 (with abstracts)
Land use planning and policy for earthquakes in the Wellington Region, New Zealand (2001-2011)
Becker, J.S., Beban, J., Suanders, W.S.A., Van Dissen, R. & King, A.
Keywords: Land use planning, Policy, Earthquakes, Wellington Region
Children's knowledge, cognitions and emotions surrounding natural disasters: An investigation of Year 5 students, Wellington, New Zealand
Teresa A. King & Ruth A.C. Tarrant
Keywords: disasters; education; children; earthquakes; cognitions; knowledge; emotions; preparedness.
The effects of news media reports on earthquake attributions and preventability judgments: Mixed messages about the Canterbury earthquake
John McClure & Justin Velluppillai
Keywords: Risk communication, Fatalistic messages, Attributions for damage, Preventability of damage
A systematic review of the measurement of compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and secondary traumatic stress in physicians
Arohina Nimmo & Peter Huggard
Keywords: compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatisation, secondary traumatic stress, physicians, systematic literature review
2012 - Volume 2012
Volume 2012-1 (complete issue)
Contents Pages of Volume 2012-1 (with abstracts)
Earthquake Risk Perception among Citizens in Kathmandu, Nepal
Pralhad Uprety & Anupama Poudel
Keywords: Disaster, Earthquake Awareness, Preparedness
Organisational Resilience and Recovery for Canterbury Organisations after the 4 September 2010 Earthquake
Kachali H., Stevenson J.R, Whitman Z., Seville E., Vargo J. & Wilson T
Keywords: organisations, disaster, resilience, recovery, industry sector, earthquake.
Climate change and mental health following flood disasters in developing countries, A review of the epidemiological literature: What do we know, what is being recommended?
Andrew Crabtree
Keywords: Climate Change, Flooding, Mental Health
Psychiatric Comorbidity in Amputees With Average Sociodemographic Status and the Role of Theologic and Family Support In A Conflict Zone
Nasir Muzaffar, Imtiaz Mansoor, Arifa Hafeez, & Mushtaq Margoob
Keywords: Amputee; PTSD; Comorbidity; Theology; Defense
2011 - Volume 2011
Volume 2011-3 (complete issue)
Contents Pages of Volume 2011-3 (with abstracts)
Leadership Through a School Tragedy: A Case Study (Part 1 - The First Week)
Ruth Tarrant
Keywords: leadership, school, tragedy, crisis, psychosocial, grief
Leadership Through a School Tragedy: A Case Study (Part 2 - The Next Two Years)
Ruth Tarrant
Keywords: leadership, school, tragedy, crisis, psychosocial, grief
Is “Fear Itself” The Only Thing We Have To Fear? Explorations of Psychology in Perceptions of the Vulnerability of Others
James Lewis, Ilan Kelman & Sarah A V Lewis
Keywords: fear, denial, psychology, vulnerability
“Tired of Caring”: The Impact of Caring on Resident Doctors
Peter Huggard & Robyn Dixon
Keywords: Physicians, compassion fatigue, burnout, compassion satisfaction, vicarious trauma
Volume 2011-2 (complete issue)
Contents Pages of Volume 2011-2 (with abstracts)
How the 2010 Canterbury (Darfield) earthquake affected earthquake risk perception: Comparing citizens inside and outside the earthquake region
John McClure, Celine Wills, David Johnston & Claudia Recker
Keywords: earthquakes, Canterbury earthquakes, risk perception, perceived earthquake likelihood
Sleeplessness, Stress, Cognitive Disruption and Academic Performance Following the September 4, 2010, Christchurch Earthquake
Simon Kemp, William S. Helton, Jessica J. Richardson, Neville M. Blampied & Michael Grimshaw
Keywords: disaster, earthquake, mental health, cognitive disruption, academic performance
Early Disaster Recovery: A Guide for Communities
Suzanne Vallance
Keywords: community development; community participation; urban resilience; social capital
Rapid response research in Christchurch: Providing evidence for recovery decisions and for future theoretical research
Felicity Powell, Abigail Harding, Jared Thomas & Kate Mora
Keywords: disaster recovery research, Canterbury earthquake, research dissemination, rapid response research, recovery indicators
The Management of Portable Toilets in the Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch after the February 22, 2011 Earthquake
R Potangaroa, S Wilkinson, M Zare & P Steinfort
Keywords: portable toilets, management, Christchurch, earthquake
Animal welfare impact following the 4 September 2010 Canterbury (Darfield) earthquake
Steve Glassey & Thomas Wilson
Keywords: Canterbury, Darfield, earthquake, emergency, pets, animals, welfare, disaster, New Zealand.
Commentary Article
Caring for the Carers: the emotional effects of disasters on health care professionals
Peter Huggard
Keywords: compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatisation, burnout, self-care
Volume 2011-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2011-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Risk and Resilience in Turbulent Times: Recent insights into managing hazard effects and traumatic stress
Douglas Paton
Framing effects on disaster preparation: Is negative framing more effective?
John McClure and Chris G Sibley
Keywords: framing effects, goal framing, disaster preparedness, risk communication
Self-esteem and Sense of Mastery Influencing Disaster Preparedness Behaviour
Sasmita Mishra, Damodar Suar & Douglas Paton
Keywords: Self-esteem, sense of mastery, communal mastery, disaster preparedness
The Strange Lake Nyos CO2 Gas Disaster: Impacts and The Displacement and Return of Affected Communities
Forka Leypey Mathew Fomine
Keywords: Lake Nyos, Cameroon, carbon dioxide gas, asphyxiation, resettlement, disaster
Violence, Psychological Trauma, and Possible Acute Post-traumatic Interventions in Pakistani Society
Muhammad Tahir Khalily, Suzane Foley, Ijaz Hussain & Maher Bano
Keywords: violent situation in Pakistan, psychological trauma, treatment response, Trauma center
Culture-Sensitive and Resource Oriented Peer (CROP) - Groups as a Community Based Intervention for Trauma Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study with Refugees and Asylum Seekers from Chechnya
Walter Renner, Eva Bänninger-Huber & Karl Peltzer
Keywords: Post-Traumatic Stress, Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Self-Help, Evaluation
2010 - Volume 2010
Volume 2010-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2010-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Special Issue on “Disaster Management: Views from the 921 Earthquake”.
Li-Wen Liu, Li-Ju Jang, Jieh-Jiuh Wang, Shu-Twu Wang & Fang-Yie Leu
Debris flow disaster mitigation on early warning and evacuation after the Chichi Earthquake in Taiwan
Huei-Long Wu, Su-Chin Chen, Tien-Ying Chou & Bo-Tsung Huang
Keywords: early warning system, evacuation and shelter, rainfall threshold value for debris flow
Evaluating the use of earthquake scenario exercises for developing disaster management strategies
Shyh-Yuan Maa & Jieh-Jiuh Wang
Keywords: Emergency management system, scenarios, exercises, urban earthquake disaster management policy
The 921 Earthquake: Developing a group intervention program for affected soldiers in the Taiwanese military
Cheng-Shen Hu & Sheng-Che Kuo
Keywords: group intervention, military, acute stress disorder, normalization
The grief process of a child survivor of the 921 Earthquake: A case report
Hsiu -Ling Peng
Keywords: grief counselling, expressive art materials, 921 Earthquake
Ten years after the 921 Earthquake: A report on the posttraumatic growth of Jen-Ai Hospital in Tali, Taiwan
Chi-Hsiang Hsu & Chih-Chung Su
Keywords: The 921 Earthquake, Jen-Ai Hospital, Tali C ommunity Health Promotion Center, posttraumatic growth
From a cross-disciplinary approach to construct a model of community disaster management support system
Li-Wen Liu, Li-Ju Jang, Fang-Yie Leu, Jieh-Jiuh Wang & Shu-Twu Wang
Keywords: Chi-chi Earthquake, risk assessment, community resilience, spatial analysis, community disaster management support system.
Volume 2010-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2010-1 (with abstracts)
Introduction : The Role Of Land-Use Planning In Disaster Risk Reduction: An Introduction To Perspectives From Australasia
Bruce C. Glavovic
Keywords: Natural hazards planning, disaster risk reduction, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Island Countries
Lessons from the United States: Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
Gavin Smith
Keywords: disaster recovery, planning, sustainable development, disaster resilience
Realising the potential of land-use planning to reduce hazard risks in New Zealand
Bruce C. Glavovic, Becker, J.S. & Saunders, W.S.A
Keywords: Natural hazards planning, risk reduction, New Zealand
A synthesis of challenges and opportunities for reducing volcanic risk through land use planning in New Zealand
Becker, J.S., Saunders, W.S.A., Robertson, C.M., Leonard, G.S., & Johnston,
Keywords: volcano, land use, planning, New Zealand
Exploring the social context of coastal erosion management in New Zealand: What factors drive particular environmental outcomes?
Paula Blackett, Terry Hume & Jim Dahm
Keywords: Coastal hazards, stakeholders, communities, positive and negative environmental outcomes
Community-based Civil Defence Emergency Management Planning in Northland, New Zealand
Antoinette Mitchell, Bruce C. Glavovic, Bill Hutchinson, Graeme MacDonald,
Melanie Roberts & Jim Goodland
Keywords: Community-based emergency planning, public participation, Northland, New Zealand
Social assessment as a complementary tool to hazard risk assessment and disaster planning
Alison Cottrell & David King
Keywords: social impact assessment, hazard mitigation, emergency management
Towards Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change Response in South East Queensland
Timothy F. Smith, Timothy Lynam, Benjamin L. Preston, Julie Matthews,
R. W. (Bill) Carter, Dana C. Thomsen, Jennifer Carter, Anne Roiko, Rodney
Simpson, Peter Waterman, Marcus Bussey, Noni Keys & Craig Stephenson
Keywords: Adaptive capacity, climate change, adaptation, South East Queensland
An Overview of Natural Hazard Planning in the Pacific Island Region
John Campbell
Keywords: Pacific Islands, disaster risk reduction, relief, urbanisation
Realising the promise of natural hazards planning: An Australasian perspective
Bruce C. Glavovic
Keywords: Natural hazards planning; sustainable hazard-resilient communities; Australasia
2009 - Volume 2009
Volume 2009-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2009-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Responding to the Unexpected: Emergency response, community and societal implications
Douglas Paton
Post-Disaster Psychosocial Support: A framework from lessons learnt through programmes in South-Asia
Dr Satyabrata Dash, M.D.
Keywords: Post disaster, situation, literature, review, efficacy, model framework
A Report On Traumatised and Non Traumatised Children’s Human Figure Drawings Reflecting Emotional Effects of Disastrous Conditions
Elif Celebi Oncu, Berrin Akman, Tulin Guler & Tugba Karaaslan
Keywords: Traumatised children, human figure drawings (HFDs), emotional expressions
Coping Strategies and Professional Quality of Life Among Emergency Workers
Gabriele Prati, Luigi Palestini and Luca Pietrantoni
Keywords: emergency workers; coping strategies; quality of life
Policies to Deal With Natural Disasters in View of a Social Business Partnership Model
Md. Abdur Raquib, Md. Wahid Murad, R. N. Anantharaman & Uchenna
Cyril Eze
Keywords: Natural disasters, preparedness and resiliency, social capital, social creativity, social business partnership model
Recruitment and Retention of Red Cross Disaster Volunteers
Christine Steerman Ph.D and Valerie Cole Ph.D
Keywords: disaster, volunteer, retention, disaster mental health
Short Communication
The Chinese Medical Response in Wenchuan Earthquake Relief : Experience of Rescue Team Member
Feng Cao, MD., PhD., Zheng Guo, MD., PhD., Weiping Liu, MD., Kai Liu, MD. & Lize Xiong, MD., PhD
Keywords: China; Earthquake relief; Medical rescue
2008 - Volume 2008
Volume 2008-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2008-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Fire Risk Communication and Preparedness: New evidence to empower the communities.\
Dr Fantina Tedim
A Report on Forest Fires in Cyprus
Boustras G, Bratskas R , Pourgouri S , Michaelides A , Efstathiades A, Katsaros E
Keywords: Forest fires, Cyprus, Forest Fire Statistics, Forest Protection Policies
How Close Do You Have To Be To Learn The Lesson? Fire Burns!
Kathryn Gow
Keywords: bushfire exposure; bushfire experience; disaster preparedness; Southeast Queensland
Urban-Forest Interfaces: A Favourable Stage for the Incidence and Development of Forest Fires in Portugal
Luciano Lourenço
Keywords: bushfire exposure; bushfire experience; disaster preparedness; Southeast Queensland
Understanding the Context: The value of community engagement in bushfire risk communication and education. Observations following the East Coast Tasmania bushfires of December 2006.
Tim Prior and Douglas Paton
Keywords: Bushfire, community perceptions, trust, preparedness, risk communication
Public Perceptions of Wildfire Risk and Forest Management in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island (USA)
Robert L. Ryan and Mark B. Wamsley
Keywords: wildland-urban interface - Northeast United States, Central Pine Barrens, Long Island, New York, local residents perceptions- wildland fire risk, fire hazard reduction strategies
Volume 2008-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2008-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Psychosocial Support in Community and Educational Contexts
Douglas Paton
Sense of Place: A Model for Community Based Psychosocial Support Programs
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz & Anjana Dayal
Keywords: Sense of place, psychosocial well-being, support
The Effects of Personality, Social Support and Religiosity on Posttraumatic Growth
Julie T. Wilson & Joseph M. Boden
Keywords: personality, Big Five, posttraumatic growth, social support, religiosity, extraversion
Short Communication
The 2004 Tsunami and University Students Academic Achievement
Teuku Tahlil & Ches Jones
Keywords: Tsunami, Adverse effects, College student, Academic achievement
2007 - Volume 2007
Volume 2007-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2007-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : From Fire to Foot and Mouth Disease: Safeguarding the well-being of children, communities and workers
Douglas Paton
Role Stress in Front Line Workers during the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic: The Value of Therapeutic Spaces
Dr Ian Convery, Dr Maggie Mort, Dr Cathy Bailey & Josephine Baxter
Keywords: foot and mouth disease; disaster workers; therapeutic spaces; trauma; posttraumatic experience
Natural Environment Disaster Survival Experiences: Narrative Research from Two Communities
Melvin Prince & Mark Alexander Phillip Davies
Keywords: tsunami, flood, disaster survivors, culture, narrative research
A Home-based Disaster Psychosocial Intervention Programme: Case Study of a School Fire Disaster Victim in India
Sujata Satapathy & Ajinder Walia
Keywords: Fire disasters, Psychological trauma, Play therapy, home-based intervention and Disaster mental health care service
Short Communication
Psychosocial Care During Rehabilitation A Thematic Approach
Jeyanth K.Newport & T.M. Padma
Keywords: Disaster Mental Health, Psychosocial Care, Rehabilitation, ELII Approach
Volume 2007-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2007-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Posttraumatic Growth: Is there evidence for changing our practice?
Colleen A Jackson
Understanding Adaptation to First-Episode Psychosis: The Relevance of Trauma and Posttraumatic Growth
Jane E Dunkley, Glen W Bates, Margaret Foulds & Paul Fitzgerald
Keywords: psychosis, trauma, posttraumatic growth, bipolar disorders
Posttraumatic Growth: Is there evidence for changing our practice?
Colleen A Jackson
Keywords: posttraumatic growth, coping, pathology, treatment
Coping Processes and Dimensions of Posttraumatic Growth
Bronwyn A. Morris, Jane Shakespeare-Finch & Jennifer L. Scott
Keywords: Posttraumatic Growth, Cancer, Coping
Personal and Organizational Predictors of Posttraumatic Adaptation and Growth in Police Officers
Douglas Paton & Karena J. Burke
Keywords: critical incidents, adaptive capacity, posttraumatic growth, police, training, teams, organizational culture
Posttraumatic Growth of Southeast Asian Survivors with Physical Injuries: Six Months after the 2004 Southeast Asian Earthquake-Tsunami
Catherine So-kum Tang
Keywords: Postraumatic growth, tsunami, Thailand, coping
2006 - Volume 2006
Volume 2006-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2006-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Responding to disaster: Questioning assumptions and building capacity
Douglas Paton
Well-being in Protective Services Personnel: Organisational Influences
Karena J. Burke & Douglas Paton
Keywords: emergency services, organisational climate, job satisfaction, traumatic events, occupational stress
Of hierarchy and hoarding: How inefficiencies actually make disaster relief work
Sidney Dekker & Nalini Suparamaniam
Keywords: procedures, plans, relief work, authority, hierarchy, efficiency
Resistance to Cross-cultural Psychosocial Efforts in Disaster and Trauma: Recommendations for Ethnomedical Competence
Siddharth Ashvin Shah
Keywords: psychosocial treatment, relief work, disaster relief, tsunami relief, psychological trauma, cross-cultural trauma recovery, trans-cultural treatments, alternative treatments
Volume 2006-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2006-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Disaster Response and Recovery: Considering volunteers, displaced communities and cultural heritage
Douglas Paton
Disaster management and cultural heritage: An investigation of knowledge and perceptions of New South Wales Rural Fire Service Brigade Captains
Kristy Graham & Dirk HR Spennemann
Keywords: Disaster Management, Heritage Protection, Rural Fire Service, Attitudinal Barriers, Education
The Trauma And Beyond Trauma of Political Displacement: An Exploratory Case Study of One White Zimbabwean Farmer
Professor Zelda G Knight
Keywords: Political, Displacement, Zimbabwe, Trauma, Farmers, Aftermath, Psychologica
State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer members: An investigation into coping abilities and adjustment strategies following emergency activations.
Felicity Shipley & Kathryn Gow
Keywords: SES volunteers; critical incidents; coping
2005 - Volume 2005
Volume 2005-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2005-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Positive adaptation to disaster and traumatic consequences: Resilience and readiness
Douglas Paton
Workplace violence experienced by paramedics: Relationships with social support, job satisfaction, and psychological strain
Paula Brough
Keywords: Workplace violence, paramedics, psychological strain, job satisfaction, social support
Waves of Violence - Women in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka
Susan Rees, Eileen Pittaway & Linda Bartolomei
Keywords: Gender, Violence, Tsunami, Sri Lanka, Disaster, Women
The Rescue Personality: Fact or Fiction?
Shannon L. Wagner
Keywords: emergency services, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, traumatic event, personality, rescue, fire, police, ambulance
Volume 2005-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2005-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Preparing for and Responding to Adverse Events: Perspectives on Natural and Political Hazards
Douglas Paton
Perceptions of Risk for Volcanic Hazards at Vesuvio and Etna, Italy
Matthew S. Davis, Tullio Ricci & Lara M. Mitchell
Keywords: Risk Perception, Volcanic Hazards, Vesuvio, Etna, Italy
Correlates of post-traumatic stress and physical symptoms in Nepali adults under political turmoil
Elaine Duncan, Yori Gidron, Roshan Prakash Shrestha & Timothy Aryal
Keywords: Nepal, political turmoil, post-traumatic stress, physical symptoms, perceived psychological proximity
Debriefing interventions for stressful events among collective societies: The case of the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel
Marwan Dwairy D. Sc.
Keywords: Debriefing, Stress, Management, Culture, Arabs
Optimistic bias in relation to preparedness for earthquakes
Matthew J. Spittal, John McClure, Richard J. Siegert & Frank H. Walkey
Keywords: optimistic bias, earthquake preparedness
Book Review
Management of dead bodies in disaster situations
Pan American Health Organisation and World Health Organisation.(2004),
Washington DC.
ISBN: 92 75 12529 5
as reviewed by Emeritus Professor A.J.W. Taylor, School of Psychology, Victoria
University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2004 - Volume 2004
Volume 2004-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2004-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Managing Traumatic Stress in Complex Emergencies: Demographic, organizational and cultural influences
Douglas Paton
Effects of Cultural Values on the Attitudes and Behaviours of Survivors of the 1999 Earthquake in Turkey
M.Aytul Kasapoglu & Mehmet C. Ecevit
Keywords: disasters, traditionalism, materialism, attitudes, Turkey
The need for ER protocol in the treatment of public manifesting ASR symptoms following disaster
Prof. Mooli Lahad & Ruvie Rogel
Keywords: ASR-Acute Stress Disorder , Surge capacity phenomena , ER- Emergency Room, Trauma, ASR-site,ASR -protocol
Stress Reactions and Coping Resources Mobilized by Children under Shelling and Evacuation
Dr Miri Shacham & Prof. Mooli Lahad
Keywords: evacuation, stress reactions, coping resources, resiliency, "BASIC PH" Model of Coping and Resiliency
Volume 2004-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2004-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Proactive response to contemporary hazards: Perspectives from military peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and emergency management contexts
Douglas Paton
The Ruapehu lahar emergency response plan development process: An analysis
Ian Galley, Graham Leonard, David Johnston, Richard Balm & Douglas Paton
Keywords: Ruapehu, lahar, Crater Lake, Tangiwai, planning, emergency response, psychology, development, disaster, ERLAWS
Risks Associated with the Psychological Adjustment of Humanitarian Aid Workers
Colleen A. McFarlane
Keywords: Humanitarian aid workers, traumatic stress, mental health, risk factors, wellbeing
Occupational Stress and Peacekeepers
A.J.W. Taylor
Keywords: peacekeeping, philosophy, selection, training, organisational support, occupational stress
2003 - Volume 2003
Volume 2003-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2003-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Expanding Perspectives on Duty-Related Traumatic Stress
Douglas Paton
Counting the Cost: Psychological Distress in Career and Auxiliary Firefighters
P Greg Dean, Kathryn M Gow & Jane Shakespeare-Finch
Keywords: trauma; firefighters; psychological distress; occupational stressors; PTSD
Coping and Adjustment Strategies used by Emergency Services Staff after Traumatic Incidents: Implications for Psychological Debriefing, Reconstructed Early Intervention and Psychological First Aid.
R. J. Ørner, S. King, A. Avery, R. Bretherton, P. Stolz & J. Ormerod
Keywords: Coping, Psychological Debriefing, Early Intervention, Emergency Services, Peer Support
Public inquiries into deaths in care: Effects on emergency responders
Cheryl Regehr
Keywords: Emergency responders, public inquiries, death, media, organisation
2002 - Volume 2002
Volume 2002-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2002-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial :
Douglas Paton
After the war is over ... PTSD symptoms in World War II veterans
Margaret Lindorff
Keywords: World War II; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Combat exposure
Involuntary resettlement, Impoverishment Risks and Sustainable Livelihoods
Dr Christopher McDowell
Keywords: sustainable livelihoods, reconstruction, institutions, impoverishment risks
A Hostage Trauma Assignment in Fiji
A.J.W. Taylor, E. Nailatikau & F.H.Walkey
Keywords: Hostages, hostage families, stress trauma, religion, justice, cross-cultural/organisational
Book Review
Decision Making in Complex, Evolving Emergencies
Decision Making Under Stress: Emerging themes and applications
by Flin, R., Salas, E., Strub, M. and Martin, L. (eds) (1997), Aldershot:
Ashgate. ISBN: 0 291 39856 1
as reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Responding to emergencies: Decision making and team perspectives
Incident Command: Tales from the hot seat
by Flin, R., & Arbuthnot, K. (eds) (2002), Aldershot: Ashgate.
ISBN: 0 7546 1341 0
as reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Volume 2002-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2002-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Special Edition: Health benefits of the disclosure of emotions about traumatic experiences: What is the evidence and potential for therapeutic benefits?
Christine Stephens
Written Emotional Expression and Well-Being: Result From a Home-Based Study
David Sheffield, Elaine Duncan, Karen Thomson & Sarbjit S. Johal
Keywords: disclosure, emotional events, disclosure intervention, health improvement, writing about emotions
Structured writing about a natural disaster buffers the effect of intrusive thoughts on negative affect and physical symptoms
Joshua M. Smyth, Jill Hockemeyer, Chris Anderson, Kim Strandberg, Michelle Koch, H. Katherine O'Neill & Susan McCammon
Keywords: Disaster, Trauma, Writing, Intrusions, Negative Affect, Symptoms
2001 - Volume 2001
Volume 2001-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2001-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Police Trauma
John M. Violanti
Traumatic Events of New Recruits and Serving Police
Grant Buchanan, Christine Stephens & Nigel Long
Keywords: Traumatic events, multiple trauma, police, police recruits
Human remains and psychological impact on police officers: Excerpts from psychiatric observations
Claudia L. Greene, M.D.
Keywords: body handling, police, trauma
Effective Postvention for Police Suicide
Robert Loo
Keywords: Police suicide, postvention, trauma
Reconceptualizing Traumatic Incidents Experienced by Law Enforcement Personnel
George T. Patterson
Keywords: police officers, traumatic incidents, critical incident debriefing
The Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Exposure to Traumatic Incidents Among Police Officers
George T. Patterson
Keywords: Police officers, traumatic incidents, demographic variables, mental health services
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Intervention in Law Enforcement: Differing Perspectives
John M. Violanti
Keywords: Psychological Trauma, intervention, pathogenic
Book Review
Hazard Reduction: Developing an all-hazards capability
Geological Hazards: Their assessment, avoidance and mitigation
by Fred G. Bell (1999) E & FN Spon, London, ISBN: 0-419-16970-9
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Managing seismic risk: Integrating organisational and community strategies
Shared Risk: Complex systems in seismic response
by Louise K. Comfort (1999) Oxford, Pergamon Press. ISBN: 0-08-043211-5.
Price: NLG 194; USD 98.50
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Vulnerability, resilience and Adaptation to Adverse Developmental Experiences
Resilience and Development: Positive life adaptation
by Meyer D. Glantz and Jeanette L. Johnston (eds) (1999). New York:
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing. ISBN: 0-306-46123-4
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Volume 2001-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2001-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Reducing the consequences of disaster and trauma: Readiness and therapeutic perspectives.
Douglas Paton
Effects of the 1995-1996 Ruapehu eruptions and people's perceptions of volcanic hazards after the event.
Julie Becker, Richard Smith, David Johnston & Adam Munro
Keywords: Mt Ruapehu, eruption, physical and social impacts
School Children's Risk Perceptions and Preparedness: A Hazards Education Survey
Kevin R Ronan, David M Johnson, Michele Daly & Raewyn Fairley
Keywords: natural hazards, risk perceptions, community understanding, risk communication, preparedness
Trauma and the Therapist: The Experience of Therapists Working with the Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse
Lyndall Steed & Jacquie Bicknell
Keywords: Secondary Traumatic Stress, Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, therapist exposure, sex offenders
Book Review
Disaster Relief: Responding to International Development Needs
Rising from the Ashes: Development strategies in times of disaster.
by Anderson, M. & Woodrow, P.J. (1998) London, Intermediate Technology
Publications (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.) ISBN: 1-85339-439-4
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Policy and Planning for Hazard and Disaster Management
Community Emergency Preparedness: A manual for managers and policy makers.
by World Health Organisation (1999) Geneva, World Health Organisation.
ISBN: 92-4-154519-4.
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Applying Risk Management Standard to Disaster management
Disaster Risk Management.
by Zamecka, A. & Buchanan, G. (1999) Queensland Department of
Emergency Services. ISBN: 0-7242-9341
Available from: Queensland Department of Emergency Services, GPO Box 1425,
Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia.
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
2000 - Volume 2000
Volume 2000-2
Contents Pages of Volume 2000-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Special Edition: Risk Information & Communication.
Bernd Rohrmann
Special Edition Papers - Risk Information & Communication
Editor: Bernd Rohrmann
Exposure to Risk and Trust in Information; Implications for the Credibility of Risk Communication
Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg
Keywords: risk perception, exposure, communication, credibility, trust
Perceptions of risk from natural hazards in two remote New Zealand communities
Janet Gough
Keywords: natural hazards, risk perceptions, community understanding, risk communication, preparedness
Are Flood Warnings Futile? Risk communication in emergencies
John Handmer
Keywords: warnings; warning failure; floods and flooding; assessment; emergency communications
A socio-psychological model for analyzing risk communication processes
Bernd Rohrmann
Keywords: risk information, risk communication, hazards, disaster preparedness
Hazardous Incident Information for the Public: Is it Useful?
Holger Schütz and Peter M. Wiedemann
Keywords: risk communication, risk perception, evaluation, Seveso-Directive, chemical hazards
Tragedy and Trauma in Tuvalu
A.J.W. Taylor
Keywords: school fire, trauma and ghosts, cross-cultural factors
Assessment and Intervention with Kosovar Refugees: Design and Management of a Therapeutic Team
Dave Vicary & Grey Searle
Keywords: multi-disciplinary team, Kosovar refugees, community driven assessment and intervention, debriefing and reintegration.
Book Review
Owning the Future: Integrated Risk Management in Practice
edited by David Elms, Centre for Advanced Engineering 1998; ISBN:
0-908993-17-X; 330 pages.
As reviewed by David Johnston, Wairakei Research Centre, Taupo, New Zealand.
Volume 2000-1
Contents Pages of Volume 2000-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : The Millenium, Bugs, and Sun Storms
Douglas Paton
Children's and Adolescents' Exposure to Community Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions, and Treatment Implications
Steven L. Berman, Wendy K. Silverman & William M. Kurtines
Keywords: violence, children, adolescent, crime, treatment, post-traumatic stress
On Neutrality in a War Zone
Clay Foreman
Keywords: neutrality, war zone, CIVPOL, peacekeeping
1999 - Volume 1999
Volume 1999-2
Contents Pages of Volume 1999-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Exporting Trauma Programs
John Raftery
Disaster Stress Following a Hurricane: The role of religious differences in the Fijian Islands
Matt Gillard & Douglas Paton
Keywords: Disaster, vulnerability, religion, culture, stress
Value Conflict Arising from a Disaster
A.J.W. Taylor
Keywords: Value conflicts, religion and health, natural disaster causation
Cross-cultural Counseling In Disaster Settings
George W. Doherty
Keywords: Disaster, Counselling, cross-cultural, consultation
Volume 1999-1
Contents Pages of Volume 1999-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Special Edition: Children, trauma and disasters.
Dr Kevin R Ronan
Special Edition Papers
Prediction of Children's Coping Following a Natural Disaster - the Mount Ruapehu Eruptions: A prospective study
Caryl A Huzziff & Kevin R Ronan
Keywords: Children, Natural Disasters, Coping, Home Factors, Negative Cognitive and Emotional Style, PTSD
Children's Conceptualisation of some child sexual abuse prevention concepts as taught by 'Keeping Ourselves Safe', a New Zealand Prevention Programme
C C M Woolley & T C M Gabriels
Keywords: sexual abuse prevention, children, developmental
Community-Based Fire Preparedness Programmes: An Empirical Evaluation
Dr Bernd Rohrmann
Keywords: fire, disaster preparedness, risk communication, evaluation
1998 - Volume 1998
Volume 1998-3
Contents Pages of Volume 1998-3 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Special Edition: Current events in the memory-trauma field.
A.J.W. Taylor PhD
The Complex Issues in Researching "False memory Syndrome"
Dr Kathryn Gow
Keywords: false memories, recovered memories, false memory syndrome
Compensation for Mental Trauma Injuries in New Zealand
J.M. Miller
Keywords: mental trauma, accident compensation,no fault, New Zealand, damages
Trauma Treatment To Target Memory
A.J.W. Taylor PhD
Keywords: memory of trauma, flashbacks, trauma treatment, situational contexts, training emergency personnel
Volume 1998-2
Contents Pages of Volume 1998-2 (with abstracts)
Editorial : Humanitarian Aid following disasters: Problems, issues and directions.
Douglas Paton & John Raftery
More than PTSD: Proactive Responses Among Disaster Survivors
Anne Eyre PhD
Keywords: Post-traumatic stress, qualitative research, survivors, Britain
Volcanic hazard perceptions in Inglewood, New Zealand
David Johnston & Kelly Benton
Keywords: volcanic eruptions, risks, community perception, preparation
A Phenomenological Study of Vicarious Traumatisation Amongst Psychologists and Professional Counsellors Working in the Field of Sexual Abuse/Assault
Lyndall G Steed & Robyn Downing
Keywords: vicarious traumatisation, sexual abuse/assault
Reports, Commentaries and News
The Waikato Regional Flood Event of 9-20 July 1998
AJ Munro
Keywords: Waikato River, flood warning, flood management, water level, rainfall
Book Reviews
Critical Incident Command: Exploring the psychological dimension
Sitting in the hot seat: Leaders and teams for critical incident management.
by R Flin Chichester, John Wiley & Son. ISBN: 0-471-95796-8
As reviewed by Douglas Paton, School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand.
Volume 1998-1
Contents Pages of Volume 1998-1 (with abstracts)
Guest Editorial : Psychological (Stress) Debriefing: Where are we now?
Justin Kenardy, PhD
Social science versus social movements: The origins and natural history of debriefing
Richard Gist, Ph.D & S. Joseph Woodall
Keywords: debriefing, Barnum effect, rescue personality, citation, social movements
Individual Differences and Debriefing Effectiveness
Carmen Moran
Keywords: individual differences, coping, stress, emergency worker
Work-related psychological trauma: A social psychological and organisational approach to understanding response and recovery
Douglas Paton, Leigh M. Smith & Christine Stephens
Keywords: Debriefing, organisational environment, social psychology, cognitive theory
1997 - Volume 1997
Volume 1997-3
Contents Pages of Volume 1997-3 (with abstracts)
Douglas Paton
The Cave Creek Incident: a REASONed Explanation
Anne Isaac
Keywords: disaster, socio-technical systems, organsiational culture, safety
The Effect of Increased Earthquake Knowledge on Perceived Preventability of Earthquake Damage
Francisco Hurnen & John McClure
Keywords: earthquakes, perceived preventability, preparation, information
An Evaluation of Humour in Emergency Work
Carmen Moran & Margaret Massam
Keywords: emergency work, coping, humour, communication
Residuals of Police Occupational Trauma
John M. Violanti
Keywords: police, trauma, addiction, occupational exposure
Conference Reports
New Zealand Psychological Society Conference 1997
- held at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand : August/September 1997
- The keynote address presented by Dr Bessel van der Kolk entitled The psychobiology of post traumatic states. as reported by A.J.W. Taylor, Psychology Department, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Comprehensive emergency management: An emerging role for the social sciences. A report on the Disaster Psychology Symposium by Douglas Paton, Department of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
- Psychological Aspects of Trauma. A report on the Trauma Psychology Symposium by Christine Stephens, Department of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Book Reviews
Reducing stress in working with PTSD clients: The value of a practitioner's guidebook.
Treating post-traumatic stress disorder: A handbook and practice manual
for therapy.
by Donald Meichenbaum (1997) John Wiley: Brisbane.
As reviewed by Kevin R. Ronan, Department of Psychology, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Volume 1997-2
Contents Pages of Volume 1997-2 (with abstracts)
Doing Better than the Media: Ethical issues in Trauma Research.
John Raftery
Keywords: trauma, media, research, ethics
Flashback to Buried Memories of Sexual Abuse in a Case of Homicide
A.J.W. Taylor
Keywords: provocation, surrogate, flashback, killing
Volume 1997-1
Contents Pages of Volume 1997-1 (with abstracts)
Editorial by Douglas Paton
Disaster and Trauma Studies: Developing an Australasian
The Effects of a "Benign" Disaster: Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress in Children Following a Series of Volcanic Eruptions
Kevin R. Ronan
Keywords: Volcanic eruptions, childhood post-traumatic stress, self reported symptom clusters
Debriefing, Social Support and PTSD in the New Zealand Police: Testing a multidimensional model of organisational traumatic stress
Christine V. Stephens
Keywords: Police social support, trauma, PTSD, recovery environment, debriefing
All papers are protected under the Creative Commons attribution as per our copyright notice.