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Children's University Massey , Wānanga Nohinohi Te Kunenga

Wānanga Nohinohi Te Kunenga – Children’s University Massey offers tamariki and rangatahi a range of exciting, out-of-school learning opportunities to help them connect to their love of learning.

Lifelong learning is something we strongly believe in at Massey. That's why we partnered with Children’s University Australasia and Africa to bring this wonderful programme to our local schools and communities across the North Island.

What we do

Children's University is a programme that supports and encourages young learners to participate in educational experiences outside the classroom. This programme, available to tamariki aged 7 to 14, identifies learning opportunities and destinations where tamariki can explore, gain confidence and develop a passion for learning. The programme rewards activity engagement, helping our ākonga (students) to recognise that learning can happen anytime, anywhere.

How it works


To join the programme, tamariki aged 7 to 14 register through their participating school or rūnanga and are issued a Passport to Learning.


With their passports, tamariki can visit local learning destinations of their choice. The visits are recorded, and each entry is validated in their passports by the learning destinations.


Once issued their passports, ākonga work to fill them with 'learning hours' by participating in learning experiences that get validated by the School Coordinator or the Learning Destination. These can include:

  • Visiting any Learning Destination of their choice, either local or across Aotearoa or Australia. These destinations include museums, parks, art galleries, libraries, event days and much more.
  • Completing activities through the online portal (great for days that they can't get out and about!)
  • Participating in extra-curricular clubs such as sports, music, robotics, dance, and Scouts.


Participating schools and rūnanga are invited to a Discovery Day, hosted at their local Massey University campus, to experience a range of exciting activities.


Once tamariki have earned 30 hours or more in their passports, they receive a certificate at a graduation ceremony to celebrate their achievements. It’s super fun and a proud moment for all involved. Graduations are hosted each year – returning students earn higher achievements for their accumulated learning.


Tamariki are encouraged to continue their learning and gather more learning hours for their next certificate level.

Children's University has lots of cool learning stuff I never knew before – Isla (Year 5)

It has opened so many doors to the world of learning. Isla feels like she can do and be successful at anything – Ruth (Isla’s Mum)

Image of children and academic staff in graduation gowns


School partners that join the programme become part of a broader network of Children's University schools. Many schools report improved attendance and engagement with classroom learning as a result of participation with Children’s University.

To find out more about getting your school signed up with Children's University Massey, contact our team at

Children's University graduation

Learning destinations

Learning destinations are locations or organisations that offer child-safe, educational opportunities and activities. The learning destinations can either be visited by tamariki with their whānau and friends, or can offer activities in schools such as sports during lunchtimes or workshops on a specific theme (such as art).

Tamariki can choose from any of the local North Island based Learning Destinations they want to visit, as well as other Learning Destinations across Aotearoa and even Australia!

Tamariki that complete the destination's activity will receive a stamp or sticker for their passport.

Learning destinations can include:

  • museums
  • art galleries
  • wildlife parks, reserves and farms
  • libraries
  • parks
  • local businesses
  • and more!

It’s a joy and honour to see the passion and the curiosity from the children to learn different cultures and explore the diversity of the world – Global Parents Support (Learning destination)

How you can support Children's University

Children's University is committed to supporting children's well-being and future aspirations by creating memorable learning experiences for them outside of school. This encourages tamariki and rangatahi to discover their passions, gain confidence and expand their understanding of what is possible.

Your support will help us reach more tamariki and make these life-changing experiences available to them.

Get in touch with us to discuss the many ways you can support Children's University and the work we do for tamariki in New Zealand.

Our team

We are here to help with any questions you have.

 Janet Van Jenkins

Janet Van Jenkins

Programme Manager & Coordinator (Auckland Region)
 Bettina Anderson

Bettina Anderson

Programme Coordinator (Manawatū Region)
 Naomi Westrupp

Naomi Westrupp

Programme Coordinator (Wellington Region)

Get in touch

If you are a parent, part of a school or a learning destination who want to be a part of this amazing opportunity for tamariki, get in touch with us on or fill out the enquiry form below.