Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre

The Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre in Palmerston North can be used by researchers, Crown Research Institutes, other teaching institutions, hospitals and commercial clients.

We have a professional team of specialists to help you with your microscopy needs, including:

  • transmitted light and fluorescence microscopy
  • electron microscopy
  • image analysis.

Booking a microscope

If you are a first-time user of the Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), you will need to register.

Registered users can book online

Our facilities

Electron microscopy

Scanning confocal microscopy

Live-cell imaging platform

Additional light microscopes

Calibrations for microscopes

Light microscopy

Zeiss Axiophot compound light microscope:

Table of calibration data for images taken with DFC320 camera on Zeiss Axiophot compound light microscope
Configuration Image width
4x 3.60mm
10x 1.44mm
20x 723um
40x 355um
100x 145um

Fluorescence microscopy

Olympus BX51 fluorescence light microscope with MicroManager five-colour camera:

Table of calibration data for images taken with Olympus BX51 fluorescence light microscope with MicroManager five-colour camera.
Configuration Bin2
(For Bin1 divide each value in half)
Pixel size (um)
4x 3.36um
10x 1.35um
20x 0.67um
40x 0.33um
100x 0.14um

Get more information

For information about the confocal/widefield fluorescence microscopes and transmitted light microscopes:
Contact Matthew Savoian

For information about Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):

Contact Yanyu He

Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre


+64 356 9099 extension 84714


Physical address
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Riddet Road
Massey University
Palmerston North

Postal address
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North 4472

Location: Find us on Google maps

Dr Matthew Savoian's photo

Dr Matthew Savoian

PhD, BSc

Director – Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), Senior Lecturer in Molecular Cell Biology, Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences, Manawatū campus, Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences, Manawatū campus

+64 6 356 9099 extension 84714

I am the director of the Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), Massey's imaging facility. I am also a cell biologist. Along with MMIC Director I am a Senior Lecturer in Molecular Cell Biology in the School of Fundamental Sciences.

My laboratory is interested in understanding the molecular basis of male fertility. Specifically, we focus on two fundamental processes, how chromosomes are accurately segregated during meiosis and the cellular events underlying sperm development. To investigate these we employ the Drosophila melanogaster fruit flymodel system and a multidisciplinary approach that combines quantitative live and fixed cell cell microscopy with molecular genetics and additional complementary imaging and analytical techniques.

 Yanyu He's photo

Yanyu He


Microscopy technician, Manawatū Microscopy and Imaging Centre (MMIC), School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences, Manawatū campus

+64 6 356 9099 extension 84602