About and using the Massey Genome Service

Massey Genome Service provides DNA & RNA sequencing services to Aotearoa New Zealand researchers and students. We are located on Massey's Manawatū campus in Palmerston North.

Login or register to use our services.

Services we provide

We operate three services.

  • Sanger sequencing and genotyping service using Applied Biosystems Inc (ABI). ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl capillary instrumentation.
  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) service using Illumina MiSeq™ instrumentation.
  • LabChip service for the quality checking of NGS libraries and RNA samples.

Pricing information can be found on the detailed service description pages below.

ABI sequencing & genotyping services

Sanger sequencing and genotyping service using Applied Biosystems Inc (ABI). ABI 3730 and ABI 3500xl capillary instrumentation.

ABI-3500XL-DNA-Sequencer 2 machine ABI-3500XL-DNA-Sequencer 2 machine ABI-3500XL-DNA-Sequencer 2 machine ABI-3500XL-DNA-Sequencer 2 machine

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Next Generation Sequencing using Illumina MiSeq™ Instrumentation at the Massey Genome Service.

Illumina MiSeq™ instrument. Illumina MiSeq™ instrument. Illumina MiSeq™ instrument. Illumina MiSeq™ instrument.

LabChip® Service

We offer a LabChip® Service for the quality and quantification assessment of DNA and RNA samples.

LabChip machine LabChip machine LabChip machine LabChip machine

Using the service

Login to:

  • place your sample requests
  • ask questions
  • get ABI sequencing and genotyping data if you are an existing customer.

If you are a new user, you can also register to use the service.

Login or register to use our services

Step by step instructions

Order and account numbers

You must provide a correct order number (external customers) or account number (internal customers) on each online request submission sent to the service.

We will not process samples for requests that arrive at our facility until one of these numbers has been provided.

Purchase orders

Your purchase order (PO) must be generated by the institute that registered in the account. If your PO is generated by a different institute please email Xiaoxiao Lin.

Avoiding extra charges

To avoid being charged for work that is not completed by Massey Genome Service, please cancel or delete requests that are no longer required as soon as possible.

Including request form printouts

Please send the printout of the request form with your samples to Massey Genome Service. The printout of the request form is needed for sample identification.

Recent service additions

News about the latest instruments and technologies in the Massey Genome Service.
ABI3500XL genetic analyzer

ABI3500XL genetic analyzer

We now have an ABI3500XL genetic analyzer for sequencing and genotyping services. We are processing samples using both ABI3730 and ABI3500XL instruments.

Machine for analysing biosystems

Applied biosystems sanger analysis modules

Cloud-based Applied Biosystems™ Sanger analysis modules are available for secondary analysis:

  • Quality Check
  • Variant Analysis
  • NGS Confirmation
  • Peak Scanner
  • Microsatellite Analysis

Sign up to the Thermo Fisher Connect Platform to use these modules

Contact us

Wet Lab – Technical staff

Xiaoxiao Lin

Laboratory/QA Manager

Lorraine Berry

Senior Laboratory Technician

Dry Lab – Bioinformatics Staff

Mauro Truglio

Bioinformatics Technician

Massey Genome Service

Office phone

+64 6 951 9080 (external)

Extension 86080 (internal customers)

Laboratory phone

+64 6 951 8735 (external)

Extension 85735 (internal customers)


Physical address
Massey Genome Service
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Room ScD3.15A, Riddet Road
Massey University
Turitea Campus
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand

Postal address
Massey Genome Service
Massey University
Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand

Courier address
Massey Genome Service
School of Food Technology and Natural Sciences
Inward Goods
Science Tower A, Level 1,
Columbo Road, Massey University
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand