Bowl of food

Nutrition and Dietetic Centre, Auckland , Te Whare Kai Tōtika, Tamaki Makaurau

We offer personalised nutritional advice and assessments and nutrition education talks.

What we do

The Nutrition and Dietetic Centre in Auckland provides sound, practical nutritional advice backed by science and research.

We offer personalised nutritional advice and assessments and nutrition education talks.

We translate the science of nutrition into clear and practical messages, helping you navigate the supermarket aisles and plan meals that are right for your health, your family and your budget.


We offer nutrition care for the following health concerns:

  • Healthy eating (children and adults)
  • High cholesterol and/or heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes
  • Intuitive eating
  • Coeliac disease
  • Constipation
  • Nutrition after cancer treatment
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Nutrition for pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Introducing solids
  • Diagnosed allergies and intolerances
  • Early stage kidney disease
  • Poor appetite.

We are unable to offer nutrition care for:

  • eating disorders
  • undiagnosed allergies and intolerances
  • significant unintentional weight loss
  • medical issues requiring a hospital referral.

In some cases where complex or very specialised care is required, we may complete a comprehensive nutrition assessment but need to refer on for appropriate intervention where the condition falls outside of the scope of a student-led clinic.

Costs and payment

Fees are in New Zealand dollars and include GST.

Initial consultation (60 minutes)

$60 for a Master of Science (MSc) student dietitian-led consultation with a New Zealand registered dietitian supervising.

Review consultation (30 minutes)

$30 for a MSc student dietitian-led consultation with a dietitian supervising.

Payment options

  1. Credit/debit card – secure payment form
  2. We can provide detailed receipts on request for insurance purposes.

Book an appointment


We accept self-referrals and referrals from GPs and other healthcare professionals for nutrition-related medical and non-medical conditions. You will need a Procare GP referral for free Type 2 diabetes consultations.

What to expect

Initial consultation

The first consultation gives you the chance to tell your story. We will discuss your:

  • medical history
  • weight history
  • lifestyle
  • eating patterns and behaviours.

You will be emailed a pre-consultation questionnaire to complete prior to your first visit and will be asked to keep a three-day food and mood diary.

We take into account your current weight, lifestyle and personal goals to create a bespoke lifestyle plan that is realistic and achievable. Supporting information such as recipes and hand-outs will be provided.

Review consultations

Follow-up sessions allow for plan modification and help keep you on track. Each session gives us the chance to concentrate on a particular aspect of your diet and lifestyle.

Contract of care

Additional services

Additional services including body composition analysis, supermarket tours, menu reviews, seminars and workshops are available.

ACTIVEating for reluctant eaters

Massey University's Speech Language Therapy Clinic offers the ACTIVEating programme for children who are very reluctant eaters. The course runs for 8 to 12 weeks, and the specialist team tailor it to the family's goals.

Dietitian consultations within the ACTIVEating programme are student-led and charged at $35.

Find out about ACTIVEating programme costs and how to apply for this service.

Body Composition Analysis — Fit3D

The Nutrition and Dietetic Centre offer a new standard in body assessment. The Fit3D body scanner shows what your body looks like in 3D.

With Fit3D, you can:

- analyse your posture and track your balance — ideal for injury prevention

- track your weight and body composition — see how your body is changing over time

- access your results online and on the app.

Contact to book and appointment.

Eating disorders with NZ Eating Disorders Clinic

Specialist dietitian-led clinics for eating disorders are available in collaboration with NZ Eating Disorders Clinic (Freemans Bay, Auckland) on Tuesday mornings.

Costs are $230 to $340 for the 60 to 90-minute initial consultation and then $138 to $207 for the 30 to 50-minute review.

Contact New Zealand Eating Disorders Clinic to book an appointment.

Who we are

Booking and administration

Sarah Journeaux

School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition


 Garalynne Stiles

Garalynne Stiles

Professional Clinician in Dietetics
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
 Maria Casale

Maria Casale

Professional Clinician in Dietetics
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition

Education and research

Professor Kathryn Beck

Professor Kathryn Beck

Professor in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
Professor Cathryn Conlon

Professor Cathryn Conlon

School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
Albany Campus, Auckland

Student clinicians

Student-led consultations by Massey University dietetic students are under the supervision of a New Zealand Registered Dietitian. All students are qualified nutritionists. They have already completed three years of undergraduate study in nutrition, with some also majoring in psychology or sport and exercise.

The students involved at the Nutrition and Dietetic Centre are first- or second-year students enrolled in the Nutrition and Dietetics two-year master's degree.

Our dietetic students do internships in various organisations, including Health New Zealand hospitals. As a result, they undergo police vetting and are reference-checked and screened under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

They also go through strict health screening in line with hospital policies. All the students also comply with professional conduct and confidentiality requirements under the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and the Privacy Act 1993.

Find us

Our clinic room is on the Massey University (Auckland) East Precinct campus, Gate 1, 151 Dairy Flat Hwy, Albany. You will receive driving directions and parking information when you book your consultation.

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