About the study
The main aim of this research is to develop an algorithm to accurately assess physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children from wrist-worn accelerometer data. Wear compliance is greatly increased with wrist-worn devices in comparison to hip-worn.
Secondary aims are to validate the newly developed algorithm against established hip-worn algorithms and objectively measured energy expenditure.
What accelerometers are
Accelerometers are small movement-sensing devices that assess time spent at various physical activity intensities (sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous).
Rationale for the study
Although accelerometers have traditionally been worn on the hip, recent studies have reported increased compliance with wrist-worn devices, mainly due to comfort. But wrist-worn algorithms for data collection from children are not available.
As a result, studies of children continue to either:
- place devices on the hip, compromising compliance
- process data from wrist-worn devices using inappropriate or unvalidated algorithms, compromising data quality.
Consent forms
Consent forms have been distributed by Kauri Park Primary School and Birkdale Intermediate School to those classes and students involved in the study.
In order for your child to be involved in Part B (energy expenditure measurement during activity), they must be able to:
- ride a bike for five minutes
- jog for five minutes
- run for five minutes.
Participant information sheet
For detailed information about the study, download the participant information sheet.