About this study
This study aims to understand how different dietary protein sources affect our body's use of protein. We want to see how protein quality, measured using the Digestible Indispensable Amino Acids Score (DIAAS), influences how our body processes protein when we eat different kinds of food. The DIAAS is a new way to measure protein quality introduced in 2013. It is more objective than the traditional method because it gives a more accurate assessment of how well our body can use the protein we consume.
Despite our growing knowledge about protein quality and the DIAAS, we still need to understand how it relates to how our body uses protein in real-life situations, like when we eat a mix of different foods. This information is crucial because protein plays a vital role in maintaining good health and preventing diseases.
We have chosen to study specific combinations of protein sources based on research suggesting animal-based proteins are better for our overall protein use. However, we believe that combining certain plant-based proteins can achieve the same level of protein quality as animal-based proteins. We hope that the results of this research will provide useful information for creating dietary recommendations that can help us optimize protein intake and improve our health.
Inclusion criteria
We are looking for healthy men and women who:
- are aged 18 to 45 years
- have a body mass index (BMI) of 18-25 kg/m2
- pass the general health questionnaire
- have a light to moderate physical activity level
- are non-diabetic
- provide written consent.
Incentives for participation
As a koha (gift) you will receive gift vouchers of your choice (usually MTA or supermarket) to the value of $50 per day involved in the study.
Patient information
Download the participant information sheet to get detailed information about what’s involved when you participate in the EPiC study.
The information sheet will help you decide if you’d like to take part. It sets out why we are doing the study, what your participation would involve, what the benefits and risks to you might be, and what would happen after the study ends. We will go through this information with you and answer any questions you may have.
Before you decide you may want to talk about the study with other people, such as family, whānau, friends, or healthcare providers. Feel free to do this. Whether or not you take part is your choice.
Register your interest
Contact Robin Nielsen to register your interest in joining the LipoCre study: R.Nielsen@massey.ac.nz
Contact the study team
If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about the study at any stage, you can contact any of the researchers involved.
Professor David Rowlands
Independent health and disability advocate
If you want to talk to someone who is not involved with the study, you can contact an independent health and disability advocate on:
Phone: 0800 555 050
Fax: 0800 2787 7678
Email: advocacy@advocacy.org.nz
Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC)
You can also contact the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC) that approved this study on:
Phone: 0800 438 442
Email: hdecs@health.govt.nz
Māori cultural support
Dr Bevan Erueti
Dr Bevan Erueti is a teacher of PE, Health and te reo Māori with specialist expertise in Mātauranga Māori and the interface with physical activity.