Advice and options for Massey University BE(Hons) students

The Pro Vice-Chancellor for the College of Sciences has released the Proposal for Change Final Decision that Massey University discontinues the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours – BE(Hons).

The Final Decision will affect students who have not yet completed their BE(Hons) in Auckland and Manawatū.

We are committed to helping our students complete a BE(Hons) qualification or a similar qualification that is accredited by Engineering NZ. We have been working in cooperation with other New Zealand universities to ensure that you can complete an engineering qualification by teach-out or transfer.

The information provided here is based on information received from other universities to offer general guidance about your options. You should seek specific academic advice about your own particular course of study and individual circumstances.

Read the College of Sciences Proposal for Change 2023

Engineering NZ accredited qualifications


The Pro Vice-Chancellor has confirmed that Massey University will provide an option for teach-out of the BE(Hons) for the 2024 academic year to those entering the fourth year of the degree in that year.

Students who choose the teach-out option will remain enrolled in their current Massey University BE(Hons) and major. You will complete your qualification through Massey University courses at the Auckland or Manawatū campus (current campus of study).

Teach-out at Massey University is only available for the 2024 academic year. This means only students who have completed all the requirements of Parts One, Two, and Three by the end of 2023 are eligible.

Teach-out options for 2024

Courses available in Auckland and Manawatū

Double semester:

  • 228711 – Engineering Practice 6: Design Capstone Project
  • 228798 – Individual Research Project

Courses available in Auckland

Semester one:

  • 281755 – Digital Signal Processing
  • 281776 – Advanced Communication Engineering
  • 282762 – Robotics and Automation
  • 282778 – Mechatronics

Semester two:

  • 287740 – Innovation Management
  • 281780 – Advanced Electronic Circuits
  • 282772 – Industrial Systems Design and Integration

Courses available in Manawatū

Semester one:

  • 280702 – Process Control
  • 280771 – Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
  • 282762 – Robotics and Automation
  • 282778 – Mechatronics

Semester two:

  • 280721 – Process Improvement
  • 141710 – Food Packaging Engineering and Legislation
  • 141723 – Industrial Systems Improvement
  • 287740 – Innovation Management
  • 282772 – Industrial Systems Design and Integration


Students who choose to transfer can enrol in an engineering qualification at another university and transfer their credits for the courses they completed at Massey University.

Students who have not completed Part Three of the BE(Hons) by the end of 2023 will need to transfer. You will enrol in another New Zealand university’s BE(Hons) and transfer your Massey University credits towards an appropriate major. You may also be able to change your major in some cases.

Time-critical transfers

If you are transferring to another university, such as the University of Canterbury, there may be some time-critical decisions to consider.

How to complete your qualification

Your options for the teach-out or transfer will depend on:

  • your major or specialisation
  • whether you have completed the requirements (120 credits each) for Part One, Two and Three of your qualification by the end of the 2023 academic year.

Explore all your options for completing your qualification:

Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering

Find out about your options for a teach-out or transfer to another New Zealand university offering a similar accredited major in chemical and bioprocess engineering.

Electronics and Computer Engineering Major

Find out about your options for a teach-out or transfer to another New Zealand university offering a similar accredited major in electronics and computer engineering.

Mechatronics Major

Find out about your options for a teach-out or transfer to another New Zealand university offering a similar accredited major in mechatronics.

Engineering and Innovation Management

Find out about your options for a teach-out or transfer to another New Zealand university offering a similar accredited major in engineering and innovation management.


If you have completed all requirements except zero credit practicums, you will be able to complete your qualification through Massey University and will not need to transfer.

All practicum reports must be submitted by 31 October 2024. If you do not think you will be able to complete your practicums by this date, please contact us at


We are working with Engineering NZ to ensure that we comply with their requirements for continuing accreditation of the qualification at Massey University.

All of the qualifications in the transfer options have full accreditation or provisional accreditation. Provisional accreditation is given to qualifications which are new and have not yet graduated students.

Manual for the accreditation of engineering education programmes (PDF)

Assistance with academic transfer to another New Zealand university

We have been liaising with other NZ universities and they are ready to assess any transfer applications. You will need to provide an electronic copy of your academic transcript which you can request through the Massey Student Portal. You will need to register with My eQuals and can do this at any time. A request for your academic transcript is best made after your exam results for 2023 are released to you. At this stage we expect this to be on or about 27 November.

More information about ordering academic transcripts is here: Order academic records and completion letters

Financial assistance with transferring to another university

Financial assistance is being offered to students who need to transfer to another university to complete their studies, or who have had unavoidable costs associated with the planning of their study incurred during the consultation period for the Proposal for Change. This includes reimbursement of fair, reasonable, and demonstrable costs, such as non-refundable deposits.

You will need to apply, explaining your personal circumstances and how you have been affected financially. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and decisions made based on each applicant’s personal circumstances. A meeting by videoconference will be required as part of the consideration.