Progression, Re-Entry and Transfer into the Professional Phase of the BVSc , Tukanga uru mai anō me te whakawhiti ki te wāhanga ngaio o te Tohu

The procedures below have been developed by the Veterinary Programmes Committee in discussion with MUSA and MUVSA representatives.

Entry into years 2 to 5 of the BVSc is prioritised in the following order


Students progressing from the previous year of study in the BVSc, having passed all their courses, will be assured a place in the BVSc programme for the next consecutive year.


Students who take time out from their BVSc studies, regardless of whether they have passed or failed the previous year, will be able to re-enter the programme if there are places available in the class after all students progressing from the previous year (clause 1) have been accommodated. Students who previously applied for re-entry and could not be accommodated because of lack of space will be prioritised over students applying for re-entry for the first time.


Students who failed the year and are required to repeat it will be able to re-enter the BVSc programme if there are places available in the class after all students in clauses 1 and 2 have been accommodated.


Veterinary graduates of non-accredited overseas veterinary institutions who have subsequently gained New Zealand Residency may be considered to sit challenge examinations, including assessment of non-academic criteria, for entry to the BVSc programme. Entry to the BVSc programme for students passing challenge examinations will be subject to space being available after all progressing and re-entering students (clauses 1 to 3) have been accommodated. Students applying for entry based on challenge examinations will be prioritised according to their results in the challenge examinations and assessment of non-academic criteria.


Students who are currently enrolled in a veterinary programme from another accredited university may be considered for transfer into the Massey University BVSc programme providing:

  • they are of good academic standing at their current veterinary institution, and
  • there is an available position in the appropriate class after all progressing, re-entering and successful challenge examination students (clauses 1 to 4) have been accommodated.

Students applying for transfer from other universities will be prioritised according to their results on academic and non-academic assessments.

BVSc selection appeal application

You may appeal your selection application outcome if you believe there has been a procedural irregularity or administrative error relating to the selection assessments (i.e. STAT, Casper, MMI) or the selection process.

The selection committee has no authority to alter grades and must use the grades confirmed by your university. Appeals based on concerns about grading or anything other than a procedural irregularity or administrative error relating to the selection assessments or the selection process cannot be considered.

BVSc selection appeal application form