Our leadership team

Professor James (Jim) Arrowsmith
Jim is interested in the management of people at work, and has researched and published on human resource management and industrial relations. Key expertise includes employee engagement, variable pay and flexible working time. Jim has been a consultant for the International Labour Organization, advising Pacific Island governments on the regulation of child labour, seasonal work and employment law.
Executive board members
Jim Arrowsmith
MPOWER Co-Director
Massey University (NZ)
Andrew Barney
Lecturer of Leadership and People
Massey University (NZ)
Tim Bentley
Edith Cowan University (Australia)
Bevan Catley
Ex-Director, Healthy Work Group
Massey University (NZ)
Lindsay Eastgate
Research Assistant
Griffith University (Australia)
Barry Foster
Massey University (NZ)
Jarrod Haar
AUT University (NZ)
Kate Lewis
Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
Jane Paker
MPOWER Co-Director and Coordinator
Massey University (NZ)
Janet Sayers
Associate Professor
Massey University (NZ)
Beth Tootell
Massey University (NZ)
Christian Yao
Senior Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)
MPOWER also collaborates with external agencies for particular research projects or 'people and work management' issues/events.
MPOWER expertise by discipline (indicative)
The five main areas of research for the MPOWER hub are listed below, with specialists beneath each heading.
Human resource management (HRM) and/or Employment Relations
At Massey
- Jane Parker
- Jim Arrowsmith
- Andrew Barney
- Vasudha Rao
- Paul Toulson
- Janet Sayers
- Bevan Catley
- David Tappin
- Beth Tootell
- David Brougham
- Jeff Kennedy
- Phil Ramsay
- Fatima Junaid
- Shane Scahill (University of Auckland, NZ)
- Paula O'Kane (University of Otago, NZ)
- Fiona Edgar (University of Otago, NZ)
- Valeria Pulignano (Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium)
- Bernd Brandl (Durham University, England)
- Patrice Jalette (University of Montreal, Canada)
- Stephen Blumenfeld (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
- Marcus Ho (AUT, NZ)
- Nazim Taskin (Bogazici University, Turkey)
- Betul Taskin (Bogazici University, Turkey)
- Tim Bentley (Edith Cowan University, Australia)
- Julie Douglas (AUT, NZ)
- Russell Lansbury (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Sarah Proctor-Thomson (Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology, NZ)
- Rae Cooper (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Marian Baird (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Sanjay Bhowmick (Northumbria University, UK)
- Jone Lako (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
- Anne Boyd (ILO, Myanmar)
- Richard Samuel (ILO, Papua New Guinea)
- Tony Dobbins (Bangor University, Wales)
- Peter Boxall (University of Auckland, NZ)
- Christian Yao (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
- Ozan Alakavuklar (Utrecht University, Holland)
- Christian Ibsen (Michigan State University, USA)
- Marian Baird (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Richard Rudman (Bolivar, NZ)
- Chris Forde (University of Leeds, UK)
- Aristea Koukiadaki (University of Cambridge)
- Paul Marginson (University of Warwick, UK)
- Donald Hislop (Loughborough University, UK)
- Ben Imbun (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
- Enda Hannon (Kingston University, UK)
- Guiglermo Meardi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
- Jarrod Haar (AUT, NZ)
- Amanda Pyman (Deakin University, Australia)
- Christian Welz (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Ireland)
- Peter Prowse (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
- Joshua Healy (University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Kate Lewis (Newcastle University, England)
People management and performance
At Massey
- Jim Arrowsmith
- Jane Parker
- Paul Toulson
- Bevan Catley
- David Tappin
- Darryl Forsyth
- Kaye Thorn
- Lili Zhao
- Trish Bradbury
- Fatima Junaid
- Ralph Bathurst
- David Brougham
- Gabriel Eweje
- Damian Ruth
- Kate Bone
- Phil Almond (University of Leicester, England)
- Bernd Brandl (Durham University, England)
- Kate Lewis (Newcastle University, England)
- Rachel Morrison (AUT, NZ)
- Carol Woodhams (University of Surrey, UK)
- Ben Lupton (Manchester Metropolitan University, England)
- Jarrod Haar (AUT, NZ)
- Christian Yao (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
- Peter Boxall (University of Auckland, NZ)
- Nada Kakabadse (Henley Business School, University of Reading, England)
- Nazim Taskin (Bogazici University, Turkey)
Equality, culture and diversity
At Massey
- Janet Sayers
- Jane Parker
- Jo Bensemann
- Stuart Carr
- Shirley Julich
- Beth Tootell
- Selu Paea
- Patricia Loga
- Natalia D'Souza
- Amanda Pyman (Deakin University, Australia)
- Kate Lewis (Newcastle University, England)
- Katherine Ravenswood (AUT, NZ)
- Noelle Donnelly (Victoria University, NZ)
- Sarah Proctor-Thomson (Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology, NZ)
- Anne Boyd (ILO, Myanmar)
- Rae Cooper (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Marian Baird (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Gill Kirton (Queen Mary University, UK)
- Torkild Thanem (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Employee engagement, health and wellbeing
At Massey
- Jim Arrowsmith
- Jane Parker
- Paul Toulson
- Stu Carr
- Kate Blackwood
- Bevan Catley
- David Tappin
- Darryl Forsyth
- Trish Bradbury
- Tim Bentley
- Betul Taskin
- Zoe Port
- Jarrod Haar (AUT, NZ)
- Katherine Ravenswood (AUT, NZ)
- Shane Scahill (University of Auckland, NZ)
Pacific-wide research
At Massey
- Jane Parker
- Jim Arrowsmith
- Ariel Wetere
- Selu Paea
- Patricia Loga
- Malakai Koloamatangi
- Ariel Wetere
- Tino Nemani (Youth and Sports Ministry, Fiji)
- Anne Boyd (ILO, Myanmar)
- Jone Lako (University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
- Ben Imbun (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
- Anita Togolo (Toksave Gender Resource, Pacific-wide)
Our associates and partners
Industry and other links
- Toksave Gender Resource (network, Pacific-wide)
- Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK)
- Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre (DWPRC), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
- Bircol (UK)
- Governance NZ
- PositiveDirection
- Elephant HR
- Helen White Law
- EMA – Northern
- Centre for Studies for Social Intervention (CESIS) (Portugal)
- Living Wage Movement Aotearoa NZ (LWMANZ)
- New Zealand Council of Trade Unions
- International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (Ireland)
- Institute of Management NZ (now MLANZ)
- Convergence Partners
- Centre for Labour, Employment and Work (CLEW), Victoria University (NZ)
- Professor Phil Almond (Leicester Business School, Faculty of Business and Law De Montfort University, UK)
- Professor Marian Baird (Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney Business School, University of Sydney, Australia)
- Professor Peter Boxall (Department of Management and International Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Auckland, NZ)
- Associate-Professor Rae Cooper (Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney Business School, University of Sydney, Australia)
- Dr Tony Dobbins, Bangor Business School, Bangor University, Wales, UK)
- Dr Noelle Donnelly (School of Management, Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
- Professor Chris Forde (Work and Employment Relations Division, Leeds University Business School, Leeds University, UK)
- Serena Gent (School of Management, Faculty of Business and Law, Auckland University of Technology, NZ)
- Dr Enda Hannon (Department of Management, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, UK)
- Dr Mark Gilman (Centre for Employment, Competitiveness and Growth, Kent Business School, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK)
- Associate-Professor Candice Harris (School of Management, Faculty of Business and Law, Auckland University of Technology, NZ)
- Dr Donald Hislop (HRM and Organisational Behaviour Discipline, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, UK)
- Professor Christian Ibsen (Michigan State University, USA)
- Dr Ben Imbun (HRM and IR Discipline, School of Business), University of Western Sydney, Australia)
- Professor Gill Kirton (School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Dr Aristea Koukiadaki (Employment Studies, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK)
- Jone Lako (School of Management and Public Administration, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of the South Pacific, Fiji)
- Professor Russell Lansbury (Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney Business School, University of Sydney, Australia)
- Professor Paul Marginson (Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour Department, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK)
- Professor Guglielmo Meardi (Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour Department, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK)
- Dr Rachel Morrison (School of Management, Faculty of Business and Law, Auckland University of Technology, NZ)
- Maritino Nemani (Senior HR Advisor, Office of the Chief Secretary, Republic of Nauru) - AusAID/AVI-PacTAM program)
- Professor Valeria Pulignano (Centre for Sociological Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
- Associate-Professor Amanda Pyman (Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia)
- Richard Rudman (Principal at Bolivar Associates Limited, NZ)
- Professor Torkild Thanem (Department of Management and Organisational Studies, School of Business, Stockholm University, Sweden)
- Dr Carol Woodhams (Head of Organisation Studies, University of Exeter Business School, Exeter University, UK)
- Jessica Xu (Senior Consultant, Kenexa Limited, an IBM company, NZ)
Past sponsors
- The Warehouse Group
- SA Partners
- Institute of Management NZ (now MLANZ)
Our links with research groups include:
At Massey
- Pacific Student Support
- Ending Poverty and Inequality Research Cluster (EPIC)
- Centre for Advanced Retail Studies (CARS)
- School of Management Women at Work (WaW) Special Interest Group
- School of Management Critical Management Studies (CMS) Special Interest Group
- Knowledge Exchange Hub
- Te Au Rangahau (Maori Business Research Centre)
- Toksave Gender Resource
- Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre (Manchester Metropolitan University, England)
- Governance New Zealand (NZ)
- Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand (MLANZ)
- The Warehouse Group (NZ)
- Human Resources Institute of New Zealand (HRNZ)
- Governance New Zealand (NZ)
- New Zealand Work and Research Institute (NZ)
- Union Strategy Research Group (USRG) (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Employment Relations Research Group (ERRG, part of NZWRI)
- Gender and Diversity Research Group (GDRG, part of NZWRI)
- FAOS (Employment Relations Research Centre), University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU), University of Warwick (UK)
- Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity, Queen Mary University (UK)
- Wright Communications (NZ)
- Centre for Labour, Employment and Work (CLEW), Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)
- Convergence Partners (NZ)
- Diversity Works New Zealand (NZ)
- Henley Business School (University of Reading, UK)
- Public Services Association (NZ)
- Positive Direction (NZ)
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound, Ireland)
- Bircol (UK)
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (NZ)
- Ministry for Women (NZ)
- CESIS (Portugal)
- Business Central (NZ)
Contact us
Email mpower@massey.ac.nz