The Academic Excellence Awards recognise our high-performing Dean’s Scholars and Dean’s List recipients from the previous year. Sponsored prizes are also awarded to students who have performed well in particular courses and/or qualifications within Massey Business School.
Academic Excellence Awards
The 2024 Academic Excellence Awards (incorporating the Dean's List and Dean's Scholars) acknowledges the achievement of students in the 2023 academic year.
School of Aviation
Timothy McAlevey
- Royal Aeronautical Society (Palmerston North Branch) Bachelor of Aviation Management Award
Gregory van der Meulen
- Beth Merryweather Award
Chloe Benadie, Eunseo (Julie) Choi and Alexander Honeyfield
- Royal Aeronautical Society (Palmerston North Branch) Award BAv (ATP)
Nina Devlin
- Zonta Manawatu Aviation Award in Honour of Amelia Earhart
School of Economics and Finance
Qiuyun Chen
- Property Institute of New Zealand Prize in Valuation (R.M. McGough Prize)
Hongyi Lu
- Toyota Financial Services Prize in 3rd Year Finance
Cameron Waller
- INFINZ Scholarship Award
Kimberley Steed
- The Marcus Kitt /Colliers International Bursary
Ying Cui, Tam Hoang Nhat Dang, Mingze Li, Sam McLennan, Tom Osuchowski, Smayan Rastogi, Vianca Troy, Quang Vinh Vu, Cameron Waller, Bing Xia and Jingwei Xu
- CFA Scholarship Award
Tam Hoang Nhat Dang
- GARP ARPM Quant Bootcamp Scholarship
Dean's List and Dean's Scholar Awardees
Dean's Scholars 2023
- Danielle Corney
- Sabrina Delgado Bonaiuto
- Raine de Vaan
- Chris Harrop
- Rachel Hodgson
- Coco Hu
- Megan Jones
- Julia Mclean
- Joel Parker
- Alisha Salmon
- Amelie Seubert
Dean's Scholars 2022
- Casey Allott, Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business
- Ellen Baker, Bachelor of Business
- Sarah Lawrence, Bachelor of Business
- Chloe Morley, Bachelor of Business
- Eva Pattullo, Bachelor of Communication
- Tara Ravi, Bachelor of Communication
- Lisa Rodgers, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Marit Ruetman, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Paul Tanigaito, Bachelor of Business
- Clare Tyler, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Gregory Van der Meulen, Bachelor of Aviation Management
- Anna Videler, Bachelor of Business
Dean's Scholars 2021
- Jeremy Austin, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Brenna Farrelly, Bachelor of Business
- Lachlan Fordyce, Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Science
- Nicole Kennedy, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Summer Lewin, Bachelor of Aviation Management
- Jeremy Macdonald, Bachelor of Accountancy
- Courtney Smith, Bachelor of Business
- Lisa-jane Taiapa, Bachelor of Business
- Holly Taylor, Bachelor of Communication
- Rahel Westlake, Bachelor of Business
- Christopher Wise, Bachelor of Applied Economics
Dean's List 2023
- Jack Aicken
- Pia Alderson-Hughes
- Bonnie Allott
- Nate Anderson
- Ryan Bagrie
- Anita Baker
- Kayde Barber
- Elizabeth Barrell
- Vanessa Barton
- Angel Baty
- Nathaniel Binding-Read
- Jess Bleach
- Khadija Boulanouar
- Kenya Brooke
- Isabella Brown
- Louie Burt
- Qiyue Cai
- Rose Cavell-Taylor
- Oliver Cayley
- Jiayin Chen
- Chen Chen
- Alex Christison
- Cam Clarke
- Matthew Coogan
- Brie Cooper
- Danielle Corney
- Luca Cortesi
- Rhianna Crawford
- Jessie Davidson
- Freya Davidson
- Nick Davies
- Alexia Davis
- Mon de Joux
- Raine de Vaan
- Olivia Deacon
- Georgia Deans
- Grace Dee
- Megan Dinsdale-Jones
- Quynh Anh Do
- Patrick Dong
- Anna Drury
- Mikaela Ellery
- Leilani Faaiuaso
- Robyn Faire
- Frances Flack
- Pei Yuin Flaherty
- Rebecca Furness
- Mikayla Gavin
- Tyler Gibson
- Zoe Giddens
- Madison Gorman
- Patrick Graf
- Lefei Gu
- Demeng Gu
- Harriet Halewood
- Cameron Hally
- Xin Hao
- Chris Harrop
- Jinru He
- Rachel Henwood
- Jessica Hodson
- Baileigh Howatson
- Coco Hu
- Katie Hunter
- Paris Ibell
- Annalida Jaeger
- Lilly Jefferies
- Mikaela Jerg
- Dominic Johnson
- Patrick Jolliffe
- Sarah Kebbell
- David Kennerley
- Marcela Klava Ramos Mingoti
- Ruby Knight
- Tingting Kong
- Seb Kowalski
- Maxim Kvindt
- Noam Lazarus-Mercer
- Carissa Lee-Jones
- Bridget Li
- Yiran Li
- Yiying Li
- Heather Lister
- Jade Lonsdale-Bannister
- Yiheng Lu
- Hongyi Lu
- Scott Lyall
- Harrison Macharg
- Yu Mao
- Sophie Masters
- Matthew Mawkes
- Brett McClelland
- Rachael McGuigan
- Tegan McIndoe
- Julia McLean
- Sam McLennan
- Shuran Mei
- Shoval Meir
- Isabelle Monk
- Steve Murray
- Jasmine Nash
- Paul Ogilvie
- Flynn O'Hallahan
- Ian Orolaza
- Deyue Ouyang
- Lily Petrovich
- Edie Porter
- J'aime Puklowski
- Daniel Richardson
- Amber-Rose Roberts
- Willem Rodgers-Rowe
- Christine Ronson
- Josh Rook
- Megan Rostron
- Alisha Salmon
- Zane Sanko
- Ashwin Sawyers
- Sean Selby
- Amelie Seubert
- Bianca Shaw
- Oliver Simpson
- Claudia Sterling
- Ashleigh Storey
- Yunjie Su
- Maya Sullivan
- Zhijun Sun
- Hayden Swears
- Wei Tang
- Zhiyi Tang
- Qing Tao
- Dave Taylor
- Ruiyang Tian
- Shannon Tierney
- Ellen Tomlins
- Aleisha Towler
- Helen Turnock
- Chris van der Westhuizen
- Shelby van Houten
- Naomi Walbran
- David Wallace
- Cameron Waller
- Ruiting Wang
- Ryan Whyte
- Jo-Anne Wilson
- Yusi Wu
- Yiling Xing
- Xin Xu
- Haoyuan Xu
- Noy Yadin
- Zijun Yang
- Hannah Yates
- Yihong Ye
- Chanmin Yoon
- Congjie You
- Bob Yu
- Tingting Yu
- Caikuan Zhang
- Zeqing Zhang
- Yixuan Zhang
- Yayun Zheng
- Zhiyang Zhou
- Ruiyang Zhou
- Tianyuan Zong
- Ke Zou
Dean's List 2022
- John Aitken
- Casey Allott
- Gabriela Almeida Preuhs
- Alexander Anderson
- Natalie Ansell
- Denis Arefyev
- Bingdi Bai
- Nicole Bailey
- Ellen Baker
- Kayde Barber
- Emma Barclay
- Aaron Barnes
- Elizabeth Barrell
- Vanessa Barton
- Julian Beuning
- Joseph Bevan
- Rachel Booker
- Anmari Botha
- Cameron Bradley
- Aidan Bright
- Danielle Brown
- Isabella Brown
- Elle Bultitude
- Raven Cain
- Hananke Calitz
- Sarah Calkin
- Kira Carrington
- Emily Cato-Symonds
- Carys Chalmers
- James Chisholm
- Angela Christensen
- Alex Christison
- Samara Clare
- Phillip Cooper
- Danielle Corney
- Emma Cronshaw Hunt
- Renee Cumberland
- Karylle Dacanay
- Samira Dardour
- Ranindu De Silva
- Raine de Vaan
- Heidi Del Favero
- Sabrina Delgado Bonaiuto
- Mikaela Ellery
- Bethany Enright
- Katie Ervine
- Leilani Faaiuaso
- Tetiana Farmer
- Beth Faulkner
- Olivia Feldberg
- Maegan Fitzgerald-Webb
- Frances Flack
- Jack Fulton
- Zane Gard
- Rose Garland
- Mikayla Gavin
- Megan George
- Tyler Gibson
- Joel Goldsack
- Zoe Gousmett
- Kayla Groves
- Harriet Halewood
- Emily Hammond
- Rachel Henwood
- Rachel Higham
- Rachel Hodgson
- Yue Hu
- Jinxian Huang
- Meishan Huang
- Lorena Ibarra Obelar
- Marika Jackson
- Melody James
- Sophie Jarvis
- Lilly Jefferies
- Mikaela Jerg
- Dominic Johnson
- Sean Johnston
- Megan Jones
- Deanna Jordan
- Xiaoxi Kang
- Celia Karl
- Sarah Kebbell
- David Kennerley
- Christopher Kent
- Brett Kerr-Laurie
- Molly Kerton
- Melanie Killgour
- Ruby Knight
- Shayden Knott
- Kai Komene
- Celia Langabeer
- Adam Leneskar
- Ronan Lethbridge
- Yuxiao Li
- Michelle Liddell
- Boxianzi Ling
- Kevin Little
- Zhihang Lu
- Scott Lyall
- Morgan Mackay
- Monique Macpherson
- Elizabeth Mapuilesua
- Zara Matson
- Lynn McCarthy
- Paula McGonigal
- Alyx McKee
- Julia Mclean
- Lachlan McNair
- Amy McNaughton
- Russell McNaull
- Kate McTague
- Brittany Mealings Blay
- Jake Meehan
- Franka Menzies
- Jemma Mundy-Hermann
- Sinead Murphy
- Amy Murray-Leslie
- Kate Newton
- Isabelle Nieuwland
- Leonie Nugroho
- Clodagh O'connor-McKenna
- Morgan Orzecki
- Jahneisha Osborne
- Emma Owens
- Joel Parker
- Eva Pattullo
- Dante Pauwels-Vernon
- Sara Pearce
- Cherie Phillips
- Ashley Picard
- Tara Ravi
- Mei-ling Refiti
- Maria Reiche
- Naomi Reyes Dulanto
- Zyon Rhodes
- Ella Robbins
- Willem Rodgers-Rowe
- Thomas Rowe
- Abby Ruffell
- Alysha Rutherford
- Eugene Ryan
- Jason Salo
- Paige Satchell
- Jessica Schnell
- Kate Schurink
- Amelie Seubert
- Luke Shield
- Lucy Smillie
- Madison Smith
- Oliver Smith
- Elena Smith-Beech
- Emma Steiner
- Benjamin Stephens
- Julia Stevens
- Susan Stone
- Grace Sturgess
- Maya Sullivan
- Zoe Thomas
- Clare Tyler
- Ashley Ujdur
- Gregory Van der Meulen
- Anna Videler
- Charlie Waite
- Naomi Walbran
- Cameron Waller
- Emma Walton
- Kyra Warbrick
- Alana Ward
- Connor Ward
- Tio Weavers
- Zane Wederell
- Louise Whitworth
- Ella Wieliczko
- Maria Williams
- Annaleisha Wood
- Sarah Wyllie
- Noy Yadin
- Yuhao Yan
- Miaoran Yang
- Petar Zdravkovic
- Duo Zhang
- Tianyi Zhou
Dean's List 2021
- Anna Aitken
- Casey Allott
- Nate Anderson
- Alexandra Angelo
- Lily Ashwell
- Alex Bagnall
- Rowan Bagot
- Jessica Banks
- Emma Barclay
- Bobby Barker
- Harry Bartlett
- Sophie Bayley
- Logan Beckman
- India Beijen
- Catherine Benfield
- Keziah Berg
- Julian Beuning
- Kieran Biddick
- Justine Bishop
- Caleb Bottcher
- Khadija Boulanouar
- David Broderick
- Tom Brodie
- Isabella Brown
- Ben Buckingham
- Elle Bultitude
- Greer Burkitt
- Ruby Burley-smith
- Louie Burt
- Raven Cain
- Sarah Calkin
- Maria Camilleri
- James Campbell
- Ben Carlisle
- Renzhuo Chen
- Oli Chignell
- Matthew Chu
- Beth Clothier
- Danielle Corney
- Josh Cowan
- Jayden Critchley
- Adam Crouch
- Amy Curran
- Michaela Curtis
- Yohan De silva
- Olivia Deacon
- Heidi Del favero
- Sabrina Delgado bonaiuto
- Thomas Devine-turner
- Shahil Dhoorgapersadh
- Alex Diamond
- Angela Dougherty
- Grace Drysdale-dunn
- Leo Du
- Rachel Marie Dumbong
- Rachel Duncan
- Kevin Egging
- Beth Enright
- Leilani Faaiuaso
- Xiaobing Fang
- Madison Farrell
- Brenna Farrelly
- Frances Flack
- Charis Fotheringham
- Nick Garvan
- Mia Gemmell
- Jeff Gill
- Madison Gorman
- Zoe Gousmett
- Maisie Gray
- Rebecca Gray
- Talisha Green
- Chris Harrop
- Sian Haycock
- Jiahao He
- Monika Herbke
- Rachel Higham
- Flynn Hockly
- Rachel Hodgson
- Jessica Hodson
- Natalie Holdem
- Hannah Holmes-libbis
- Jingwen Huang
- Sandy Huang
- Rob Ives
- Colin Jenkins
- Mikaela Jerg
- Sean Johnston
- Megan Jones
- Vanessa Jones
- Steve Jordan
- Soren Joyce
- Shreeyaa Kenishaa
- David Kennerley
- Chris Kent
- Rosa Kent
- Brett Kerr-laurie
- Laura Kilworth
- Dong hun Kim
- Tom Kirk
- Hannah Koumakis
- Sam Kreutzer
- Keertana Kumar
- Maxim Kvindt
- Cameron Lafferty
- Edward Lau
- Leo Li
- Bridget Li
- Yuxiao Li
- Amy Liao
- Alice Linton
- Catherine Liquan
- Jaime Lyth
- Olivia Mahon
- Daniel Mckenzie
- James Mcpherson
- Sarah Mcqueen
- Brittany Mealings blay
- Halle Mitchell
- Cara Moffitt
- Jamie Moloney
- James Moodie
- Lee Moore
- Samuel Morgan
- Matthew Morison
- Chloe Morley
- Arnold Moyo
- Logan Murdoch
- Sinead Murphy
- Karis Musson
- Isabelle Nieuwland
- Richard Notter
- Yvonne O'callaghan
- James O'hara
- Joel Parker
- Eva Pattullo
- Penelope Pearson
- Garth Peck
- Lorenzo Peloso
- Curt Perano
- Adele Perry
- Sian Pescott
- Lily Petrovich
- Jacob Phillipps
- Braeden Phillips
- Cherie Phillips
- Edie Porter
- Alex Povey
- Naomi Read
- Courtney Reynolds-smith
- Mariana Risso ascarate
- Nick Robson
- Lisa Rodgers
- Nicole Ross
- Marit Ruetman
- Ammon Ruru
- Natalie Ryland
- Alisha Salmon
- Sophie Schollum
- Kate Schurink
- Anita Schweiger
- Megan Dinsdale-Jones
- Claudia Serra
- Amelie Seubert
- Luke Shield
- Meg Simpson-finnerty
- Beant Sindhed
- Lucy Smillie
- Courtney Smith
- Oliver Smith
- Elena Smith-beech
- Horace So
- Jordan Stephens
- Isabella Stern
- Renee Stewart
- Bevan Stubbing
- Angela Subritzky
- Monique Swanepoel
- Carina Tang
- Tom Taylor
- Kauta Temu
- Bronwyn Thompson
- Bridey Thornton
- Ellis Thorpe
- Kaya Tobin
- Abby Treanor
- Caitlin Turner
- Neil Turner
- Paige Van der meent
- Nitha Vashti
- Lisa Verlander
- Adriana Vickers
- Anna Videler
- Ashley Vincent
- Adam Vujcich
- Naomi Walbran
- Melissa Waldegrave
- Claire Walton
- Sophie Webster
- Massie Harvey
- Caroline Whittaker
- Kirsten Wiffin
- Savannah Wilde
- Ruby Wilson
- Chris Wise
- Alex Wright
- Chrissy Yang
- Raymond Yang
- Cindy Yu
- Kailai Yue
- Sam Yun
- Bing Zhang
- Yi Zhang
- James Zhou
- Tianyi Zhou
- Kate De lautour
- Chung Ngor
Dean's List and Dean's Scholars
Introduced in 2008 for the 2007 academic year, Massey Business School Dean’s List and Dean's Scholars celebrate academic success at undergraduate level.
To qualify, students will have achieved outstanding results and are likely to be in the top 5% of their class. This usually means a grade average of A- or better for the equivalent of a full year’s course load.
Dean's List and Dean's Scholar selection criteria
Dean's List criteria
- Candidates must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree, including conjoint, in the Massey Business School.
- Candidates must have studied at least 120 credits from one or more qualifying programmes over a maximum of two consecutive academic years.
- Courses with a final grade of WD or DC will not contribute to the quantum of courses studied for the purposes of meeting this requirement.
- Candidates other than those enrolled in the Bachelor of AgriCommerce, Bachelor of Communication, Bachelor of Sport Management or a conjoint degree must have studied at least 90 credits from business prefix courses in the relevant period.
- Candidates enrolled in either the Bachelor of AgriCommerce, Bachelor of Communication, Bachelor of Sport Management or a conjoint degree must have studied at least 60 credits from business prefix courses in the relevant period.
- If candidates have studied 120 credits or more in the most recent academic year for which the awards are being made, no credits from prior years will be included.
- Where a student has studied more than 120 credits in the relevant period, all courses studied as part of the qualifying programmes in the period will be included in the GPA calculation, including courses without a business prefix.
- If a student receives a Dean’s List award for a particular year, courses in that year cannot be used the following year to meet the minimum workload threshold nor as part of the GPA calculation.
- All candidates must have a GPA of at least 7.0 across the relevant courses.
Dean's Scholar
- Candidates must have completed their qualification, including at least 240 credits of their qualification completed at Massey University, and attained a GPA of at least 8 over all the Massey University courses completed towards that qualification.

Massey Business School Development Fund
Join MBS staff members and alumni who support the success of future generations of students. Initiatives include:
- student assistance bursaries that support students facing financial hardship
- life-changing international experiences through student travel grants
- leadership programmes for our brightest students
- business student groups to build leadership experience and develop personal skills.

Brian Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Brian Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide scholarships for postgraduate students completing research in marketing, business ethics or future studies at Massey University.

Scholarships and financial support
Massey offers students a range of awards, grants and scholarships to:
- help with fees and living expenses
- support academic and research excellence.