Justices of the Peace , Ngā Mana Whakaāio

We have Justices of the Peace at all of our campuses. Find out what they can do for you and how to make contact.

A Justice of the Peace (JP) can carry out many administrative and judicial functions in New Zealand. In particular a JP can help you by:

  • certifying copies of documents
  • witnessing signatures
  • taking statutory declarations and affidavits
  • completing many other tasks that require formal signatures or approval.

Justices of the Peace are volunteers and their services are free.

Justices of the Peace on campus

Find contact details if you need the services of a JP on campus. JPs at Massey have other jobs so may not be available for appointments at all times.

Auckland campus

Rohini Subbian

Manager, Service Point and Client Engagement

Available by appointment on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays (afternoons preferred).

Located in LIB2.10, Level 2 in the Library Building. (Ask staff at the Service Desk.)

Mr Ricky Waters

Chaplaincy Coordinator
Student Experience

Available by appointment on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Located in room 1.17, Massey Business School, East Precinct.

Manawatū campus

Ms Vicki Beagley

Research Officer
School of Psychology

Available by appointment.

Located in Room 3.35, Social Science Tower Extension (adjoins the Social Science Tower and the School of Psychology buildings).

HeyJoung Choi

Office of Global Partnerships

Available by appointment Monday to Friday.

Located in Room 6.22, Social Science Tower.

Ms Michelle Fremaux

Director InfogeneNZ Ltd

Available by appointment only during business hours.

Located at InfogeneNZ
End of Workshop Road
(Old Student Health / Nursing Studies building C1406)
Manawatu Campus

Jo Hopkirk

Manager Assessment Services

Available by appointment Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Located in Room 5.02, Level 5, Registry Building.

Professor Nick Roskruge

School of Agriculture and Environment

Located in room 1.04, Māori Resource Studies (Old Fruit Crops Building), Batchelar Road.

Professor Surinder Saggar

School of Agriculture and Environment

Available by appointment. 12 midday to 1pm and 3pm on Monday to Wednesday.

Located in Landcare Research, Manaaki Whenua Building, Riddet Rd, Reception at Level 2.

Sharon Wright

College of Sciences

Available by appointment.

Located in Room 2.07, Science Tower B.

What to bring with you

At your appointment please bring:

  • photo identification, such as a driver’s licence or passport
  • originals and photocopies of any documents you need to have certified
  • any formal documents that you need to sign.

Don't sign anything before the appointment.

Note the JP can't make photocopies for you. Please also check your document can be actioned by a JP as not everything can.

Justices of the Peace outside Massey

You are likely to find a number of JPs near where you live. All major cities also have Justice of the Peace service desks at prominent city locations.

You can search for local JPs and service desks on the Justice of the Peace website.