On this page
- Agribusiness
- Aviation
- Banking
- Climate change and natural disasters
- Construction
- Consumer technology
- Development studies and tourism
- Financial literacy and personal financial management
- Governance
- Innovation and entrepreneurship
- International and foreign affairs
- Māori business
- Marketing
- Plastic pollution
- Retirement / KiwiSaver
- Sport management
- Treaty of Waitangi

Professor Nicola Shadbolt
- AgriBusiness Management and Farm Business Management
- Strategic Management
- Farm Business Analysis
- Risk and Resilience
- Farming systems

Ashok Poduval
- Airline operations
- Safety management
- Quality assurance
- Training
- Sustainability

Associate Professor Claire Matthews
- Retail banking
- The provision of financial advice
- Financial literacy
- Kiwisaver
- Internet banking
- Payment systems
- Consumer’s financial behaviour
- Decisions and attitudes, with a particular interest in payments as well as financial capability
Climate change and natural disasters

Professor Chris Anderson
BSc(Hons), PhD
Doctoral Mentor Supervisor

Professor Bruce Glavovic
- Climate change resilience
- Mitigation issues
- IPCC report

Professor Jonathan Procter
- Volcanology
- Volcanic hazards
- Computational modelling
- Geomorphology
- Emergency management
- Māori environmental participation
- Māori natural resource management
- Treaty of Waitangi historical research

Dr Mikael Boulic
- Sustainable building
- Environmental issues in buildings
- Sustainable environment
- Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality
- Energy saving

Professor Regan Potongaroa
- Humanitarian
- Resilience
- Sustainability
- Māoritanga
- Virtual Reality
- 3D Scanning

Professor Monty Sutrisna
- Construction and Engineering Management
- Construction Productivity
- Construction Procurement and Contracts
- Construction IT and Advanced Technologies applied in Construction
- Construction Project Management
- Decision Making Modelling/Support
- Knowledge Based Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Consumer technology

Professor Hans Guesgen
- Artificial intelligence
- Smart environments
- Internet
- Health informatics
- Expert systems
- Decision support systems
- Knowledge representation
- Spatio-temporal reasoning
- Constraint satisfaction

Associate Professor Anuradha Mathrani
- IT specialist.
- Technology enhanced learning
- Agile software development
Development studies and tourism

Dr Samantha Gardyne
- Sustainable development goals

Professor Regina Scheyvens
- Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Development
- Foreign Aid
- Resilience and Poverty Reduction
- Regions: Pacific islands, especially Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Cook Islands
Financial literacy and personal financial management

Professor Bodo Lang
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Social Media
- Influencers
- Consumer behaviour
- Supermarkets
- Alcohol
- Vaping
- Sugary beverages
- Financial services (banks and insurances)

Associate Professor Claire Matthews
- Retail banking
- The provision of financial advice
- Financial literacy
- Kiwisaver
- Internet banking
- Payment systems
- Consumer’s financial behaviour
- Decisions and attitudes, with a particular interest in payments as well as financial capability

Dr Bill Kirkley
- Strategic management
- Governance
- Change management and entrepreneurship management and governance issues

Professor Jens Mueller
- Governance
- Boards
- Directors and Immigration
- Visa Opportunities for international students
Innovation and entrepreneurship

Dr Bill Kirkley
- Strategic management
- Governance
- Change management and entrepreneurship management and governance issues

Professor Christoph Schumacher
- Theoretical microeconomics
- Game theory
- Health economics
- Sports economics
- Forecasting
- Economic growth theory
International and foreign affairs

Dr Damien Rogers
- New Zealand foreign policy, defence and security
- The United Nations (Security Council and the Secretary-General)
- Contemporary armed conflict and war crimes, genocide
- The International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, and the International Criminal Court at The Hague
- International arms control and disarmament
- United Nations peacekeeping operations, sanctions regimes, and arms embargoes

Professor Christoph Schumacher
- Theoretical microeconomics
- Game theory
- Health economics
- Sports economics
- Forecasting
- Economic growth theory

Professor Ted Zorn
Professor of Organisational Communication
- Organisational communication
- Organisational change
- Communication technology
- Technology implementation
- Organisational uses of social media
- Ageing
- Meaningful work
- Workplace wellbeing
- Dialogue and deliberation
Māori business

Professor Dame Farah Palmer
Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato
Pou Ākonga Māori – Executive Director Māori Student Success
- Sport management
- Māori elite athletes
- Race
- Gender
- Leadership in sport
Professor Nick Roskruge
- Māori agribusiness
- Horticulture and vegetable production
- Māori Resource Studies
- Māori and Pacific agribusiness
- Ethnobotany

Professor Bodo Lang
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Social Media
- Influencers
- Consumer behaviour
- Supermarkets
- Alcohol
- Vaping
- Sugary beverages
- Financial services (banks and insurances)
Plastic pollution

Adjunct Professor Trisia Farrelly
- Community-based development
- Protected area management
- Conservation
- Indigenous Fijian epistemologies and methodologies
- Development
- Indigenous Fijian micropolitics
- Governance and entrepreneurship
- Socio-cultural analyses of waste minimisation
- Informal economies
- Collective memory work
- Pacific islands waste management
Retirement / KiwiSaver

Associate Professor Claire Matthews
- Retail banking
- The provision of financial advice
- Financial literacy
- Kiwisaver
- Internet banking
- Payment systems
- Consumer’s financial behaviour
- Decisions and attitudes, with a particular interest in payments as well as financial capability
Sport management

Professor Dame Farah Palmer
Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato
Pou Ākonga Māori – Executive Director Māori Student Success
- Sport management
- Māori elite athletes
- Race
- Gender
- Leadership in sport
Treaty of Waitangi

Dr Peter Meihana
- Maori history
- Tribal history and colonisation
- Māori privilege