On this page
- Ageing
- Drug and alcohol addiction
- Environmental and occupational health
- Food-borne pathogens
- Food technology
- Gender issues
- Human health
- Human diseases
- Infectious diseases
- Noise / acoustics
- Nutrition
- Psychology
- Public health
- Rainbow issues
- Sex industry
- Sexual health
- Sleep
- Social work
- Sport nutrition
- Sport development
- Training and sport performance
- Treaty of Waitangi
- Women's health

Professor Jenny Carryer
- Primary or community based health care
- General Practice
- Health policy
- Nursing workforce and any nursing professional issues
- Aged care and ageing issues
- Obesity

Professor Marlena Kruger
- Bone health
- Osteoarthritis
- The effect of dairy foods, long chain fatty acids, seafood extracts and other bioactives on biomarkers of bone and joint health
- Body composition, physical performance and muscle strength i.e. mobility in older people
- Post-menopausal women

Associate Professor Claire Matthews
- Retail banking
- The provision of financial advice
- Financial literacy
- Kiwisaver
- Internet banking
- Payment systems
- Consumer’s financial behaviour
- Decisions and attitudes, with a particular interest in payments as well as financial capability
Dr Marta Rychert
- Cannabis law reform
- Medicinal cannabis
- Harm reduction
- Drug policy
- Professional misconduct
- Women's health

Associate Professor Polly Yeung
- Ageing and disability
- Citizenship participation
- Quality of life of older people living in residential aged care
- Compassion satisfaction
- Compassion fatigue among social care
- Animal-welfare related professional
Drug and alcohol addiction

Professor Bodo Lang
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Social Media
- Influencers
- Consumer behaviour
- Supermarkets
- Alcohol
- Vaping
- Sugary beverages
- Financial services (banks and insurances)
Dr Marta Rychert
- Cannabis law reform
- Medicinal cannabis
- Harm reduction
- Drug policy
- Professional misconduct
- Women's health

Associate Professor Andy Towers
- Alcohol and drug use, harms and trends
- Alcohol & drug laws and policy
- Local alcohol policies
Professor Chris Wilkins
- Drug trends
- Drug markets
- Public health
- Drug policy
Environmental and occupational health

Dr Mikael Boulic
- Sustainable building
- Environmental issues in buildings
- Sustainable environment
- Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality
- Energy saving

Prof. Bethan Greener
- International security
- The rise of police in international peace support operations
- Liberalism and the use of force
- Gender and peacebuilding
- Security issues in the South Pacific

Dr Nick Kim
Analytical and environmental chemistry in areas including:
- Human and environmental health risk assessment
- Soil, air and water quality
- Environmental monitoring
- Natural resource management
- Applied toxicology
- Management of contaminated sites and chemical emergencies, guideline development, and aspects of forensic chemistry

Associate Professor Wyatt Page
- Acoustics and human health in the School of Health Sciences.
- Effects of noise on human health in a variety of contexts including:
- Environmental
- Occupational
- Recreational settings
Food-borne pathogens

Professor Steve Flint
- Food microbiology
- Dairy technology
- Rapid microbiologial methods, biofilms
- Molecular techniques for food analysis
- Bacterial spores
- Thermophilic bacteria
- Foodborne pathogens (especially listeria) food processing
- Traceback analysis for pathogen contamination

Professor Nigel French
- Molecular epidemiology
- Genomic epidemiology
- Pathogen genomics
- Food safety
- Risk assessment and the control of infectious diseases

Dr Jon Palmer
- Food Safety and Food Microbiology
- Industrial and Medical Biofilms
- Mycotoxins and Food Processing methods
- Thermal processing
Food technology

Professor Andrew East
- Postharvest physiological responses of fruit to storage conditions
- Creation of predictive models for postharvest fruit behaviour
- Shelf-life extensions of novel crops
- Development of new packaging materials for fruit storage and transport
- Mass and heat transfer in controlled temperature transport
- Development of novel sensing techniques to assess food properties

Professor Joanne Hort
- Sensory Science
- Consumer Sensory Science
- Individual variation in sensory perception
- Impact of context on sensory perception
- Taste and texture processing
- Loss of sense of smell
- Emotional response
Nikki Middleditch
- Food pilot general manager
- Manufacturing and commercialisation

Dr Jon Palmer
- Food Safety and Food Microbiology
- Industrial and Medical Biofilms
- Mycotoxins and Food Processing methods
- Thermal processing
Gender issues

Dr Nicola Brown
- Gender and equality within engineering
Human health

Associate Professor Louise Brough
- General human health
- Food and nutrition
- Public Health Nutrition
- Life Cycle Nutrition
- Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
- Micronutrient deficiency

Dr Nick Kim
Analytical and environmental chemistry in areas including:
- Human and environmental health risk assessment
- Soil, air and water quality
- Environmental monitoring
- Natural resource management
- Applied toxicology
- Management of contaminated sites and chemical emergencies, guideline development, and aspects of forensic chemistry

Associate Professor Wyatt Page
- Acoustics and human health in the School of Health Sciences.
- Effects of noise on human health in a variety of contexts including:
- Environmental
- Occupational
- Recreational settings

Human diseases

Associate Professor Evelyn Sattlegger
- Molecular Biology
- Genetics
- Cell Biology
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology

Associate Professor Andrew Sutherland Smith
- Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Cell Biology
- Structural Biology
- Protein Structure and Function
- Enzymes
- Protein Assays
- Protein Purification
Infectious diseases

Dr Collette Bromhead
- HPV and cervical cancer screening
- Infectious diseases
- Medical laboratory science
- Microbiology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Implementation science
- Bioinformatic analysis for microbiome and infectious disease projects

Professor David Hayman
- Disease ecology
- Epidemiology
- Molecular epidemiology
- Emerging infectious diseases
- Zoonoses
- Public Health
- Wildlife conservation

Professor Jackie Benschop
- Epidemiology
- Disease at the human-animal interface
- Best teaching and learning practice
- Facilitating cross-sector collaboration and the communication of science
Noise / acoustics

Associate Professor Wyatt Page
- Acoustics and human health in the School of Health Sciences.
- Effects of noise on human health in a variety of contexts including:
- Environmental
- Occupational
- Recreational settings

Professor Kathryn Beck
- Dietary assessment - development and validation of dietary assessment tools
- Dietary pattern analysis and relationships with health and disease
- Sports and exercise nutrition
- Iron nutrition
- Body composition analysis

Associate Professor Louise Brough
- General human health
- Food and nutrition
- Public Health Nutrition
- Life Cycle Nutrition
- Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
- Micronutrient deficiency

Professor Cath Conlon
Cath Conlon is Vice-President of the Nutrition Society of NZ and an Associate Investigator at the Riddet Institute. Her research spans from early life nutrition to older age and encompasses a diverse research portfolio from adherence to dietary guidelines and dietary intake to supplement use and health outcomes across the lifecycle.
Professor Warren McNabb
- Nutritional sciences
- Sustainable nutrition

Professor David Rowlands
- Novel protein sources
- Protein quality on metabolism in type-2 diabetes
- Nutrition and exercise in regulating antioxidant system
- Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism for skeletal muscle adaptation and endurance performance
- Hydration for endurance performance

Dr Nick Smith
- Mathematical modelling
- Human nutrition
- Microbiome
- Sustainable nutrition
Professor Lisa Te Morenga
- Nutrition from dietary interventions
- Investigating the effects of nutrients
- Foods and diets on health outcomes
- Systematic evidence review
- Co-design with communities to develop innovative solutions to improving health and wellbeing

Dr Shaun Garea
- Media psychology
- Cyberpsychology
- Learning by playing
- Video games
- Table-top role playing games
- Gambling
- Cooperation
- Quantitative research
Associate Professor Stephen Hill
- Psychology and climate change
- Philosophy of mind and philosophy of science
- Cognitive psychology and experimental psychology (especially memory, executive function, reasoning and decision making, ageing and cognition, evolution of cognition, development of cognition)
Public health

Professor Jenny Carryer
- Primary or community based health care
- General Practice
- Health policy
- Nursing workforce and any nursing professional issues
- Aged care and ageing issues
- Obesity

Professor Nicolette Sheridan
- Health equity
- Primary health care
- Population health
- Consumer experience
- Long term conditions
- And self-management
Professor Lisa Te Morenga
- Nutrition from dietary interventions
- Investigating the effects of nutrients
- Foods and diets on health outcomes
- Systematic evidence review
- Co-design with communities to develop innovative solutions to improving health and wellbeing

Associate Professor Andy Towers
- Alcohol and drug use, harms and trends
- Alcohol & drug laws and policy
- Local alcohol policies
Rainbow issues

Dr Ilana Seager van Dyk
- LGBTQ+ mental health
- Evidence-based psychological assessment and intervention with youth and their families
- Emotion science and affective science
- Development (particularly childhood through young adulthood)
- Psychopathology (particularly internalising symptoms)
- Human sexuality
Sex industry
Dr Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith
- Sex work
- Gendered labour
- Postfeminism
- Transgender studies
Sexual health

Dr Collette Bromhead
- HPV and cervical cancer screening
- Infectious diseases
- Medical laboratory science
- Microbiology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Implementation science
- Bioinformatic analysis for microbiome and infectious disease projects

Dr Karyn O'Keeffe
- Sleep/Wake research
- Monitoring sleep and managing sleep disorders
- Impacts of shift work and improving the management of the risks associated with shift work and fatigue for health workers
- Improving sleep health in the general population

Professor Leigh Signal
- Sleep/Wake research
- Managing fatigue in the workplace, particularly in high-risk settings such as aviation.
- Sleep across the lifespan (with a focus on sleep for mothers and children)
- The social and environmental factors that influence sleep
- Sleep and sporting performance,
- The relationship between sleep and mental health.
Social work

Associate Professor Shirley Julich
- Child sexual abuse
- Stockholm syndrome
- Justice for victim-survivors
- Sexual violence
- Costs of sexual violence
- Restorative justice
- Alternative pathways for justice

Associate Professor Ksenija Napan
- Transformative learning processes
- Integration of science and spirituality
- Embodiment and whole people learning
- Psychotherapy and social psychiatry

Professor Kieran O'Donoghue
- Social work as a profession
- Social workers registration and professional issues
- Social worker education and training
- The supervision and management of social workers

Professor Jackie Sanders
- Social and community work practice
- Theory and research
- Community development
- Disability; children, youth and families
- Family support and wellbeing
- Bicultural frameworks
- Family and community Evaluating and planning for social service
Sport nutrition

Professor Ajmol Ali
- Performance in team sports
- Supplementation for sports and exercise (eg Caffeine, sports drinks recovery from exercise)
- Physical literacy and physical activity in children

Dr Claire Badenhorst
- Iron deficiency and nutrition
- How the menstrual cycle in females may influence their health, wellbeing and performance
- Menstrual cycle literacy and understanding the menstrual cycle as a market of health for females (both recreationally active and athletes)
- hormone interactions and the impact on health and training performance
- Nutritional disorder in endurance athletes

Professor Kathryn Beck
- Dietary assessment - development and validation of dietary assessment tools
- Dietary pattern analysis and relationships with health and disease
- Sports and exercise nutrition
- Iron nutrition
- Body composition analysis

Associate Professor Andrew Foskett
- Exercise physiology
- Sport performance
- Nutrition

Professor David Rowlands
- Novel protein sources
- Protein quality on metabolism in type-2 diabetes
- Nutrition and exercise in regulating antioxidant system
- Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism for skeletal muscle adaptation and endurance performance
- Hydration for endurance performance
Sport development

Professor Andy Martin
- Sport development
- Coaching
- Outdoor education
- Physical education

Professor Dame Farah Palmer
- Sport management
- Māori elite athletes
- Race
- Gender
- Leadership in sport
Training and sport performance

Dr Claire Badenhorst
- Iron deficiency and nutrition
- How the menstrual cycle in females may influence their health, wellbeing and performance
- Menstrual cycle literacy and understanding the menstrual cycle as a market of health for females (both recreationally active and athletes)
- hormone interactions and the impact on health and training performance
- Nutritional disorder in endurance athletes

Associate Professor Andrew Foskett
- Exercise physiology
- Sport performance
- Nutrition
Treaty of Waitangi

Dr Peter Meihana
- Maori history
- Tribal history and colonisation
- Māori privilege
Women's health

Dr Claire Badenhorst
- Iron deficiency and nutrition
- How the menstrual cycle in females may influence their health, wellbeing and performance
- Menstrual cycle literacy and understanding the menstrual cycle as a market of health for females (both recreationally active and athletes)
- hormone interactions and the impact on health and training performance
- Nutritional disorder in endurance athletes

Professor Marlena Kruger
- Bone health
- Osteoarthritis
- The effect of dairy foods, long chain fatty acids, seafood extracts and other bioactives on biomarkers of bone and joint health
- Body composition, physical performance and muscle strength i.e. mobility in older people
- Post-menopausal women
Dr Marta Rychert
- Cannabis law reform
- Medicinal cannabis
- Harm reduction
- Drug policy
- Professional misconduct
- Women's health