On this page
- Animal health and welfare
- Climate change and natural disasters
- Construction
- Consumer technology
- Engineering
- Environmental science
- Evolution and genetics
- Food-borne pathogens
- Food technology
- Horticulture and agriculture systems
- Mathematics
- Pandemics, epidemics and COVID-19
- Plastic pollution
- Technology
- Treaty of Waitangi
- Zoology, ecology, molecular biosciences
Animal health and welfare

Professor Ngaio Beausoleil
- Systematic scientific evaluation of animal welfare
- Conservation Welfare: Welfare impacts associated with wildlife conservation activities
- Breathlessness in animals
- Humane and Gaseous methods of euthanasia
- Humane vertebrate pest control
- Developmental processes, modulation and alleviation of pain in farm animals
- Novel methods for evaluating pain in farm animals

Associate Professor Rene Corner-Thomas
- Sheep production and management
- Managing multiple bearing and rearing ewes
- Hogget (ewe lamb) breeding
- Improving reproductive performance Reproduction
- Lambs and lamb growth, Lamb survival
- Ewe and lamb behaviour, Farmer learning

Professor Carolyn Gates
- Monitoring animal health for trends indicating emerging farm and industry level disease
- Evaluating potential for disease spread among farms
- Modelling impact of national animal health programmes on disease transmission and farm profitability
- Understanding farmers' decisions to participate in herd health improvement schemes
- Developing software to connect academia and industry

Professor Jon Huxley
- Dairy cow health and welfare
- Lameness and the key endemic diseases of dairy cattle
- Impact of production and the housed environment on cattle health and welfare

Professor Paul Kenyon
- Sheep production and management
- Managing multiple bearing and rearing ewes (twins and triplets)
- Hogget (ewe lamb) breeding
- Use of alternative herbages
- Improving reproductive performance
- Farmer learning

Professor John Munday
- Veterinary pathology
- Cancer in animals
- Causes of cancer and ways to predict the behaviour of cancer in animals
Climate change and natural disasters

Professor Chris Anderson
BSc(Hons), PhD
Doctoral Mentor Supervisor

Professor Bruce Glavovic
- Climate change resilience
- Mitigation issues
- IPCC report

Professor Jonathan Procter
- Volcanology
- Volcanic hazards
- Computational modelling
- Geomorphology
- Emergency management
- Māori environmental participation
- Māori natural resource management
- Treaty of Waitangi historical research

Dr Mikael Boulic
- Sustainable building
- Environmental issues in buildings
- Sustainable environment
- Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality
- Energy saving

Professor Regan Potongaroa
- Humanitarian
- Resilience
- Sustainability
- Māoritanga
- Virtual Reality
- 3D Scanning

Professor Monty Sutrisna
- Construction and Engineering Management
- Construction Productivity
- Construction Procurement and Contracts
- Construction IT and Advanced Technologies applied in Construction
- Construction Project Management
- Decision Making Modelling/Support
- Knowledge Based Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Consumer technology

Professor Hans Guesgen
- Artificial intelligence
- Smart environments
- Internet
- Health informatics
- Expert systems
- Decision support systems
- Knowledge representation
- Spatio-temporal reasoning
- Constraint satisfaction

Associate Professor Anuradha Mathrani
- IT specialist.
- Technology enhanced learning
- Agile software development

Professor Don Cleland
- Industrial refrigeration
- Heat pumping
- Energy efficiency
- Food processing
- Sustainability

Professor Gourab Sen Gupta
- Embedded Systems
- Sensor applications
- Robotics
Environmental science

Professor Chris Anderson
BSc(Hons), PhD
Doctoral Mentor Supervisor

Associate Professor Lucy Burkitt
- Nutrient management
- Phosphorus runoff
- Water quality
- Nutrient mitigations
- Freshwater farm planning

Dr Nick Kim
Analytical and environmental chemistry in areas including:
- Human and environmental health risk assessment
- Soil, air and water quality
- Environmental monitoring
- Natural resource management
- Applied toxicology
- Management of contaminated sites and chemical emergencies, guideline development, and aspects of forensic chemistry

Professor Diane Pearson
- Sustainable landscape management
- Environmental management

Associate Professor Ranvir Singh
- Freshwater
- Farm plans
- Interaction of soil and run offs
- Stream and river preservation
Associate Professor Carol Stewart
- Environmental chemistry,
- Climate change and natural disasters.
- Volcanic hazards
- Air and water quality
Evolution and genetics

Food-borne pathogens

Professor Steve Flint
Food Technology Group Lead
- Food microbiology
- Dairy technology
- Rapid microbiologial methods, biofilms
- Molecular techniques for food analysis
- Bacterial spores
- Thermophilic bacteria
- Foodborne pathogens (especially listeria) food processing
- Traceback analysis for pathogen contamination

Professor Nigel French
- Molecular epidemiology
- Genomic epidemiology
- Pathogen genomics
- Food safety
- Risk assessment and the control of infectious diseases

Dr Jon Palmer
- Food Safety and Food Microbiology
- Industrial and Medical Biofilms
- Mycotoxins and Food Processing methods
- Thermal processing
Food technology

Professor Andrew East
- Postharvest physiological responses of fruit to storage conditions
- Creation of predictive models for postharvest fruit behaviour
- Shelf-life extensions of novel crops
- Development of new packaging materials for fruit storage and transport
- Mass and heat transfer in controlled temperature transport
- Development of novel sensing techniques to assess food properties

Professor Joanne Hort
- Sensory Science
- Consumer Sensory Science
- Individual variation in sensory perception
- Impact of context on sensory perception
- Taste and texture processing
- Loss of sense of smell
- Emotional response
Nikki Middleditch
- Food pilot general manager
- Manufacturing and commercialisation

Dr Jon Palmer
- Food Safety and Food Microbiology
- Industrial and Medical Biofilms
- Mycotoxins and Food Processing methods
- Thermal processing
Horticulture and agriculture systems

Professor Danny Donaghy
- Pasture agronomy and physiology
- Grazing management
- Dairy farm systems
- International dairy development

Professor Paul Kenyon
- Sheep production and management
- Managing multiple bearing and rearing ewes (twins and triplets)
- Hogget (ewe lamb) breeding
- Use of alternative herbages
- Improving reproductive performance
- Farmer learning

Dr Janet Reid
- Governance and governing of New Zealand agriculture in particular sustainable agriculture
- Farmers knowledge cultures and the influence of this on farmers practice
- The role of regional councils and central government in shaping on-farm decisions by farmers
- Agricultural extension and consultancy as a form of governing
- Systems innovation in the primary sectors

Professor Mark Bebbington
- Statistical models for earthquake interaction.
- Inference and computational methods for stochastic processes.
- Reliability and survival analysis, particularly in complex systems.
- Statistical quality control and acceptance sampling methods.
- Stochastic operations research, including simulation and statistical analysis

Associate Professor Tammy Lynch
- Mathematic modelling
- Computational Sciences

Dr Teo Susnjak
- AI and ChatGPT
- Machine learning
- Data science related matters
Pandemics, epidemics and COVID-19

Professor David Hayman
- Disease ecology
- Epidemiology
- Molecular epidemiology
- Emerging infectious diseases
- Zoonoses
- Public Health
- Wildlife conservation

Professor Joanne Hort
- Sensory Science
- Consumer Sensory Science
- Individual variation in sensory perception
- Impact of context on sensory perception
- Taste and texture processing
- Loss of sense of smell
- Emotional response

Professor Mark Waterland
Chemistry Group Lead
- Testing for Covid-19
- Chemistry
Plastic pollution

Adjunct Professor Trisia Farrelly
- Community-based development
- Protected area management
- Conservation
- Indigenous Fijian epistemologies and methodologies
- Development
- Indigenous Fijian micropolitics
- Governance and entrepreneurship
- Socio-cultural analyses of waste minimisation
- Informal economies
- Collective memory work
- Pacific islands waste management

Dr Rachel Blagojevic
- Computer programming
- Human computer interaction

Dr Daniel Playne
- Gaming and programming
- Computer simulation
- Software
Treaty of Waitangi

Dr Peter Meihana
- Maori history
- Tribal history and colonisation
- Māori privilege
Zoology, ecology, molecular biosciences

Professor Murray Potter
Ecology, Conservation and Zoology Group Lead
- Zoology of penguins
- Sealions
- Antarctic animals
- Birds