Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University Strategy 2022–2027
Read the latest Massey University Strategy in either English or te reo Māori.
If you would like a printed copy, please email strategy@massey.ac.nz
About the Massey University Strategy
Our unique position and reputation is based on:
- world-leading pure and applied research, conducted in partnership with industries and the communities we serve
- curious, world-ready graduates with entrepreneurial acumen and capability, who create jobs for others and are committed to making a better world
- a heritage of excellence, high quality and integrity, which ensures authentic leadership in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand
- role-modelling excellent practice as a Tiriti o Waitangi-led institution
- a reputation for caring, and a commitment to our people and our places.
We are inspired by our name Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa; from inception to infinity. Massey is not simply defined by what we do, but by how we do it:
"Ko Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa te kaupapa e tū ngātahi ai tātou hei waihanga i ngā momo mātauranga ki te pae o angitu. He ara putanga tauira, he ara e hua ai ngā tini kaupapa ki Aotearoa puta noa i te ao whānui. Kia toi te mana motuhake o te iwi Māori, kia toi te reo Māori, kia toi te ora o te tangata, te rangi me te whenua mā reira e whakatinana ai te mana o Te Tiriti o Waitangi."
"Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa is the foundation upon which we stand together in partnership enabling the creation of knowledge that reaches the highest possible levels of advancement and attainment. It provides a pathway for students to embark upon journeys of knowledge acquisition and embraces knowledge relevant to our country and to our wider world. We promote the determination of Māori-led aspirations, the active use of Te Reo Māori, the vitality and wellbeing of all people and our environment in order give full and authentic expression to the eminence of Te Tiriti o Waitangi."
Paerangi Learning and Teaching Plan
Paerangi is Massey University’s learning and teaching plan. Guided by the Massey University Strategy 2022 to 2027, this document sets out our values, approaches and practices towards learning and teaching.
This plan supports the overall Massey University Strategy.
Te Pou Rangahau – Research Plan
Te Pou Rangahau is Massey University’s 2024 to 2027 research plan. This research plan is shaped by a rich history of research discovery, innovation and commercialisation that influences our current and future commitments to our Te Tiriti o Waitangi responsibilities and to research excellence.
The research plan provides a pathway to support the realisation of the University Strategy.
Weaving Wisdom into a Resilient Future – 2024 to 2027 Pacific Plan
The four pou, as set out in the Massey University Strategy, collectively set the strategic priorities for this plan. Accordingly, Weaving Wisdom into a Resilient Future implements the four pou from a Pacific lens to ensure that Massey University’s well-woven Pacific graduates will be capable and resilient in a changing world.
Investment plans
Download and read the current Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University Investment Plan 2025 to 2027.