Student leaders , Ngā kaitātaki tauira

We are committed to students having a strong voice at Massey through our many student representatives in leadership roles across the university.

At Massey there are a range of opportunities for student to be involved in decision making. This includes formal elected or appointed positions, such as:

  • University Council Student Representative
  • Academic Board Student Representative
  • College Board Student Representative
  • Elected Student Representatives for a group of fellow students.

Less formal or volunteer opportunities for students to be involved in decision-making at Massey include:

Across the university we have a minimum of 40 student representatives on a variety of boards, committees, and working parties. There are many opportunities for students who wish to be part of the decision making process at Massey, or who want to be included in student hui and discussion groups.

Formal elected or appointed positions

Your University Council student member

 Michelle Matson's photo

Michelle Matson

Bachelor of Arts student

University Council student member

Read about Michelle in the Massey News article Going the Distance Through Student Representation

University Council

Academic Board student representatives

The Academic Board has five appointed student representatives.

More about the Academic Board and other Council committees

Students' association leaders

Your students' association, Te Tira Ahu Pae, is here to give you a helping hand and ensure your student voice is heard.

Explore what your students' association will do for you and how you can get involved to have your say. Become a class representative, develop skills, build important networks, volunteer to bring people together or become a buddy.

Te Tira Ahu Pae

Elections for student leader roles

Student leaders are elected or appointed annually. Appointed roles include the students' association presidents and vice-presidents. Elected roles include the University Council student representative and students' association student representatives. The students' association student representatives' elections are run during Semester One through your students' association.

The elected role for University Council student member is coordinated by the Governance & Assurance office and in line with the Council Elections Student Member Statute. For further information about this elected role on Council, please visit University Council - Massey University.

Informal and volunteer opportunities

Developing your leadership skills

Develop your leadership skills as a peer mentor, such as a Massey guide or residential assistant. Our workshops, programmes, experiences and resources will equip you with the skills and mindset you need to be successful:

  • Massey guides – help new students with their transition into university, during orientation week and beyond. As a Massey guide, you'll be a positive role model, offering peer support, timely information and guidance. If you would like to contribute your skills to make new students welcome, then this is for you.
  • Strengths@Massey – build a greater awareness of your natural talents and how to leverage them in your studies.
  • Campus co-lab – you'll be part of making Massey's experience better for students. Learn problem solving skills, how to implement human-centred design into your work and how to facilitate projects.
  • Development bites – explore different aspects of self-development through interactive activities and discussions. These short and sweet workshops are not to be missed.

Find out more on MyHub (requires login)

The Student Voice project

Discover how you can have your say. We have long been committed to making sure students have a strong voice here at Massey. If you would like to reach out, contact us at