Massey University Council Student Member Election 2024

Massey University Council student membership role – nominations open

Nominations are now open for the one student member position on the Massey University Council. Students enrolled at Massey University as at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 23 October 2024 are eligible to be nominated, and to vote in the election.

Students wishing to stand in the election for membership on Massey University Council should read the Massey University Council student membership role and Voting process and election regulations and then follow the Nomination Process instructions.

Please use the Nomination Form 2024 and submit as indicated in time for when nominations close at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 23 October 2024.

Each student enrolled as at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 23 October 2024 is eligible to vote in this election. Voting opens on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 12.00 noon. For information, please read Voting process and election regulations and Timeline for the election.

Returning Officer: Director Governance and Assurance

For more information, please read:

Massey University Council Elections - Student Member - Statute 2024

Massey University Council Electronic Election Statute 2024

Massey University Council Appointments Statute 2024