Clockwise from top left: Professors John Cockrem, Rosie Bradshaw, Clive Davies, Richard Archer and Distinguished Professor Marti Anderson.
Professors Clive Davies, John Cockrem, Richard Archer and Rosie Bradshaw, along with Distinguished Professor Marti Anderson, have all been awarded emeriti titles in recognition of their service to the university.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas says the new awardees have made significant contributions not only to the university, but also their areas of research.
"Their contributions, not only to Massey University but also to the broader academic and research communities, have left an indelible mark. The new academic titles recognise their outstanding service and signifies the enduring connection they maintain with Massey, through mentorship, research and their ongoing commitment to the advancement of knowledge. Congratulations, and thank you for your lasting impact on scholarship and the university."
The title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita is conferred on members of the professoriate upon retirement, who are recognised nationally as having been outstanding in their discipline and who have made an outstanding contribution to scholarship or the university, or both. They often maintain a continuing association with the university through, for example, short term contracts, research contracts, supervision of PhD students, mentorship and advice.
College of Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Ray Geor, who recommended the recipients for the honour, recognises the commitment of each of the awardees. He has worked alongside many of them for several years and says their contribution to the College has been significant.
“Our new Professor Emeritus/Emerita are maintaining strong connections to Massey in some way, continuing their dedication to their individual teaching and research area. They are to be commended on their contributions over a significant number of years. I would like to both congratulate them and thank them for their service and ongoing commitment to strengthen and support Sciences at Massey,” he says.
Distinguished Professor Emerita Marti Anderson – New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study
Distinguished Professor Marti Anderson has been a generational leader in research in the field of ecological statistics. Her work has spanned from basic biology and ecology through to mathematical and applied statistics.
Professor Anderson joined Massey in 2009 and was appointed to the New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study (NZIAS) in 2011. Since 2016, she has balanced an academic role with her role as Chief Executive of PRIMER-e, a statistical software and development company that provides services to researchers worldwide.
Professor Anderson’s citation metrics and significant research dissemination through publication and keynote speaker activities highlight the quality, leadership and international standing of her research. She has been an excellent supervisor and mentor to postgraduate students.
Professor Anderson plans to have an ongoing commitment to Massey through mentoring staff members interested in entrepreneurship and to join any groups or initiatives with the aim of enhancing the development of commercialisation opportunities.
Professor Emeritus Richard Archer – School of Food and Advanced Technology
Professor Richard Archer is widely recognised for services to food technology extending over a long and illustrious career, initially in various lead roles within industry and since 2003 with Massey as the Logan Campbell Chair in Food Technology and Head of the Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health.
Professor Archer’s expertise in food processing and engineering has seen his industry and academic research outputs lead to significant commercial developments for the sector, building his reputation as a prominent thought leader. He has received multiple awards throughout his career, including the JC Andrews Award from the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (NZIFST). Professor Archer has also served as president of the NZIFST.
Professor Archer established Massey’s Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) offering and developed the Bachelor of Food Technology as an overseas offering in Singapore.
Following retirement, he will continue assisting staff in developing greater industry relationships and sharing his experience in a teaching capacity.
Professor Emerita Rosie Bradshaw – School of Natural Sciences
Professor Rosie Bradshaw is a world leader in the field of molecular plant pathology, pioneering studies on the molecular genetics and genomics of pathogens of both native and exotic tree species of global importance.
She is recognised nationally and internationally, having been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences, editorial board member of leading journals, and elected fellow to scientific societies. Professor Bradshaw was a member of the team who won the 2015 Massey University Team Research Medal.
Professor Bradshaw has made significant contributions to undergraduate teaching in cellular and molecular biology and has been an advisor and mentor to postgraduate students.
Following retirement, she will continue her research activities, as well as maintain supervision of a postdoctoral fellow and a number of doctoral students through to completion.
Professor Emeritus John Cockrem – School of Veterinary Science
Professor John Cockrem has made valuable contributions to veterinary science and the advancement of knowledge in his area of expertise - comparative endocrinology. He is also recognised as a trailblazer in partnership with Māori and connection to iwi.
Professor Cockrem is nationally and internationally recognised for his expertise in comparative endocrinology, including work on the reproductive performance of penguins. He has held adjunct and honorary positions at Griffith University (Australia), the University of Montana (United States of America) and Kyushu University (Japan). In 2022 he received a University Research Medal for exceptional research citizenship. Professor Cockrem is highly regarded among his peers as an outstanding researcher and environmental advocate.
Following retirement, Professor Cockrem will continue his research work and maintain supervision of a number of doctoral students through to completion. He also plans to continue mentoring junior staff.
Professor Emeritus Clive Davies – School of Food and Advanced Technology
Professor Clive Davies has had a tremendous career in the field of chemical engineering and has made a significant contribution to Massey. In 2023 he was awarded the prestigious Chemeca Medal, which is given to a prominent Australian or New Zealand chemical engineer who has made an outstanding contribution to the practice of chemical engineering in its widest sense and who continues to serve the profession.
Professor Davies has received multiple national and international fellowships in engineering and technology and has 187 peer-reviewed publications and eight patents to his name.
Professor Davies was a member of academic staff for more than 17 years, retiring in 2022. He has plans for continued association with Massey, including lecturing, research and committee work.
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