Nearly one third of the world is iron deficient
The 2008/2009 New Zealand adult nutrition survey revealed iron deficiency more than doubled in the 13 years since the 1997 survey. One in 14 adult women over the age of 15 have low iron levels. However, many New Zealanders are unaware they are deficient in iron.
As part of World Iron Awareness Week, 22-28 August, Massey University nutrition experts are hosting two free nutrition webinars to help people get the most out of their diet.

Nutrition for Younger Adults: Is your diet holding you back?
7pm Tuesday 23 August - Zoom
Dr Claire Badenhorst from the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, will talk about optimum nutrition for young people.
Aimed at people aged from 16-25, and their parents, teachers and coaches, this free webinar will explore the fundamentals to creating a diet which allows young New Zealanders to thrive.
Dr Badenhorst will include useful advice on fuelling for the work required, and provide details on how young adults should be mindful of eating to support their exercise and everyday wellbeing. She will also cover the iron requirements of this age group, and things to be mindful of that could affect iron absorption in young adults such as exercise, low carbohydrate diets, and iron supplement timing.

Nutrition for Older Adults: Getting the most out of your diet
7pm Thursday 25 August - Zoom
As we age, good nutrition becomes increasingly important. In this free webinar, Professor Pam von Hurst from the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition will explain the basics of good nutrition for older adults. This webinar is aimed at people aged 50 and over, with a focus on how to prepare meals to maximise energy and achieve optimum wellness.
Professor von Hurst will discuss some of the latest research findings on nutrition for older adults. She will also address some of the poor habits that we often fall into as we age, and what we should do about them. Foods and nutrients for maintaining strength and bone health, good immunity, and heart health will also feature, all evidence-based and backed by robust science.