Massey Open Days 2022

By Paul Duffin
Wednesday 1 June 2022

After two years of virtual Open Days, we are excited to showcase our campuses and connect with you once again

Students on Campus tour in Manawatu

Massey Open Days

After two years of virtual Open Days, we are excited to showcase our campuses and connect kanohi ki te kanohi, face-to-face with you once again. This year, Massey is hosting both in-person Open Days and an updated virtual Open Days platform for you and your whānau.

You can register through the Open Days event’s page.

In-person Campus Open Days

  • Manawatū Campus - Wednesday 3 August
  • Wellington Campus - Friday 26 August
  • Auckland Campus - Saturday 3 September

Virtual Open Days platform

Our Open Days virtual platform will be available to the public for a four-week period across the three physical Open Day dates. While we hope to be back to face-to-face Open Days, we also have contingency plans to move to a full virtual event if required.

The virtual platform will be a one-stop-shop designed to:

  • Explore the variety of subjects on offer
  • Learn about our accommodation options
  • Hear about Massey student life
  • Connect with staff who can guide them on the next steps of their journey
  • Take a virtual tour of our facilities

Registering for Open Days

You can register through the Open Days events page.

Further information and registrations for Open Days can be found here.