The virtual signing ceremony for the Strategic Cooperation Agreement renewal took place online with Massey's Vice Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas and WUR Rector Professor Arthur Mol.
The two institutions share a long-standing history of collaboration, beginning in 1985, particularly in agricultural and life sciences, food safety and security, epidemiology and veterinary science. Wageningen University & Research Netherlands (WUR) is also a priority partner for Massey’s student exchange programme, having become one of the most popular destinations for students.
A Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) was first signed between Massey and WUR in 2009, and the virtual ceremony reflects the third renewal of the SCA between the two institutions.
In signing the agreement with WUR Rector Professor Arthur Mol, Massey’s Vice Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas says it will further strengthen the relationship with an important strategic partner.
“Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading international universities in the field of healthy food and living environment.
“By continuing to work together to strengthen collaborative research and education, it will provide a platform to develop relationships through our respective food innovation hubs, as well as collaborative teaching activities and consultancy.”
Both Massey and WUR are members of the Global Alliance on Food Security Research, with UC Davis (USA), EMBRAPA (Brazil), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and INRA (France). The alliance joins forces of six leading agri-food universities and research institutions to find ways to increase the world food production in a sustainable manner.