The United Nations aims to launch bold new actions to transform the way the world produces and consumes food.
Distinguished Professor Paul Moughan (Riddet Institute Centre of Research Excellence, hosted by Massey University) has been invited to submit a briefing document to the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021.
The UN is spearheading initiatives for future sustainable food production and global food security and the Secretary-General will convene a summit this year. The UN aims to launch bold new actions to transform the way the world produces and consumes food, delivering progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Professor Moughan will provide a brief on the Asian region, that will be combined with similar reports for the Americas, Africa and Europe, for the global brief.
The invitation is based on his involvement with the International Academy Partnership (IAP) project on world food and nutritional security; and his authorship of the Association for Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (IFASSA) report on food and nutritional security for Asia.
The IAP was invited to prepare the reports for the summit by the UNFSS Scientific Group, an independent group of leading researchers and scientists from around the world. The Scientific Group are responsible for ensuring the robustness, breadth and independence of the science that underpins the UN FSS Summit and its outcomes
Massey University Provost, Professor Giselle Byrnes commented that this invitation is hugely significant, both globally and locally. “This indicates the Riddet Institute’s leadership and strength in the central area of sustainable food production for a rapidly growing human population”, she said.
IAP reports are created by a global network of science, engineering & medical academics, working together to provide independent expert advice on scientific, technological & health issues. The policy briefs for the Food Systems Summit covers issues for transformation of food systems for improved health, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, and the environment.
In the lead up to the Summit, the Riddet Institute is hosting a New Zealand food systems dialogue ‘Feed Our Future’, focussed on the role of our country in a sustainable food system of the future.
IAP reports for the UN FSS: https://www.interacademies.org/index.php/news/interacademy-partnership-iap-united-nations-food-systems-summit-un-fss
UN Food Systems Summit: https://www.un.org/food-systems-summit