Master of Advanced Leadership Practice (MALP) student Jill Clark has been awarded an inaugural NZ Institute of Management scholarship, worth $15,000. She’s says she is proud, and a little surprised, to receive the award and credits her studies with giving her the confidence to apply.
Ms Clark is no stranger to education. The MALP is her third qualification undertaken at Massey University; she also has a Master of Special Education and a Bachelor of Health Science.
She’s worked in the education sector for 35 years and currently manages one of the Blind and Low Vision Education Network’s resource centres, helping to support young learners with visual impairment.
While admitting she’s a “study geek” who loves to learn, Ms Clark was keen to broaden her skillset to open up future opportunities. She was after something transformational, not just a three-day course that would be quickly forgotten.
Self-awareness is key to leading effectively
At the halfway point of her studies, she says she has learnt so much about herself.
“I don’t think many of us take enough time to reflect on where we are, who we are, and what we bring through our emotional intelligence, rather than our cognitive intelligence. Being more self-aware has allowed me to transform my leadership skills.”
She says her team at work have noticed the changes.
“If you asked any of my team members about this journey, they’d say a lot of things have changed for the better. It’s brought a lot of new ideas into the office and I have learnt to work with people to empower them to make their own changes.”
A supportive, sharing environment
Ms Clark says the MALP has offered a very supportive environment, including a coach for the first year, and a cohort that freely shares insights and ideas.
“You’re exposed to so many new approaches and concepts, it really takes you out of your comfort zone – and it’s not limited to New Zealand ideas. The MALP also brings in international guest lecturers who are at the top of their fields.
“For me, it’s been truly transformational. I wanted to develop the skills I had to become a better version of myself. I knew I didn’t have all the answers around leadership, but now I can see the positive impact of my studies through the changes I’ve made in my workplace.”
Ms Clark will use the $15,000 NZ Institute of Management scholarship to pay for her course fees and related study costs.
Find out more about the Master of Advanced Leadership Practice