Strong support for the University’s goal of being net zero carbon by 2030.
Submissions on Massey University’s Draft Action Plan show there is strong support for the University’s goal of being net zero carbon by 2030.
Between July and September Massey staff and students met to discuss the University’s first Climate Action Plan. About 150 staff and students provided feedback on the draft plan, either in writing or by attending one of nine meetings held across the campuses.
Those who submitted as individuals or groups provided detailed feedback and suggestions for how the university can best take action. A report summarising key elements of the submissions can be found here

Dr Allanah Ryan.
Sustainability director Dr Allanah Ryan says the University is now moving into a more focused phase of mapping the pathway to achieving the goal. This involves work streams around the main emission sources of energy, buildings, transport, waste and farms.
“These work streams will identify high-value projects particularly targeting our largest emission sources – long-distance air travel, natural gas, electricity and biological emissions from farms. The aim is to produce a report to the Senior Leadership Team in April that will recommend priorities for action, over specific time-frames.”
Dr Ryan is now looking for input from staff with specific technical or research expertise around energy, buildings, transport, waste and biological emissions from the farms.
“I’m keen to hear from staff who would like to commit some time over the next five months to develop targets and projects that will help the university reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to develop a robust and appropriate way to off-set those emission we cannot reduce,” Dr Ryan says.
Staff and students are still welcome to provide their feedback on the draft Climate Action Plan and on the summary report of submissions by emailing sustainability@massey.ac.nz