Teaching Excellence Award winners for 2023 announced

Tuesday 13 February 2024

The Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards are the premier awards that celebrate excellence in teaching and learning across the university.​​​​​​​

No-one left behind: Massey signs Aotearoa sustainability declaration - image1

Congratulations to the following 2023 award winners:

Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award (General category) - The Chemistry team, School of Natural Sciences.

The Chemistry team consists of Associate Professor Vyacheslav Filichev, Associate Professor Gareth Rowlands, Professor Shane Telfer and Ms Nessha Wise.

Evidence of a reflexive, collaborative and highly-experienced teaching team was clear in the team’s application. The team’s approach is grounded in what is good for a diverse group of students, setting aside conventional science teaching memorisation approaches to focus attention on skill-building and seating those skills within a narrative that connects them to the fundamentals that students need to know to make sense of the world.

Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards (General category) - John Murrie,  School of Aviation.

Mr Murrie has spent a great deal of time considering how to make learning to students’ career aspirations. He works with students to co-develop lesson plans, in a genuine example of authentic student partnership, and helps them to contextualise their experiences. The committee applauded his acknowledgement of the support he has received from colleagues and the leadership he shows for all aspects of teaching and course delivery.

Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards (General category) - Dr Ute Kreplin, School of Psychology.

The selection committee members were unanimous in agreeing that Dr Kreplin’s application was an authentic, well-structured portfolio that provides impressive evidence of thoughtful and sustainable practice which has a powerful impact on both her students and colleagues. The distance-first approach to her practice, and her commitment to teaching in ways that uphold the university’s commitment to being Te Tiriti-led were particularly commended.

Learner Success, Retention, and Transitions Excellence Award - Mental Health and Addiction Programme, School of Health Sciences.

The Mental Health and Addiction Programme consists of Associate Professor Chrissy Severinsen, Associate Professor Andy Towers, Luke Rowe, Phillip Brookes, Hoani Moriarty and Andrea Meni.

The team delivering this programme work collaboratively to design great learning experiences and remove barriers in a way that has a sustained impact on student outcomes. The Whakapiri, Whakamārama, Whakamana model used across this programme has been developed and implemented in a way that is aligned with other pedagogical models and that appears to genuinely foster an inclusive, equitable, and engaging learning experience for a diverse range of learners. The attention to supporting Māori and Pacific learners is clear throughout the application. The programme’s sound overall design provides an exemplar for other courses and programmes at Massey.

Winners will be presented with their awards at an event later this year.

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