Thinking more deeply about society

Thursday 13 July 2023

Maritime Logistics Officer Lieutenant Casey Allott balanced a career in the Navy with studying towards a conjoint degree.

Graduate Lieutenant Casey Allott is a keen tramper.

Lieutenant Casey Allott graduated this year from Massey with a conjoint Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business majoring in Sociology and International Business.

Originally from Glen Eden in West Auckland, Casey joined the Royal New Zealand Navy Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa (RNZN) right after graduating from Green Bay High School in 2015.

She is now a Maritime Logistics Officer, which involves ensuring all the important things that keep the ships running – such as stores, catering and uniforms – are managed efficiently and effectively.

It’s a varied role which has entailed at least a third of Casey’s time at sea. She has been stationed on the HMNZS Canterbury and she has also been on a three-month exchange on Australian ship HMAS Canberra.

In 2018 Casey decided to study at Massey. She chose sociology as she had been interested in history, social sciences and social studies at school.

“I started studying part-time by distance in 2018 doing two papers a semester. It was great to be able to study this way and still keep working. It was also great that the Navy supported me by allowing time to sit exams.

“I was then able to study full-time (on study leave) for one and a half years (including Summer School) from mid 2021 to 2022 so that I could complete my degree,” Casey says.

Despite challenges such as sitting exams while at sea, Casey says she enjoyed her study.

“I loved the small classes in sociology as it enabled lots of opportunities for good discussion. I also liked how you could pick your own topic, I particularly enjoyed 'Imagining other worlds'.

Casey had some proud moments during her study, including being awarded a Massey University Scholar Award for being in the top five per cent of her graduating class.

“I also always felt proud when I got good feedback on the work I had done. Two of my essays, ‘New Zealand trampers’ environmental values and behaviour’ and ‘The paradox of post feminism’ got particularly good feedback.

“Studying sociology at Massey makes you think more deeply about what’s going on in society. I’m currently working with and training new Navy recruits and my sociology studies have helped me work with a diverse range of people and I can apply my learnings to my interactions with these people.”

Casey says she would recommend study to anyone.

“You can get caught up in your job, so study is a great way to broaden your horizons beyond day-to-day work.

“Massey is great as you can study part-time and still keep working, whether you are studying for interest or for something more career-related.”

Casey loves sociology and hopes to get a job related to the field in the future.

“I am planning to do my Masters in Sociology next. Since I finished studying I feel like I have so much spare time on my hands!”

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