Victory spike for students in Staff vs Student volleyball match

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Mid-July saw the third Staff vs Students sporting event take place, featuring a high-energy volleyball match for the Wellington cohort.

With seven staff members and eight students taking to the court at the Wellington High School gymnasium, the teams were evenly matched in numbers. However, it quickly became apparent that the student team had a significant advantage. No fewer than five of their players had competed the previous weekend in the University and Tertiary Sport New Zealand National Tertiary Volleyball Championship, giving them a clear edge.

Despite this, the staff team was ready for the challenge, and both sides brought equal enthusiasm to the midday game, which served as a great way to break up their day of work and study.

Over the course of three sets, the students’ skill became evident as they kept the staff team to just 10 to 12 points per set. Even with the men’s height net in play, the students, especially the female players, showcased their skill and power, delivering hits that proved difficult for the staff to counter.

Georgia Browne from the student team says it was an excellent experience.

“It was a lot of fun – maybe next time we could mix up the teams to make it a bit fairer! Overall, we had a great time, and I can’t wait to be involved again next year.”

Sport Advancement Coordinator Chris Sharrock praised the event as another successful iteration of the Staff vs Student series.

“This match highlighted the importance of these events. Despite the gap in volleyball skills between staff and students, everyone had a lot of fun. Spending 45 minutes to an hour in a social and active setting can greatly benefit mental health, and this series continues to demonstrate that through the enthusiastic participation of all involved.”

The next event in the Staff vs Student series is a netball match, scheduled for mid-August on the Manawatū campus.

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