Regulations for The Bachelor of Communication - BC

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Communication. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Bachelor of Communication requires that the candidate will meet the University admission requirements as specified.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Bachelor of Communication shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 360 credits comprising:

(a) not more than 165 credits at 100 level;

(b) at least 75 credits at 300 level;

(c) at least 300 credits from the Schedule for the Degree of Bachelor of Communication;

and including:

(d) the core communication courses listed in Part A of the Bachelor of Communication Schedule;

(e) one major (120 credits);

(f) one minor (60 credits);

(g) the remaining courses (60 credits) from any undergraduate degree of the University.


3. Candidates must complete a major by passing at least 120 credits in a major. The requirements for each major are set out in Part B of the Schedule for the Qualification.

4. Majors available are: Applied Communication, Communication Management, Digital Marketing, Expressive Arts, Expressive Arts and Media Studies, Journalism, Linguistics, Media Studies, and Public Relations.

5. Candidates must complete a minor by passing at least 60 credits in a minor. The requirements for each minor are set out in 5a-5c

(a). The minor must be in a different discipline from the major(s). 

(b). Minors may be included from any undergraduate degree within the University for which recognised minors are specified.

(c). Where the minor is from another undergraduate degree, the regulations of that programme for the minor will apply.

Completion requirements

6. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates will apply.

7. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the  Diploma in Communication, or the Diploma in Arts should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

8. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

9. Candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Communication prior to 1 January 2019 who have already completed the core course 219.107 may be permitted to substitute this for the compulsory course 219.108. These transitional arrangements expire on 31 December 2025.

10. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion regulations and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Communication prior to 1 January 2022 who have successfully completed 219.100 may substitute this for 115.111. These transitional arrangements expire on 31 December 2025.

11. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion regulations and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Communication prior to 1 January 2023, who are enrolled in one or more of the following may substitute a course or courses already completed for a course or courses of the same value and at the same level within the Schedule to fulfil the requirements of the qualification: Communication Management major or minor, Journalism major or minor; Public Relations major or minor. These transitional arrangements expire on 31 December 2027.

12. Subject to the Maximum Time to Completion and Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the degree, candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) prior to 1 January 2025 who have successfully completed 219309 may substitute this for 219219. Students who have successfully completed either 219206 or 219231 may substitute one of these for 219320.

13. This transition expires 31 December 2029.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Communication

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Part A: Core courses

Course code: 115111 Communication Theory and Practice 15 credits

This course identifies key theories and strategies to enhance written, oral, visual, and interpersonal communication for different purposes and audiences. Students explore, discuss, critique, and practise communication for a business and global environment and recognise how world views, culture, and contexts shape communication.

Restrictions: 219100 and 219203

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Course code: 115116 Introduction to Marketing 15 credits

The course provides an understanding of the core concepts and practices of marketing.

Restrictions: 115104

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Course code: 139133 Creative Communication 15 credits

An introduction to the dynamics involved in creative communication. Students explore creative communication through work in, and analysis of, three creative forms: creative writing, theatre and digital media production.

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Course code: 154101 Media and Society 15 credits

An introduction to theories of the media and communications. Particular attention will be paid to the concepts of representation and audience, the political economy of media products, and the social and cultural context in which they occur.

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Course code: 172131 Language and Communication 15 credits

An introduction to language with particular emphasis on spoken communication.

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Course code: 219101 Media Skills 15 credits

Understanding and working with the news media combining practical skills with critical and ethical perspectives on media use. Skills include media strategy, writing media releases, broadcast interviewing and running a media conference.

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Course code: 219108 Introduction to Journalism 15 credits

An introduction to the role and function of contemporary news media, with special attention to the role of the journalist in society, the diversity of journalism cultures and basic journalism skills.

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Course code: 230111 Tū Kupu: Writing and Inquiry 15 credits

This course introduces students to cultures of writing and inquiry in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It is designed to help students write effectively at undergraduate level by practising a variety of writing tasks, including analytical, persuasive, and research-based writing and argumentation. Students will learn practices of writing, research, peer-review and revision that have application in the university and broader contexts.

Restrictions: 230100, 119155, 119177, 237130, 247155, 250100, 247177

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Part B: Specialisations


Applied Communication (120 credits)

Compulsory Courses

Choose 105 credits from
Course code: 219212 Introduction to Global Communication 15 credits

This course examines the role of communication in diverse global contexts, the interplays between global processes and transformations in communication, and the role of communication in addressing contemporary global business challenges.

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Course code: 219213 International Communication 15 credits

This course explores the role of media systems in shaping international politics, security, societal activism, and trans-border business and cultural practices.

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Course code: 219228 Fundamentals of Applied Communication 15 credits

Focusing on core global challenges around the Sustainable Development Goals, the course explores the nature and role of communication in addressing these challenges. Students learn to design and implement Te Tiriti-led strategic communication applications developed through culture-centred community partnerships.

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Course code: 219229 Public Policy Communication 15 credits

The course will cover the application of communication theories in the design, development, and implementation of public policies. Students will learn to engage in authentic community consultation to develop policies. They will critically examine public policies, analyse public opinion, and co-design community engagement. Attention will be given to incorporating the provisions and principles of Te Tiriti in public policy communication.

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Course code: 219303 Organisational Communication 15 credits

This course draws on current research and theory to examine the communication process, and practices in the context of organising.

Restrictions: 114353

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Course code: 219312 Crisis and Reputation Management 15 credits

This course critically evaluates ways that organisations can manage reputational risk and communicate in response to crisis situations.

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Course code: 219346 Advanced Applied Communication 15 credits

Students will develop communication theory and Te Tiriti informed responses to address a problem or challenge that faces a community, group, or organisation.

Prerequisites: 219.228 OR 219.229

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15 Credits from

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 219304 Intercultural Communication 15 credits

This course compares the communication behaviours of different cultures. Students will develop skills that help them analyse and address intercultural conflicts and issues, and gain skills that allow them to communicate effectively in intercultural contexts.

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Communication Management (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 219206 Communication and Technological Change 15 credits

This course examines the impacts of technology on communication, organizations, and cultures. Students will learn to anticipate change and engage with big problems. Students will also design, create and critique human-centric, ethical solutions to help navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century.

Restrictions: 114263, 14263

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Course code: 219207 Writing for Public Relations and Digital Media 15 credits

This course develops students’ skills in writing for public relations and relationship management purposes, with particular attention paid to the characteristics and requirements of digital media.

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Course code: 219211 Interpersonal Communication 15 credits

This course examines the importance and practice of building thriving communities and relationships, both in and out of the workplace. Students will examine how communication is used to connect with others, to express and uphold identities, and to manage challenging interactions and relationships.

Restrictions: 219307

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Course code: 219303 Organisational Communication 15 credits

This course draws on current research and theory to examine the communication process, and practices in the context of organising.

Restrictions: 114353

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Course code: 219304 Intercultural Communication 15 credits

This course compares the communication behaviours of different cultures. Students will develop skills that help them analyse and address intercultural conflicts and issues, and gain skills that allow them to communicate effectively in intercultural contexts.

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Course code: 219345 Strategic Communication 15 credits

This course integrates the theory and application of strategic communication concepts and methods.

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Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 219209 Public Relations Campaigns 15 credits

An introductory study of public relations and its use to create and maintain relationships between organisations and publics. Emphasis is placed on public relations campaigns and the theory and practice of campaign planning.

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At least 15 credits from 300 level courses

Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 219312 Crisis and Reputation Management 15 credits

This course critically evaluates ways that organisations can manage reputational risk and communicate in response to crisis situations.

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Digital Marketing (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 154250 Digital Media: Theory and Practice 15 credits

An exploration of the social, cultural, economic and technological transformations brought about by contemporary digital and networked media. Students will develop critical digital media literacies and learn to produce digital media.

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Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 156237 Marketing Communication and Advertising 15 credits

A study of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, including key theories of marketing communication, elements of the communication mix, and effective campaign design.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156334 Marketing Consultancy Project 15 credits

A client driven marketing planning course that integrates marketing concepts and methods across the curriculum.

Prerequisites: 156231 and any 1562xx course

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Course code: 156341 Branding 15 credits

A critical examination of brands and issues in branding and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 and plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 156338 International Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of issues in international marketing and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Course code: 156339 Omni-Channel Retail Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of marketing in an omni-channel retail environment.

Prerequisites: 156231 or 2902xx

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Expressive Arts (120 credits)

Choose no more than 60 credits from
Course code: 139209 Speaking: Theory and Practice 15 credits

A study of the theoretical and practical aspects of public speaking. Attention will be paid to building a rapport with an audience, to the preparation of material for spoken delivery and to the technical elements of voice production.

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Course code: 139220 Theatre for Change 15 credits

An applied introduction to the varied ways in which theatre is used for social and personal change.

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Course code: 139223 Creative Processes 15 credits

An investigation of human creativity that involves the study of creative practice and the making of original works of performance, film and writing.

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Course code: 139224 Making Plays for Theatre 15 credits

Students will receive a grounding in the skills of writing experimental theatre and an opportunity to employ these skills in the creation of original scripts.

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Course code: 139225 Writing for Children 15 credits

An intermediate-level introduction to the craft of writing targeted at ‘middle readers’ – roughly 9-13 years – across a variety of forms.

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Course code: 139229 Writing Poetry 15 credits

A creative writing course in which students develop and advance poetry skills within the major modes of lyric poetry and within the context of a more advanced engagement with fundamental elements of craft. In addition to reading poetry and critical essays on the genre, students will write original poetry and critically review their own work and the work of peers.

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Course code: 139280 Creative Writing II: Creative Nonfiction 15 credits

An intermediate-level introduction to the craft of nonfiction writing in a variety of genres, with a particular focus on the application of techniques usually associated with fiction and poetry to nonfiction material.

Restrictions: 139327

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Course code: 139285 Fiction Writing 15 credits

An intermediate-level study of the craft of fiction, investigating a range of forms by means of creative production, workshopping and peer review.

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Course code: 154204 Digital Media Production I 15 credits

An advanced introduction to producing digital media. This course uses hands-on, experiential learning to introduce techniques, concepts and processes for producing photography and video using industry standard hardware and software.

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Course code: 154224 Documentary (Non-Fiction) Film 15 credits

A study of the genre of documentary (non-fiction) film. The course will provide students with a critical awareness of the theory, history and various forms relevant to the genre. Students will plan and produce short documentary films. NOTE: Students require access to their own video camera and editing facilities.

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Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 139303 Modern Drama 15 credits

A study of innovative modern plays, by means of investigative workshops, theatrical performances, lecture/demonstrations and seminar presentations.

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Course code: 139309 Eco-fictions and Non-fictions 15 credits

A study of the relationships between creative writing and ecological concerns, covering a range of contemporary forms from eco-fictions, nonfictions, or poetry, to nature writing, to animal stories. It engages students in the workshopped production of original creative work.

Restrictions: 139381

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Course code: 139320 Theatre in Production 15 credits

This course studies theatre as an expressive art, with a focus on processes of adaptation, particularly the creation of new texts from old. It combines critical and practical research, including the presentation of a developed stage work, to examine how design, music and acting generate meaning in the performance of a text.

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Course code: 139323 Script Writing 15 credits

An in-depth study of the skills, formats, technique and terminology of professional script writing, with emphasis on the adaptation of traditional approaches across the diversity of contemporary media.

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Course code: 139326 Travel Writing 15 credits

A study of travel writing, involving both critical and ideological analysis and creative writing developed from the students' own field work.

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Course code: 139329 Advanced Fiction Writing 15 credits

An exploration of the poetics and politics of experimentation and subversion in contemporary fiction and metafiction including analysis of the work (both creative and critical) of major practitioners, theorists and original student compositions.

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Course code: 139333 Creativity in the Community 15 credits

The course provides an applied service learning project in the disciplines of expressive arts and media studies. Working collaboratively, students apply skills in theatre, performance, film-making, creative writing, media practice or mixed media to developing a creative response to a social issue or community need.

Prerequisites: Any one of 139123, 139104, 139133, 154204, or 139223

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Course code: 139340 The Publishing Project 15 credits

In this course, students study and experience the principles, processes and practice of publishing, through the co-production of an online publication. Key concepts include teamwork, co-production, theme selection, peer review, production scheduling, source selection, and online publishing.

Prerequisites: Any 200-level course with a 139 prefix or 219202

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Course code: 139362 Oceanic Literatures of Aotearoa: Ngā Tuhinga Kōrero o te Moana nui a Kiwa 15 credits

A study of contemporary Oceanic (Māori and Pasifika) literature in English contextualised in relation to customary and pre-colonial Oceanic literatures, narratives, and storytelling methods.

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Course code: 139380 Creative Writing III: Starting Your Manuscript 15 credits

An advanced study of the process of writing that consolidates knowledge of creative writing craft, expands understanding of genre, and analyses aesthetic and/or cultural aspects of published manuscripts across genres. The first portion of an envisioned full-length creative manuscript will be drafted with an emphasis on the critical evaluation of its aesthetic and/or cultural implications.

Prerequisites: Any 200-level Creative Writing course

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Course code: 154304 Digital Media Production II 15 credits

The further development of skills and abilities in a chosen media area with particular emphasis upon the production of a major media project.

Prerequisites: 154204

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Expressive Arts and Media Studies (120 credits)

A major consists of 120 credits from Expressive Arts and Media Studies, including at least 45 credits in Expressive Arts and 45 credits in Media Studies, with at least 60 credits at 300 level.

Journalism (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 219204 News Media and Society 15 credits

This course examines the structure and functions of New Zealand news media, including its linkages to global news media systems. It also examines how different social identities are constructed in news media.

Restrictions: 114264

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Course code: 219223 Specialist Reporting 15 credits

The theory and practice of reporting on a specialist area of the student's choice (e.g. arts, music, sports, business, science), including building a portfolio of news and feature stories to a publishable standard in either print and/or multi-media formats.

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Course code: 219231 News Reporting 15 credits

An exploration of current principles and practices and the fundamentals of news gathering and news production.

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Course code: 219234 Editing and Publishing for Journalism and Communication 15 credits

Editing text for print and web publication, and understanding and applying the principles of design and layout in publishing.

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Course code: 219325 Current Affairs Journalism 15 credits

The theory and practice of covering current affairs, including national and local politics and other issue-based and breaking news stories in either print or multi-media formats.

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Course code: 219335 Media Law and Ethics 15 credits

Students learn how to publish safely by navigating the legal and ethical challenges of writing and publishing in today’s digital age.

Restrictions: 219331

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Choose at least 30 credits from
Course code: 219304 Intercultural Communication 15 credits

This course compares the communication behaviours of different cultures. Students will develop skills that help them analyse and address intercultural conflicts and issues, and gain skills that allow them to communicate effectively in intercultural contexts.

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Course code: 219309 International Case Studies in Public Relations 15 credits

An examination of the practice and theory of public relations internationally, overviewing the increasingly global industry structure, comparing international theoretical approaches, and introducing specialist intercultural communication skills for internationally mobile public relations practice.

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 219336 Global, Investigative and Data Journalism 15 credits

Explore the diversity of journalism as it is practised around the world, including investigative, undercover and data journalism.

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Linguistics (120 credits)

Compulsory course

Course code: 172235 Linguistic Analysis of the English Language 15 credits

An introductory course in linguistic analysis of the English language covering the fundamental concepts of morphology, phonetics, phonology, and syntax.

Restrictions: 172231

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Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 172232 Language and Society in New Zealand 15 credits

An introduction to sociolinguistics with particular reference to New Zealand: focussing on language and social interaction, regional and social variation in language use, bilingualism and the status of minority languages, and the sociolinguistics of te Reo Māori.

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Course code: 172236 Forensic Linguistics 15 credits

An introduction to the study of forensic linguistics, focussing on a variety of business and legal contexts and related ethical issues.

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Course code: 172237 Language, Discourse and Power 15 credits

An introduction to critical discourse analysis, exploring how language is used in the reproduction of social inequalities.

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Course code: 172239 Language and Culture 15 credits

An examination of the interrelationship between/of language and culture through a study of various elements of language, language use and language acquisition in a wide range of cultural contexts.

Restrictions: 172132

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Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 172333 Discourse and Institutions 15 credits

A critical examination of public and private-sphere discourses in institutional contexts through linguistic theories and methods.

Prerequisites: Any 200 level 172-prefix course

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Course code: 172335 Language and Identity 15 credits

An advanced sociolinguistic study of how language is used to represent and construct aspects of identity relevant to particular social interactions, including the individual’s ability to negotiate multiple forms of identity and belonging.

Prerequisites: 172232 or 172237

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Course code: 172336 Languages of the Pacific 15 credits

An examination of the three major language subgroups spoken in the Pacific, focussing on their formal elements, the relationship between language and society, and the linguistic consequences of the encounter between Pacific peoples and speakers of non-Pacific languages.

Prerequisites: Any 200-level Linguistics course

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Course code: 172338 Language, Diversity and Mediated Communication 15 credits

An examination of one-to-many communication in the Web and mediated contexts, focussing on globalised and transcultural communication of linguistic perspectives.

Prerequisites: Any 200-level Linguistics course

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Marketing Communication (120 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156237 Marketing Communication and Advertising 15 credits

A study of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, including key theories of marketing communication, elements of the communication mix, and effective campaign design.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156334 Marketing Consultancy Project 15 credits

A client driven marketing planning course that integrates marketing concepts and methods across the curriculum.

Prerequisites: 156231 and any 1562xx course

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Course code: 219209 Public Relations Campaigns 15 credits

An introductory study of public relations and its use to create and maintain relationships between organisations and publics. Emphasis is placed on public relations campaigns and the theory and practice of campaign planning.

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 156232 Consumer Behaviour 15 credits

A study of the theory and practice of changing consumer behaviour through marketing programmes. The course critically evaluates traditional cognitive models of consumer behaviour and alternative behaviourist approaches.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 219207 Writing for Public Relations and Digital Media 15 credits

This course develops students’ skills in writing for public relations and relationship management purposes, with particular attention paid to the characteristics and requirements of digital media.

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Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 156339 Omni-Channel Retail Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of marketing in an omni-channel retail environment.

Prerequisites: 156231 or 2902xx

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Course code: 156340 Customer Intelligence 15 credits

This course teaches methods to convert organisations’ large data sets about customers, competitors, channel partners and their own activities into information for improved marketing decision making.

Prerequisites: 156233

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Course code: 156341 Branding 15 credits

A critical examination of brands and issues in branding and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 and plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Course code: 219304 Intercultural Communication 15 credits

This course compares the communication behaviours of different cultures. Students will develop skills that help them analyse and address intercultural conflicts and issues, and gain skills that allow them to communicate effectively in intercultural contexts.

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Course code: 219305 Public Relations Management 15 credits

This course provides an in-depth examination of public relations theory and shows how it applies to practice. It focuses on strategic engagement with diverse publics, the development of long-lasting and meaningful organisational relationships, and reputation management.

Prerequisites: 219209 Restrictions: 114363

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Course code: 219309 International Case Studies in Public Relations 15 credits

An examination of the practice and theory of public relations internationally, overviewing the increasingly global industry structure, comparing international theoretical approaches, and introducing specialist intercultural communication skills for internationally mobile public relations practice.

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Media Studies (120 credits)

Compulsory course

Course code: 154250 Digital Media: Theory and Practice 15 credits

An exploration of the social, cultural, economic and technological transformations brought about by contemporary digital and networked media. Students will develop critical digital media literacies and learn to produce digital media.

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Choose no more than 45 credits from
Course code: 154202 Advertising and Consumer Society 15 credits

A study of the form and function of advertising in the context of consumer society, with particular emphasis on the conflict between advertising as a form of corporate manipulation and as a form of creative expression. Critical theories will be used to explore the role of advertising in relation to consumerism, capitalism, branding, art and agency.

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Course code: 154203 Popular Culture and the Media 15 credits

A survey of cultural theories and debates in relation to modern mass media. A number of issues such as identity, representation and cultural politics will be considered in their historical contexts and in relation to a variety of texts from popular culture and the media.

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Course code: 154204 Digital Media Production I 15 credits

An advanced introduction to producing digital media. This course uses hands-on, experiential learning to introduce techniques, concepts and processes for producing photography and video using industry standard hardware and software.

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Course code: 154206 International Film History 15 credits

A study of the history of film using case studies and including a consideration of the ways in which social contexts, industrial conditions, technologies and individuals have influenced film narratives and film theory.

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Course code: 154208 Screen Media 15 credits

An exploration of the formal and textual features of film and television, and their relation to technological change, with an emphasis on how film and television have both shaped and been transformed by digital media.

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Course code: 154224 Documentary (Non-Fiction) Film 15 credits

A study of the genre of documentary (non-fiction) film. The course will provide students with a critical awareness of the theory, history and various forms relevant to the genre. Students will plan and produce short documentary films. NOTE: Students require access to their own video camera and editing facilities.

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Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 139323 Script Writing 15 credits

An in-depth study of the skills, formats, technique and terminology of professional script writing, with emphasis on the adaptation of traditional approaches across the diversity of contemporary media.

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Course code: 139333 Creativity in the Community 15 credits

The course provides an applied service learning project in the disciplines of expressive arts and media studies. Working collaboratively, students apply skills in theatre, performance, film-making, creative writing, media practice or mixed media to developing a creative response to a social issue or community need.

Prerequisites: Any one of 139123, 139104, 139133, 154204, or 139223

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Course code: 154301 Culture, Power and the Media 15 credits

An advanced study of theoretical approaches to the study of media and popular culture, with particular emphasis on how media are involved in the contestation, negotiation and maintenance of power relations.

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Course code: 154302 Gender and Race in the Media 15 credits

A critical study of gender, race and ethnicity in the media, considered from a variety of theoretical approaches.

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Course code: 154303 Hollywood Cinema 15 credits

An examination of how the formal, socio-cultural, and technological characteristics of Hollywood Cinema have intersected with its industrial conditions across history.

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Course code: 154304 Digital Media Production II 15 credits

The further development of skills and abilities in a chosen media area with particular emphasis upon the production of a major media project.

Prerequisites: 154204

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Course code: 154311 Social Media and Digital Cultures 15 credits

This course explores how social media shapes identities, social relationships, work, politics and societies. From fake news to social media influencers, this course examines how digital technologies play a key role in shaping everyday life in the twenty-first century.

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Course code: 154313 Global Media Cultures 15 credits

New media technologies and global patterns of media distribution have produced complex, emergent practices of transnational community formation, text-sharing and collaborative media production. This course examines these practices in relation to the maintenance and negotiation of cultural identity in the contemporary world.

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Course code: 154315 Popular Music Studies 15 credits

A critical examination of the nature, role and meaning of popular music within contemporary Western societies. Particular attention will be paid to the political economy of the international music industry, music and technology, genre and musical texts, making music, stardom and auteur studies, and audiences and subcultures.

Restrictions: 154205

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Course code: 154316 New Zealand Cinema 15 credits

An exploration of the development of the New Zealand film industry with a focus on aesthetics and national identity. Key films are examined in relation to wider contexts, such as history, politics, economics, and culture, which have all contributed to the creation of a distinctive local film industry and film culture.

Restrictions: 154212

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Public Relations (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 105 credits from
Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 219207 Writing for Public Relations and Digital Media 15 credits

This course develops students’ skills in writing for public relations and relationship management purposes, with particular attention paid to the characteristics and requirements of digital media.

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Course code: 219209 Public Relations Campaigns 15 credits

An introductory study of public relations and its use to create and maintain relationships between organisations and publics. Emphasis is placed on public relations campaigns and the theory and practice of campaign planning.

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Course code: 219219 International Public Relations 15 credits

An examination of the practice and theory of public relations interculturally and internationally, overviewing the global industry structure and introducing specialist intercultural communication skills for internationally mobile public relations practice.

Restrictions: 219309

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Course code: 219305 Public Relations Management 15 credits

This course provides an in-depth examination of public relations theory and shows how it applies to practice. It focuses on strategic engagement with diverse publics, the development of long-lasting and meaningful organisational relationships, and reputation management.

Prerequisites: 219209 Restrictions: 114363

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Course code: 219312 Crisis and Reputation Management 15 credits

This course critically evaluates ways that organisations can manage reputational risk and communicate in response to crisis situations.

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Course code: 219320 PR Consultancy 15 credits

An examination of the key skills, knowledge, and practices of public relations consultancy to both internal and external clients.

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Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 219303 Organisational Communication 15 credits

This course draws on current research and theory to examine the communication process, and practices in the context of organising.

Restrictions: 114353

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Course code: 219335 Media Law and Ethics 15 credits

Students learn how to publish safely by navigating the legal and ethical challenges of writing and publishing in today’s digital age.

Restrictions: 219331

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Applied Communication (60 credits)

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 219228 Fundamentals of Applied Communication 15 credits

Focusing on core global challenges around the Sustainable Development Goals, the course explores the nature and role of communication in addressing these challenges. Students learn to design and implement Te Tiriti-led strategic communication applications developed through culture-centred community partnerships.

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Course code: 219229 Public Policy Communication 15 credits

The course will cover the application of communication theories in the design, development, and implementation of public policies. Students will learn to engage in authentic community consultation to develop policies. They will critically examine public policies, analyse public opinion, and co-design community engagement. Attention will be given to incorporating the provisions and principles of Te Tiriti in public policy communication.

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Course code: 219312 Crisis and Reputation Management 15 credits

This course critically evaluates ways that organisations can manage reputational risk and communicate in response to crisis situations.

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Course code: 219346 Advanced Applied Communication 15 credits

Students will develop communication theory and Te Tiriti informed responses to address a problem or challenge that faces a community, group, or organisation.

Prerequisites: 219.228 OR 219.229

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Communication Management (60 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 219206 Communication and Technological Change 15 credits

This course examines the impacts of technology on communication, organizations, and cultures. Students will learn to anticipate change and engage with big problems. Students will also design, create and critique human-centric, ethical solutions to help navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century.

Restrictions: 114263, 14263

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Course code: 219211 Interpersonal Communication 15 credits

This course examines the importance and practice of building thriving communities and relationships, both in and out of the workplace. Students will examine how communication is used to connect with others, to express and uphold identities, and to manage challenging interactions and relationships.

Restrictions: 219307

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Course code: 219303 Organisational Communication 15 credits

This course draws on current research and theory to examine the communication process, and practices in the context of organising.

Restrictions: 114353

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Course code: 219345 Strategic Communication 15 credits

This course integrates the theory and application of strategic communication concepts and methods.

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Digital Marketing (60 credits)

Choose at least 30 credits from
Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 156237 Marketing Communication and Advertising 15 credits

A study of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, including key theories of marketing communication, elements of the communication mix, and effective campaign design.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 156334 Marketing Consultancy Project 15 credits

A client driven marketing planning course that integrates marketing concepts and methods across the curriculum.

Prerequisites: 156231 and any 1562xx course

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Course code: 156338 International Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of issues in international marketing and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Course code: 156339 Omni-Channel Retail Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of marketing in an omni-channel retail environment.

Prerequisites: 156231 or 2902xx

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Course code: 219311 Communication Internship 15 credits

This course provides students with a period of workplace experience with knowledge of communication concepts and terminology gained throughout their degree, in a series of analytical assessments.

Prerequisites: 2192xx or 1562xx and Appraisal Required

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Expressive Arts (60 credits)

A minor consists of 60 credits from the schedule of the Expressive Arts major, including at least 15 credits at 300 level.

Expressive Arts and Media Studies (60 credits)

A minor consists of 60 credits from Expressive Arts and Media Studies courses, with at least 30 credits in Expressive Arts and at least 30 credits in Media Studies, and including at least 15 credits at 300 level.

International Languages (60 credits)

Chose from either A: Chinese OR B: French OR C: German OR D: Japanese OR E: Spanish

A: Chinese

Chinese compulsory courses
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 241201 Chinese 2A 15 credits

Provides students with intermediate level of proficiency in Putonghua (Mandarin), building on skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Intermediate level structures, vocabulary and characters are reinforced through oral and written exercises. Students acquire the tools appropriate to this level to discuss topics relevant to themselves and to Chinese culture and society.

Prerequisites: 241102 or appraisal required Restrictions: 241202, 241301, 241302, 241304, 241305

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Course code: 241202 Chinese 2B 15 credits

Aims to further develop intermediate level proficiency in Putonghua (Mandarin), building on skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Entails a further set of intermediate level structures, vocabulary and characters that are reinforced through oral and written exercises. Students discuss topics appropriate to this level and that are relevant to themselves and to Chinese culture and society.

Prerequisites: 241201 or appraisal required Restrictions: 241301, 241302, 241304, 241305, 241306

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Chinese subject courses
Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 241207 Chinese Diaspora 15 credits

This course will examine the emergence and transformation of Chinese international migration in the global context of China’s interactions with the outside world and diaspora’s changing patterns of political, social and cultural adaptations in various regions in the world.

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Course code: 241208 Contemporary Chinese Society in Literature and Film 15 credits

An integrated account of social and historical developments of contemporary China (from 1912 to the early 1990s) through a study of selected literary texts and films. No knowledge of Chinese is required.

Restrictions: 241203, 241204

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Course code: 241301 Chinese 3A 15 credits

Provides students with pre-advanced level proficiency in Putonghua (Mandarin), building on skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Pre-advanced level structures, vocabulary and characters extend and refine linguistic capabilities through oral and written exercises, and students will acquire comprehension and communication skills to deal confidently and accurately with various situations.

Prerequisites: 241202 or appraisal required Restrictions: 241302

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Course code: 241302 Chinese 3B 15 credits

Provides students with advanced level proficiency in Putonghua (Mandarin), building on skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Advanced level structures, vocabulary and characters extend and refine linguistic capabilities through oral and written exercises, and students will acquire greater comprehension and communication skills to deal confidently and accurately with various situations.

Prerequisites: 241301 or appraisal required Restrictions: 241341, 241342, 169341, 169342

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Course code: 241304 Contrastive Study of Chinese and English 15 credits

A systematic study of Chinese grammar based on contrastive analysis as an approach to develop communicative skills through increased language awareness. Topics include basic concepts, sentence structure, special verbal constructions, tense and aspect, and complements.

Prerequisites: 241301 and 241302 or appraisal required Restrictions: 169344

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Course code: 241305 Translation from and into Chinese 15 credits

An advanced introduction to the theory and practice of translation from and into Chinese, with an emphasis on the development and application of written translation skills.

Prerequisites: 241301 and 241302 or appraisal required Restrictions: 169343

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Course code: 243301 Advanced French Language 15 credits

For students with an autonomous level of oral and written French. An advanced-level course in French to further develop written and oral comprehension, expression and analysis, based on contemporary texts and recordings.

Prerequisites: 243202 or equivalent

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B: French
French compulsory courses
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 243201 Intermediate French Language I 15 credits

An intermediate-level review of written and spoken French, further developing skills in vocabulary, grammar, composition, comprehension, and oral communication.

Prerequisites: 243102 or 164107 or equivalent Restrictions: 243202, 243301

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Course code: 243202 Intermediate French Language II 15 credits

For students with intermediate level of French. An Autonomous level review of written and spoken French, further developing skills in vocabulary, grammar, composition, comprehension, and oral communication.

Prerequisites: 243201 or 164101 or 164200 Restrictions: 243301

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French subject courses
Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 243301 Advanced French Language 15 credits

For students with an autonomous level of oral and written French. An advanced-level course in French to further develop written and oral comprehension, expression and analysis, based on contemporary texts and recordings.

Prerequisites: 243202 or equivalent

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Course code: 243304 Contemporary French Popular Culture 15 credits

For students with Advanced level of French. Practical study of contemporary examples of French popular language and culture in a range of fields. An Advanced level review of written and spoken French, further developing skills in vocabulary, grammar, composition, comprehension and oral communication.

Prerequisites: 243301 or 164301 Restrictions: 164307

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C: German No new enrolments from 2011
D: Japanese
Japanese compulsory courses
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 242201 Japanese 2A 15 credits

This course provides students with a pre-intermediate level of reading, writing, listening and speaking proficiency in Japanese building on skills established in prior study. Student will use a range of written and oral exercises to practise new grammatical structures, vocabulary and approximately 80 new kanji, and will acquire the tools to discuss topics of relevance to themselves and Japanese culture and society at an appropriate level.

Prerequisites: 242102 or appraisal required Restrictions: 242202, 242301, 242302, 242304, 242305, 242306, 242307

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Course code: 242202 Japanese 2B 15 credits

This course further develops students' reading, writing, listening and speaking proficiency in Japanese at pre-intermediate level, extending skills gained in 242.201 Japanese 2A. Student will continue to use a range of written and oral exercises to practise new grammatical structures, vocabulary and approximately 100 new kanji, and will improve their ability to discuss topics of relevance to themselves and Japanese culture and society at an appropriate level. The use of respect language (keigo) will also be introduced.

Prerequisites: 242201 or appraisal required Restrictions: 242301, 242302, 242304, 242305, 242306, 242307

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Japanese subject courses
Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 242205 Japanese Cinema 15 credits

This course will introduce Japanese cinema in English translation as an art form that strongly reflects its culture. Traditional samurai films, contemporary social problem films and animations are used to explore how films address issues of modernity and national identity. No previous knowledge of Japanese language, history, or culture is required.

Restrictions: 169227

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Course code: 242301 Japanese 3A 15 credits

This course provides students with a pre-advanced level of reading, writing, listening and speaking proficiency in Japanese building on skills established in prior study. Students will continue to extend and refine their ability in Japanese through using a range of exercises practising more advanced vocabulary and idioms, grammatical structures, respect language (keigo) and approximately 244 new kanji. Students will be expected to develop comprehension and communication skills to deal confidently and accurately with various situations.

Prerequisites: 242202 or appraisal required Restrictions: 242302

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Course code: 242302 Japanese 3B 15 credits

This course further extends students' Japanese proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking to advanced level, building on skills established in 242.301 Japanese 3A. Students will continue to further extend and refine their ability in Japanese through practising an increased range of vocabulary and idioms, grammatical structures, respect language (keigo) and approximately 208 new kanji. Students will be expected to develop their comprehension and communication skills for confident and accurate use in more varied situations.

Prerequisites: 242301 or appraisal required

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Course code: 242304 Reading and Writing about Current Japan 15 credits

Selected issues of contemporary Japanese society will be studied through the medium of texts in the Japanese language. Further development of Japanese skills in reading and writing.

Prerequisites: 242202 or appraisal required

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Course code: 242305 Readings in Modern Japanese Literature 15 credits

A study of selected extracts in the original Japanese from the work of major modern writers.

Prerequisites: 242202 or appraisal required

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E: Spanish
Spanish compulsory courses
Choose 30 credits from
Course code: 245201 Intermediate Spanish Language I 15 credits

Intermediate level written and oral comprehension and communication skills in Spanish, providing a broad linguistic base for the study of Spanish and Latin American culture, literature and civilisation.

Prerequisites: 245102 Restrictions: 245202, 245301

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Course code: 245202 Intermediate Spanish Language II 15 credits

An extension of intermediate skills in reading, free composition, listening comprehension and oral communication to illustrate aspects of contemporary Spanish and Latin American culture and society.

Prerequisites: 245201 Restrictions: 245301

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Spanish subject courses
Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 245203 The Sound of Spanish: Diction, Dialects and Diversity 15 credits

An introduction to socio-linguistic aspects of the use of Spanish around the world, including dialectal variations and bilingualism, through a study of basic Spanish phonetics and phonology.

Prerequisites: 245201

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Course code: 245204 Latin American Voices 15 credits

An introduction to 20th century Latin American literature and its historical and political contexts through short literary works in Spanish.

Prerequisites: 245201 Restrictions: 164255

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Course code: 245301 Advanced Spanish Language 15 credits

Advanced level skills in reading, free composition, listening comprehension and oral communication in Spanish, illustrating aspects of contemporary Spanish and Latin American culture and society.

Prerequisites: 245202

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Course code: 245302 Theory and Practice of Spanish Translation 15 credits

An advanced introduction to the theory and practice of translation from and into Spanish and the role and responsibility of the translator.

Prerequisites: 245301

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Course code: 245303 Latin American Rhythms and Politics: From Tango to Rock 15 credits

Study of representative twentieth century Latin American music styles and their links to key social and political events that have shaped Latin American history. This course will be taught in Spanish.

Prerequisites: 245202 or 245204

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Course code: 245304 Travellers' Tales: the Invention of Latin America 15 credits

An exploration of how Latin American people, landscapes and cultures have been defined through the writings of European, North American, Australasian and Latin American travellers. This course will be taught in Spanish.

Prerequisites: 245202 or 245204

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Course code: 245305 Spanish Conversation on Film 15 credits

An advanced study of contemporary Latin American cinema within the context of current socio-political debates.

Prerequisites: 245202

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Journalism (60 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 219223 Specialist Reporting 15 credits

The theory and practice of reporting on a specialist area of the student's choice (e.g. arts, music, sports, business, science), including building a portfolio of news and feature stories to a publishable standard in either print and/or multi-media formats.

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Course code: 219231 News Reporting 15 credits

An exploration of current principles and practices and the fundamentals of news gathering and news production.

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Course code: 219325 Current Affairs Journalism 15 credits

The theory and practice of covering current affairs, including national and local politics and other issue-based and breaking news stories in either print or multi-media formats.

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Course code: 219335 Media Law and Ethics 15 credits

Students learn how to publish safely by navigating the legal and ethical challenges of writing and publishing in today’s digital age.

Restrictions: 219331

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Linguistics (60 credits)

A minor consists of 60 credits from the schedule of the Linguistics Major, including at least 15 credits at 300 level

Marketing Communication (60 credits)

No new enrolments

This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Choose at least 30 credits from
Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156237 Marketing Communication and Advertising 15 credits

A study of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, including key theories of marketing communication, elements of the communication mix, and effective campaign design.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 219209 Public Relations Campaigns 15 credits

An introductory study of public relations and its use to create and maintain relationships between organisations and publics. Emphasis is placed on public relations campaigns and the theory and practice of campaign planning.

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Choose at least 15 credits from
Course code: 156334 Marketing Consultancy Project 15 credits

A client driven marketing planning course that integrates marketing concepts and methods across the curriculum.

Prerequisites: 156231 and any 1562xx course

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Course code: 156339 Omni-Channel Retail Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of marketing in an omni-channel retail environment.

Prerequisites: 156231 or 2902xx

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Course code: 156341 Branding 15 credits

A critical examination of brands and issues in branding and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 and plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Media Studies (60 credits)

60 credits from including at least 15 credits at 300-level

Course code: 139323 Script Writing 15 credits

An in-depth study of the skills, formats, technique and terminology of professional script writing, with emphasis on the adaptation of traditional approaches across the diversity of contemporary media.

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Course code: 139333 Creativity in the Community 15 credits

The course provides an applied service learning project in the disciplines of expressive arts and media studies. Working collaboratively, students apply skills in theatre, performance, film-making, creative writing, media practice or mixed media to developing a creative response to a social issue or community need.

Prerequisites: Any one of 139123, 139104, 139133, 154204, or 139223

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Course code: 139376 Sexual/Textual Politics 15 credits

A study of patriarchal society and gender identity in selected literary texts.

Restrictions: 139361

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Course code: 154202 Advertising and Consumer Society 15 credits

A study of the form and function of advertising in the context of consumer society, with particular emphasis on the conflict between advertising as a form of corporate manipulation and as a form of creative expression. Critical theories will be used to explore the role of advertising in relation to consumerism, capitalism, branding, art and agency.

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Course code: 154203 Popular Culture and the Media 15 credits

A survey of cultural theories and debates in relation to modern mass media. A number of issues such as identity, representation and cultural politics will be considered in their historical contexts and in relation to a variety of texts from popular culture and the media.

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Course code: 154204 Digital Media Production I 15 credits

An advanced introduction to producing digital media. This course uses hands-on, experiential learning to introduce techniques, concepts and processes for producing photography and video using industry standard hardware and software.

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Course code: 154206 International Film History 15 credits

A study of the history of film using case studies and including a consideration of the ways in which social contexts, industrial conditions, technologies and individuals have influenced film narratives and film theory.

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Course code: 154208 Screen Media 15 credits

An exploration of the formal and textual features of film and television, and their relation to technological change, with an emphasis on how film and television have both shaped and been transformed by digital media.

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Course code: 154224 Documentary (Non-Fiction) Film 15 credits

A study of the genre of documentary (non-fiction) film. The course will provide students with a critical awareness of the theory, history and various forms relevant to the genre. Students will plan and produce short documentary films. NOTE: Students require access to their own video camera and editing facilities.

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Course code: 154250 Digital Media: Theory and Practice 15 credits

An exploration of the social, cultural, economic and technological transformations brought about by contemporary digital and networked media. Students will develop critical digital media literacies and learn to produce digital media.

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Course code: 154301 Culture, Power and the Media 15 credits

An advanced study of theoretical approaches to the study of media and popular culture, with particular emphasis on how media are involved in the contestation, negotiation and maintenance of power relations.

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Course code: 154302 Gender and Race in the Media 15 credits

A critical study of gender, race and ethnicity in the media, considered from a variety of theoretical approaches.

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Course code: 154303 Hollywood Cinema 15 credits

An examination of how the formal, socio-cultural, and technological characteristics of Hollywood Cinema have intersected with its industrial conditions across history.

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Course code: 154304 Digital Media Production II 15 credits

The further development of skills and abilities in a chosen media area with particular emphasis upon the production of a major media project.

Prerequisites: 154204

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Course code: 154311 Social Media and Digital Cultures 15 credits

This course explores how social media shapes identities, social relationships, work, politics and societies. From fake news to social media influencers, this course examines how digital technologies play a key role in shaping everyday life in the twenty-first century.

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Course code: 154313 Global Media Cultures 15 credits

New media technologies and global patterns of media distribution have produced complex, emergent practices of transnational community formation, text-sharing and collaborative media production. This course examines these practices in relation to the maintenance and negotiation of cultural identity in the contemporary world.

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Course code: 154315 Popular Music Studies 15 credits

A critical examination of the nature, role and meaning of popular music within contemporary Western societies. Particular attention will be paid to the political economy of the international music industry, music and technology, genre and musical texts, making music, stardom and auteur studies, and audiences and subcultures.

Restrictions: 154205

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Course code: 154316 New Zealand Cinema 15 credits

An exploration of the development of the New Zealand film industry with a focus on aesthetics and national identity. Key films are examined in relation to wider contexts, such as history, politics, economics, and culture, which have all contributed to the creation of a distinctive local film industry and film culture.

Restrictions: 154212

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Public Relations (60 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 60 credits from
Course code: 219207 Writing for Public Relations and Digital Media 15 credits

This course develops students’ skills in writing for public relations and relationship management purposes, with particular attention paid to the characteristics and requirements of digital media.

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Course code: 219209 Public Relations Campaigns 15 credits

An introductory study of public relations and its use to create and maintain relationships between organisations and publics. Emphasis is placed on public relations campaigns and the theory and practice of campaign planning.

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Course code: 219305 Public Relations Management 15 credits

This course provides an in-depth examination of public relations theory and shows how it applies to practice. It focuses on strategic engagement with diverse publics, the development of long-lasting and meaningful organisational relationships, and reputation management.

Prerequisites: 219209 Restrictions: 114363

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Course code: 219312 Crisis and Reputation Management 15 credits

This course critically evaluates ways that organisations can manage reputational risk and communicate in response to crisis situations.

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