Regulations for The Bachelor of Retail and Business Management - BRBM

Official rules and regulations for the Bachelor of Retail and Business Management. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Retail and Business Management requires that the candidate will meet the University admission requirements as specified.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Retail and Business Management shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 360 credits, comprising:

(a) not more than 150 credits at 100 level;

(b) at least 75 credits at 300 level;

and including:

(c) at least 300 credits selected from the schedule to the degree;

(d) the core courses listed in Schedule A to the Qualification;

(e) attending field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials and laboratories as required.

3. Candidates who, in the opinion of the Academic Board, have passed with sufficient merit subjects for a Retail qualification registered on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework at Level 5 or higher, may be cross-credited with specified or unspecified courses not exceeding a total of 120 credits.


4. Candidates may complete a minor by passing at least 60 credits in a specialisation, including at least 45 credits above 100 level, of which at least 15 credits must be at 300 level. The requirements for each minor are set out in Schedule B to the Qualification.

5. Approved minors are: Business Information Systems and Electronic Commerce, Design, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Retail Banking.

6. Minors may be included from any undergraduate degree within the University for which recognised minors are specified.

(a) Where the minor is from another undergraduate degree the regulations of that programme for the minor will apply.

(b) No course may be credited to more than one specialisation.

Academic requirements

7. Candidates are required to complete 315 hours of practical work in internship placements, in accordance with the requirements of courses:

(a) 290.100 Retail Practice Internship (45 hours; 6 days);

(b) 290.201 Retail Knowledge (90 hours; 12 days);

(c) 290.301 Retail Experience (180 hours; 24 days).

8. Candidates will be responsible for securing their own placements with suitable retail organisations, which must be approved by the Internship Coordinator. All work undertaken must be completed in accordance with the required standards issued.

Completion requirements

9. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates will apply.

10. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Diploma in Business should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

11. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Schedule for the Bachelor of Retail and Business Management

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule A: Compulsory core courses (Choose 300 credits from)

Choose 300 credits from
Course code: 114240 Organisational Behaviour 15 credits

A theoretical and practical examination of the behaviour of people in the work environment. Students develop a basic understanding of individual behaviour and team dynamics, exploring issues of motivation, communication, leadership, decision making, power and organisational change.

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Course code: 115109 Introduction to Business Analytics 15 credits

An introduction to internal and external organisational data, mechanisms to obtain, analyse and interpret that data, and performance indicators used to define and assess the operational and financial viability of a business.

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Course code: 115112 Accounting for Business 15 credits

An introduction to how accounting information is used for planning, monitoring and evaluating organisational performance.

Restrictions: 115102

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Course code: 115113 Economics for Business 15 credits

The course examines the nature of the contemporary economic environment in which businesses operate, and considers how economics can aid in business decision-making.

Restrictions: 115106

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Course code: 115115 Management in Context 15 credits

This course provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of management and organisations in the contemporary context.

Restrictions: 115108

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Course code: 115116 Introduction to Marketing 15 credits

The course provides an understanding of the core concepts and practices of marketing.

Restrictions: 115104

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Course code: 156231 Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits

A study of the decisions required to allocate and manage marketing resources in a competitive business environment.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156232 Consumer Behaviour 15 credits

A study of the theory and practice of changing consumer behaviour through marketing programmes. The course critically evaluates traditional cognitive models of consumer behaviour and alternative behaviourist approaches.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156339 Omni-Channel Retail Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of marketing in an omni-channel retail environment.

Prerequisites: 156231 or 2902xx

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Course code: 240260 Logistics and Supply Chain Fundamentals 15 credits

A study of logistics and supply chain management fundamental concepts. The supply chain management paradigm that underpins modern business is fully explored with a specific focus on customer service, forecasting, process integration, relationship management, and performance measurement.

Restrictions: 115260

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Course code: 290201 Retail Knowledge Internship 15 credits

The internship provides the participant with a practical understanding of the components of a retail operation from buying (supply end) to delivery (customer end).

Prerequisites: At least 15 credits at 200-level from the 290 course prefix series

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Course code: 290202 Design Thinking for Business Operations 15 credits

This course applies the principles of design thinking to examine the operations of a business (physical and virtual), and how they are integrated to deliver the business proposition to satisfy customer needs and wants.

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Course code: 290203 Buying and Category Management 15 credits

A study of the theory and practice of effective product buying from suppliers, and the planning of product range construction and execution of merchandising the range to the customer in the retail environment.

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Course code: 290204 Managing the Customer Experience 15 credits

This course examines the customer experience when navigating physical and virtual service environments. It explores the theory and practice regarding customer experience.

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Course code: 290301 Retail Experience Internship 30 credits

This capstone internship involves extensive work within a retail business to analyse and critique current practices against retail and business theories and international best practice.

Prerequisites: At least 30 credits at 200-level from the 290 course prefix series Restrictions: 115388

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Course code: 290302 Strategic Transformation in Retailing 15 credits

A study of the strategic models and frameworks used by retail businesses to construct strategies to ensure business transformation and viability. This course evaluates historical practices of strategy formation as well as how changes in the modern marketplace are affecting retail strategy.

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Schedule B: Minors (Choose 60 credits from)

Business Information Systems and Electronic Commerce (60 credits)

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Compulsory course

Course code: 157350 Technology Governance and Risk Management 15 credits

Designing and managing technology-based solutions for realising organisational strategy.

Restrictions: 57301, 157373, 157341

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Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 157151 Living and Working with Technology 15 credits

An introductory study of the roles and applications of information systems in organisations and society.

Restrictions: 115107, 157150, 157100

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Course code: 157240 Social Media Networks for Business 15 credits

Students will be introduced to using social media for business success and will examine current issues in the rapidly developing area of social media using a socio-technical approach.

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Course code: 157241 Technology Trends for Organisations 15 credits

A comprehensive study of major technology trends and organisational contexts within which information systems are developed and used from user, manager, organisational and societal perspectives.

Restrictions: 157242

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Design (60 credits)

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Compulsory courses

Course code: 197288 Creative Collaboration 15 credits

In this course, students from a broad range of creative practices will work together to conceptualise and create innovative offerings to experience and reflect upon collaboration as creative citizens.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level

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Course code: 197388 Creative Communities 15 credits

Students from a broad range of creative practices will work together to explore conceptual and strategic dimensions of professional practice through engagement with experts from the creative sector. Students will develop an understanding of their position as creative citizens within a broader community.

Prerequisites: 75 Credits at 200 Level Restrictions: 198481, 212425, 221382, 222382, 223425, 224382

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Course code: 222215 Brand Communication 15 credits

In this studio course students will learn history and methods particular to practices of brand positioning and marketing communication. Students will apply fundamentals of brand strategy to the process of differentiating branded offerings through design.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level from College of Creative Arts or 75 credits at 100 level including 115116 or 115104

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Course code: 224205 Design for Display 15 credits

In this studio course students will investigate concepts for display and design strategies for exhibitions as temporary interventions in public space.

Prerequisites: 75 credits at 100 level Restrictions: 197205

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management (60 credits)

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This qualification is not accepting new enrolments.

Compulsory courses

Course code: 240263 Logistics Operations 15 credits

A study of the role and structure of integrated logistics systems, including performance measurement and the application of information technology. Fundamental operational trade-offs are explored in relation to inventory, warehousing and capacity utilisation.

Restrictions: 240261

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Course code: 240364 Purchasing and Supply Management 15 credits

A study of the scope of purchasing and procurement and the principles, structures and key variables of supply management.

Prerequisites: 240260 or 240261 or 240263 Restrictions: 240360, 240361

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Course code: 240365 Demand Chain Management 15 credits

A study of distribution management concepts and strategy together with an exploration of demand chains. Methods to align supply chain strategies with market drivers are examined. A range of distribution channel approaches are also discussed in regard to alternative customer demands.

Prerequisites: 240260 or 240261 or 240263 Restrictions: 240360, 240361

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Course code: 240366 Global Logistics 15 credits

A study of international logistics and its role in modern supply chains. Focus will be placed on international trade routes and global partnerships. Both the strategic effects of international free-trade agreements and operational level import/export processes will be explored in relation to international logistical flows.

Prerequisites: 240260 or 240263 Restrictions: 240261

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Management and Entrepreneurship (60 credits)

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Selection from

Course code: 114241 Principles of Human Resources Management 15 credits

An introduction to human resources management (HRM) theories and practices in national and international contexts.

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Course code: 114254 Employment Relations 15 credits

An exploration of the theoretical frameworks used to analyse employment relations, including institutional processes and practices crucial to the workings of contemporary employment relations in New Zealand.

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Course code: 152230 Entrepreneurship 15 credits

An introduction to entrepreneurship and its application to new ventures as well as to existing small businesses.

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Course code: 152232 Small Business Management 15 credits

This course develops competencies relevant to operating small and medium sized enterprises. The focus is on critical skills, ethical awareness and the concepts needed by today's small business owners, and introduces specialist topics in enterprise development.

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Course code: 152250 Managing Organisations 15 credits

An analysis of the management of organisations emphasising themes relating to people, process and structure.

Restrictions: 152200

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Course code: 152252 Project Management 15 credits

An introduction to the theory and methods employed in project management.

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Course code: 152331 Scaling and Growth 15 credits

Develops understanding of key areas that are critical for the sustainable growth of an organisation, by exploring the key challenges of scaling and growth.

Prerequisites: 152233 or 152234

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Course code: 152336 Leadership Practice 15 credits

A critical analysis of the theory and practice of leadership relevant to public and private organisations and the development of ethical leadership and citizenship in a variety of socio-cultural contexts.

Restrictions: 152328, 152329

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Marketing (60 credits)

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Selection from

Course code: 156233 Marketing Research 15 credits

A study of the collection, analysis and interpretation of marketing information for the purpose of managerial decision-making.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156235 Social Media and Digital Marketing 15 credits

A study of the impact, application and evaluation of new digital media marketing strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 115104 or 156200 or 75 credits for non-Business students

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Course code: 156237 Marketing Communication and Advertising 15 credits

A study of advertising and other forms of marketing communication, including key theories of marketing communication, elements of the communication mix, and effective campaign design.

Prerequisites: 115116 or 156200

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Course code: 156334 Marketing Consultancy Project 15 credits

A client driven marketing planning course that integrates marketing concepts and methods across the curriculum.

Prerequisites: 156231 and any 1562xx course

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Course code: 156338 International Marketing 15 credits

A critical examination of issues in international marketing and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Course code: 156340 Customer Intelligence 15 credits

This course teaches methods to convert organisations’ large data sets about customers, competitors, channel partners and their own activities into information for improved marketing decision making.

Prerequisites: 156233

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Course code: 156341 Branding 15 credits

A critical examination of brands and issues in branding and their relevance to business and society.

Prerequisites: 156231 and plus either 156232, or both 156235 and 156237

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Retail Banking (60 credits)

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Compulsory courses

Choose 45 credits from
Course code: 125220 Financial Institutions and Markets 15 credits

An overview of the operation of institutions, products and markets which make up the financial system and discusses the role of governments, both domestically and internationally, in the management of our financial system.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 125364 Bank Financial Management 15 credits

An application of finance and economic theory to the financial management and operation of banks globally, from a risk and regulatory perspective.

Prerequisites: 115114 or 115105; and 125220 Restrictions: 125360, 125361, 125362, 125363

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Course code: 125365 Retail Banking 15 credits

A critical analysis of the main elements required for a successful retail banking operation.

Prerequisites: 125220

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Compulsory course selection

Choose 15 credits from
Course code: 115114 Finance Fundamentals 15 credits

This course introduces analytical techniques for evaluating personal and business investment and financing decisions, including coverage of the context and environment in which these decisions are made.

Restrictions: 115105

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Course code: 125211 The Financial Planning Process 15 credits

This course introduces students to the theories and processes relating to Financial Planning and Advice.

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