Regulations for The Graduate Diploma in Business Studies - GradDipBusStuds

Official rules and regulations for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies. These regulations are for the 2025 intake to this qualification.

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Qualification Regulations

Part I

These regulations are to be read in conjunction with all other Statutes and Regulations of the University including General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, and Graduate Certificates.

Part II


1. Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies requires that the candidate will:

(a) meet the University admission requirements as specified; and shall

(b) have been awarded or qualified for a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent; or

(c) have demonstrated equivalent practical, professional and/or scholarly experience.

Qualification requirements

2. Candidates for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies shall follow a flexible programme of study, which shall consist of courses totalling at least 120 credits at 200 level or above, comprising:

(a) courses selected from the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies schedule;

(b) at least 75 credits at 300 level or above;

(c) courses selected are restricted to 200-level, 300-level, and 700-level courses from the relevant prefixes 

and including:

(d) attending Contact Workshops, block courses, field trips, studios, workshops, tutorials, and laboratories as required.

3. Notwithstanding Regulations 2, up to 45 200-level credits may be cross-credited from a completed Massey University degree provided that the courses are listed in Schedule B of the Bachelor of Business or the Bachelor of Retail and Business Management schedule.


4. The Graduate Diploma in Business Studies may be awarded with or without an endorsement. The requirements for each endorsement are set out in the Schedule for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies.

5. The endorsements available are: Accounting, Human Resource Management, and Personal Financial Planning.

Completion requirements

6. Any timeframes for completion as outlined in the General Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates will apply.

7. Candidates may be graduated when they meet the Admission, Qualification and Academic requirements within the prescribed timeframes; candidates who do not meet the requirements for graduation may, subject to the approval of Academic Board, be awarded the Certificate in Business Studies should they meet the relevant Qualification requirements.

Unsatisfactory academic progress

8. The general Unsatisfactory Academic Progress regulations will apply.

Transitional provisions

9. Subject to any Maximum Time to Completion regulations and the Abandonment of Studies provisions specified in the Part I regulations for the diploma, candidates enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (Human Resource Management) prior to 1 January 2024 will be granted the following substitutions:

114332 for 114343

114396 for 114321

10. Such students are exempt from having to take 152393 but must ensure they complete the graduate diploma with at least 75 credits at 300-level.

11. These transitions arrangements expire 31 December 2027.

Schedule for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies

Course planning key

Courses that need to be completed before moving onto a course at the next level. For example, a lot of 200-level courses have 100-level prerequisite courses.
Courses that must be completed at the same time as another course are known as corequisite courses.
Some courses are restricted against each other because their content is similar. This means you can only choose one of the offered courses to study and credit to your qualification.
Key terms for course planning
Each qualification has its own specific set of courses. Some universities call these papers. You enrol in courses after you get accepted into Massey.
Course code
Each course is numbered using 6 digits. The fourth number shows the level of the course. For example, in course 219206, the fourth number is a 2, so it is a 200-level course (usually studied in the second year of full-time study).
Each course is worth a number of credits. You combine courses (credits) to meet the total number of credits needed for your qualification.
Some qualifications let you choose what subject you'd like to specialise in. Your major or endorsement is what you will take the majority of your courses in.

Schedule for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies

Accounting (120 credits)

Compulsory course selections (90 credits)

Choose no more than 30 credits from
Course code: 110209 Intermediate Financial Accounting 15 credits

A detailed study of financial reporting, with particular emphasis on corporate regulatory requirements, both professional and statutory.

Prerequisites: 110109 or 110215 or 110230 Restrictions: 10210, 10213 (Pre 1999), 110313

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Course code: 110229 Management Accounting 15 credits

A study of cost accumulation and allocation processes used for internal routine reporting to managers for cost management and operational planning and control; internal non-routine reporting to managers for strategic and tactical decisions; inventory valuation and income determination for external reporting. Where appropriate, examples and applications in primary industries and the public sector will also be considered.

Prerequisites: 110109 or 110215 or 110230 Restrictions: 10200, 10220, 110223

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Course code: 110249 Accounting Information Systems 15 credits

A study of systems for the measurement and reporting of information for internal and external decision-making, including the emerging technologies that lend support for this. The accountant’s role in the formulation, design, implementation and management of these systems, including risk management and controls will also be addressed.

Prerequisites: 110109 or 110215 or 110230 Restrictions: 10240, 110243

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Course code: 110279 Auditing 15 credits

An introduction to the basic principles of auditing, including the function of audits and the concepts that govern audit processes and practices.

Prerequisites: 115112 or 115102 or 110100 or 110230 Restrictions: 110274

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Course code: 110289 Taxation 15 credits

An introduction to the basic principles of taxation, the elements of taxation and the concepts that govern tax practice. The course will also provide an awareness of the economic implications of taxation at both local and global levels.

Prerequisites: 110100 or 110230 or 115102 or 115112 Restrictions: 10283, 110274

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Choose at least 60 credits from
Course code: 110303 Integrative Accounting 15 credits

An integrated study of accounting sub-disciplines and other related disciplines to create an appreciation of how accounting operates in practice. Emphasis will also be placed on integration of expanded competencies with knowledge-based skills.

Prerequisites: 240 credits inclusive of 110209 or 110313; 110229 or 110223; and at least 15 credits at 300-level with a 110 prefix from the BBS Schedule

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Course code: 110309 Advanced Financial Accounting 15 credits

A study of advanced financial accounting topics and contemporary professional and conceptual issues relevant to financial reporting.

Prerequisites: 110209 or 110313 Restrictions: 110713, 10310

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Course code: 110329 Advanced Management Accounting 15 credits

A study of advanced topics and contemporary issues in management accounting in a range of industry settings, including strategic management and performance management.

Prerequisites: 110229 or 110223 Restrictions: 110320

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Course code: 110369 Forensic Accounting 15 credits

A study of forensic accounting, fraud auditing and investigation.

Prerequisites: 110279

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Course code: 110379 Advanced Auditing 15 credits

A study of advanced topics and contemporary issues in auditing.

Prerequisites: 110109 or 110215 or 110230; and 110279 or 110274

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Course code: 110380 Estate and Tax Planning 15 credits

Practical issues arising in estate and tax planning for investors and small business in New Zealand.

Prerequisites: 110274 or 110289 or 125211 Corequisites: 125211

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Course code: 110389 Advanced Taxation 15 credits

A study of advanced topics and contemporary issues in taxation, including tax policy, international taxation and tax administration.

Prerequisites: 110109 or 110215 or 110230; and 110289 or 110274 Restrictions: 110783

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Elective courses

Up to 15 credits from courses at 200 level or 300 level from the Schedule to the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies or the 110, 114, 115, 125, 127, 137, 152, 153, 155, 156, 178, 219, 290 or 295 course prefix series.
At least 15 credits from courses at 300 level from the Schedule to the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies or the 110, 114, 115, 125, 127, 137, 152, 153, 155, 156, 178, 219, 290 or 295 course prefix series.

Human Resource Management (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 90 credits from
Course code: 114241 Principles of Human Resources Management 15 credits

An introduction to human resources management (HRM) theories and practices in national and international contexts.

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Course code: 114321 Managing Talent & Performance 15 credits

An examination of the theories and principles of strategic human resource management and the application of those to acquiring, developing and managing talent for organisational success.

Prerequisites: 114241

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Course code: 114330 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace 15 credits

An examination of issues, opportunities, and responses to managing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

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Course code: 114331 Contemporary Work and HRM 15 credits

An exploration of contemporary trends and issues relating to work, employment, human resource management, and employment relations in national (NZ) and international contexts.

Prerequisites: Any 45 credits at 200-level.

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Course code: 114343 Healthy Workplaces 15 credits

An exploration of the principles and practices of healthy work and workplaces, focusing on the identification and management of psychosocial hazards and risks in a New Zealand context.

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Course code: 152393 Managing Conflict 15 credits

A theoretical and applied examination of the nature and management of conflict in diverse settings. This course is suitable for anyone interested in working in or with organisations, employees, groups or teams, projects, or contracts.

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At least 15 credits from

Course code: 114240 Organisational Behaviour 15 credits

A theoretical and practical examination of the behaviour of people in the work environment. Students develop a basic understanding of individual behaviour and team dynamics, exploring issues of motivation, communication, leadership, decision making, power and organisational change.

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Course code: 114254 Employment Relations 15 credits

An exploration of the theoretical frameworks used to analyse employment relations, including institutional processes and practices crucial to the workings of contemporary employment relations in New Zealand.

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Up to 15 credits from

Course code: 115212 Fundamentals of Leadership and Teamwork 15 credits

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of leadership and teamwork.

Prerequisites: 90 credits at 100 level

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Course code: 155301 Employment Law 15 credits

This course examines the law governing the employment relationship in New Zealand.

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Course code: 251271 Occupational Health and Safety I 15 credits

An introduction to Occupational Health and Safety and its application to workplaces in New Zealand. The course will explore the complex relationship between health and safety, factors in the working environment affecting health and safety and systems intended to regulate and manage the working environment.

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Courses at 300 level from the 114 or 152 course prefix series.

Personal Financial Planning (120 credits)

Compulsory courses

Choose 120 credits from
Course code: 110380 Estate and Tax Planning 15 credits

Practical issues arising in estate and tax planning for investors and small business in New Zealand.

Prerequisites: 110274 or 110289 or 125211 Corequisites: 125211

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Course code: 125211 The Financial Planning Process 15 credits

This course introduces students to the theories and processes relating to Financial Planning and Advice.

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Course code: 125220 Financial Institutions and Markets 15 credits

An overview of the operation of institutions, products and markets which make up the financial system and discusses the role of governments, both domestically and internationally, in the management of our financial system.

Prerequisites: 115114

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Course code: 125241 Introduction to Investments 15 credits

An introduction to the fundamental and practical concepts of the investment process. Investment products, including equity, debt instruments, and derivatives are discussed as well as basic portfolio concepts.

Prerequisites: 115114 Restrictions: 125240

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Course code: 125310 Financial Advice Implementation 15 credits

This capstone course deals with the implementation of the financial planning process, including the formation of a comprehensive financial plan.

Prerequisites: 125351 and either 125240 or 125241 Corequisites: One of 110380, 125340, 125342

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Course code: 125312 Applied Personal Financial Management 15 credits

An examination of the issues and potential solutions pertaining to individual personal financial management decisions.

Prerequisites: 125211 Restrictions: 125212

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Course code: 125340 Investment Analysis 15 credits

The application of analytical techniques to investment decision-making.

Prerequisites: 125241 Restrictions: 125342

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Course code: 125351 Personal Risk Management 15 credits

This course provides an overview of personal risk management, and the methods of mitigating potential impact including the role of insurance.

Prerequisites: 125211 Corequisites: 125211

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Without Specialisation (120 credits)

Schedule for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (without specialisation)

Courses from the following prefixes (excluding courses ringfenced to specific qualifications and/or specialisations):
110 Accountancy, 114 Human Resource Management, 115 College of Business, 125 Finance, 127 Property Studies, 152 Management, 153 Dispute Resolution, 155 Business Law, 156 Marketing,
157 Information Systems, 178 Economics, 219 Communication and Journalism, 290 Retail, 295 Business.
Course code: 251271 Occupational Health and Safety I 15 credits

An introduction to Occupational Health and Safety and its application to workplaces in New Zealand. The course will explore the complex relationship between health and safety, factors in the working environment affecting health and safety and systems intended to regulate and manage the working environment.

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Schedule for the Graduate Diploma in Business Studies without endorsement (Choose 120 credits from)

Courses from the following prefixes, of which at least 75 credits must be at 300 level or above:

110 Accounting; 114 Human Resource Management; 115 College of Business; 125 Finance; 127 Property Studies; 152 Management; 153 Dispute Resolution;155 Business Law; 156 Marketing; 157 Information Systems; 178 Economics; 219 Communication and Journalism;

290 Retail; 295 Business

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