David Levene Foundation Bursaries

For candidates facing financial hardship. You will be studying an undergraduate degree with a focus on business, agriculture, horticulture, agribusiness, science, information science, engineering or health science.

Scholarship overview

Status: Closed

Key facts

Value: Up to $10,000, with a typical value between $1,000 and $3,000
Duration: One year's duration
Number available: Ten awards
Type of study: Full-time, Undergraduate

Application dates

Applications open: 1 April 2025
Closing date: 1 June 2025


Eligibility restrictions: Full-time study only. NZ citizen or residents only.

These bursaries are funded by a foundation fund established by the David Levene Foundation. Business leader, Sir David Levene, started work in his father’s paint and wallpaper business in 1947. He was just 23 when he took over the management of the business in 1952. By the time the company was sold in 1994 it had 52 retail stores along with large print and wallpaper manufacturing factories. An open fund has been created to allow other benefactors to contribute to the David Levene Foundation, enabling it to help additional students.

Who we're looking for

We're looking for candidates who are facing financial hardship and would otherwise be unable to enrol in an undergraduate degree.

What you'll be studying

You will be studying one of the following undergraduate degrees:

  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science
  • Bachelor of Agribusiness
  • Bachelor of Animal Science
  • Bachelor of Horticultural Science
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Information Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Health Science
  • any undergraduate degree in the Massey Business School

Eligibility criteria

You must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident to be eligible to apply for this bursary.

Application checklist

Include the following with your application:

  • a personal statement that identifies your financial circumstances and clearly demonstrates need. Please provide an overview of your financial circumstances (a clear picture, but not necessarily fine detail) which shows that you have a greater need than your peers. Applications that are based on a personal desire to avoid typical levels of financial constraint or use of student loan debt while studying will not usually be considered as demonstrations of hardship.
  • a financial statement giving an estimate of your total income from all sources for the following year and an estimate of your likely outgoings. This should include a table highlighting all expected income and expected expenses.
  • the names and contact details of two people, preferably members of the Massey University academic staff, who have agreed to act as referees. You need to ask them to forward their written comments about your academic ability and potential directly to scholarships@massey.ac.nz by the scholarship closing date

Selection considerations

When choosing our recipients, we will primarily consider your financial need. We may also consider your academic achievements and good character.