School of Social Work staff

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Dr Paule Ruwhiu MSW, PhD

Senior Lecturer

School of Social Work

My Ph.D topic is in decolonisation and Māori social work students.  My Masters thesis was on three generations of Māori women and the trasmissions of te ao Māori. 

Currently, looking forward to exploring indigenisation and noho marae teaching. 

Ko ia tēnei taku mihi

Ko Paul’e Rūwhiu taku ingoa 

Ko taku hononga whakapapa ko a Ngā Puhi, me Ngāti Porou

Ko Puhunga Tohora, ko Hikurangi ngā maunga

Ko Waiapū ki te Moananui a kiwa te tauhanga

Ko ngā takahanga waewae o aku tipuna ko Otaua ki Mangakahia, ko  Horoera, ki Te Araroa

Tau ake nei te wairua o te tangata Māori

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Contact details

  • Ph: ext 43358
    Location: Quad A 3.45, Quad Building A
    Campus: Albany, Auckland


  • Master of Social Work - Massey University (2009)
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Massey University (2019)

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Tangata Whenua

Indigenous Peoples

Decolonisation processes

Integenerational Trends

Historical Trauma


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Clinical Social Work Practice (160701):
Education (130000):
Social Work (160700): Social Work not elsewhere classified (160799): Studies In Human Society (160000)

Research Outputs


Green, J., Ruwhiu, P., Carvalho, L., & Sheridan, N. (2023). Indigenous learning practices: Creating reflective spaces for growth and transformation. In T. Jaffer, SC. Govender, & L. Czerniewicz (Eds.) Learning design voices. Online - Ed Tech Books: EdTech Books
[Chapter]Authored by: De Carvalho, L., Green, J., Ruwhiu, P.
Ruwhiu, P. (2023). Decolonization and Social Work Education. In J. Ravulo, K. Olcon, T. Workman, & P. Liamputtong (Eds.) Handbook of Critical Whiteness; Deconstructing Dominant Discourses Across Disciplines. Singapore: Springer Reference
[Chapter]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P.
Stanley-Clarke, N., Cooper, L., Ruwhiu, P., Kim, H., & Jülich, S. (2021). Social services. In G. Hassal, & G. Karacaoglu (Eds.) Social Policy Practice and Processes in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 385 - 394). : Massey University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Julich, S., Kim, H., Ruwhiu, P., Stanley-Clarke, N.
Mooney, H., Watson, AA., Ruwhiu, P., & Hollis-English, A.R. Ow, & AWC. Poon (Eds.)November(pp. 259 - 279). NovemberJanuaryMooney, H., Watson, AA., Ruwhiu, P., & Hollis-English, A.NovemberNovemberNovember
[Reference Book]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P., Watson, A.
Ruwhiu, P. (2019). Te Whakapakari ake i te mahi: Mana-Enhancing Practice: Engagement with Social Work students and Practitioners. In R. Munford, & K. O'Donoghue (Eds.) New Theories for Social Work Practice: Ethical Practice for working with individuals, Families and Communities. (pp. 195 - 211). London, United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
[Chapter]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P.


Ruwhiu, PA. (2019). 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds' : 'Wetekia te mau here o te hinengāro, ma tātou anō e whakaora, e whakawātea te hinengāro' : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work at Massey University, Manawatū, Aotearoa New Zealand. (Doctoral Thesis, Massey University, Manawatu) Ruwhiu, PA. (2019). 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds' : 'Wetekia te mau here o te hinengāro, ma tātou anō e whakaora, e whakawātea te hinengāro' : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work at Massey University, Manawatū, Aotearoa New Zealand. (Doctoral Thesis)
[Doctoral Thesis]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P.


Mooney, H., Ruwhiu, P., & Watson, A. (2022, April). “Survive, normalise, flourish” What peer support can do for Indigenous academic social workers. Presented at 6th Indigenous Voices in Social Work Aotearoa. Online.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P.
Ruwhiu, P., Watson, A., & English, A. (2018, September). Whānau Pūkenga - Māori Staff in the School of Social Work “Transformative Change in Social Work”. Presented at Celebrating Transformative Change in Social Work, Social Worker's Day Seminar. Massey University.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Ruwhiu, P.


Green, J., Ruwhiu, P., Carvalho, L., & Sheridan, N. (2022, September). Culturally grounded reflective spaces or learning. In School of Nursing Doctoral School. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: De Carvalho, L., Green, J., Ruwhiu, P.
Stanley-Clarke, N., Ruwhiu, P., & Julich, S. (2020, May). Social Services Presentation. In Victoria University Social Policy Students. Presented at Victoria University.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Julich, S., Ruwhiu, P., Stanley-Clarke, N.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching Statement

I am currently teaching both in BSW and MaSW internal classes and distance mode. I also strandle the two campuses, Auckland and Palmerston North. 

179.121 Identity and Development in Aotearoa New Zealand

179.210 Social Work theories, assessments and interventions

179.330 Maori Development and Social Servcies

179.783 Maori Development and Social Services

Graduate Supervision Statement

Currently supervising Doctoral and Masters students. 

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Co-supervisor 3 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Deacon Fisher - Doctor of Philosophy
    Whakataketaketia te ao: Te whakatangata whenua o tāukiuki ki tō te tauwhiro ao ā kō ake nei
  • Racheal Priestley - Doctor of Philosophy
    Enhancing family wellbeing: A participatory health research study of primary caregivers raising an autistic child through meaningful activity engagement and participation in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Roger Ngahooro - Doctor of Philosophy
    Social Work Competency to work with whanau

Media and Links


  • 29 Jan 2020 - Online
    Massey University researcher calls for social work
    E-Bulletin for Mental Health Foundation New Zealand published story from Massey about my research
  • 28 Jul 2023 - Other
    Photoshoot for Social Work Advertising &Promotion
    The School of Social Work Albany staff and students had the opportunity to renew all pamphlets, brochures and marketing material for the school
  • 19 Jan 2020 - Online, Other
    MU researcher calls for SW to be decolonised
    Kumara Vine promotes positive news about Māori and Pacific peoples
  • 16 Dec 2019 - Radio
    Live Interview with Radio Waatea
    Call to decolonise Social Work Education
  • 14 Mar 2018 - Online
    A sense of identity is crucial for Māori SW
    Massey University News
  • 13 Dec 2019 - Online
    Calling for social work to be decolonised
    Massey University News
  • 11 Aug 2020 - Online
    ANZASW celebrates international indigenous day
    I was asked to contribute to the ANZASW website as part of an indigenous scholar promoting International Indigenous Day
  • 10 Feb 2020 - Online
    Health at Massey
    Recognition of PhD graduation in the Health at Massey newsletter
  • 09 Dec 2019 - Other
    Social Work Awards 2019
    Celebrations for our students in the BSW and MaSW with a ceremony of awards. I presented the award of Te Tohu Kahurangi Iti.