Croucher, SM., Rocker, K., Singh, R., Feekery, A., Ashwell, D., Green, M., . . . Anderson, K. (2024). Organizational Commitment and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis in the United States and New Zealand.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. 53(1-2), 31-44
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Feekery, A., Green, M., Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Croucher, SM., Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., Murray, N., & Nguyen, T. (2024). Vaccine confidence in New Zealand: understanding the influences of demographic characteristics and patient self-advocacy.
Atlantic Journal of Communication. 32(3), 403-414
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., Murray, N.Contributed to by: Ashwell, D.Read Online:

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Somasiri, S., Murray, N., & Dresler, E. (2022). Solo female travellers: solitude as a solo travel need and intrusive experiences in Asia.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 27(11), 1127-1143
[Journal article]Authored by: Dresler, E., Murray, N.Read Online:

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Croucher, SM., Murray, N., Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., & Nguyen, T. (2022). Predicting Vaccine Confidence: Patient Self-advocacy and Fear of COVID-19 in the United States.
Southern Communication Journal. 87(4), 348-360
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Cullinane, J., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Gray, FE., Murray, N., & Hopkins, K. (2021). Affordances of e-Newsletters for NPO General-Public Stakeholders.
Voluntas. 32(5), 1165-1181
[Journal article]Authored by: Gray, F., Murray, N.Read Online:

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Croucher, S., Ashwell, D., Murray, N., Condon, SM., & Fletcher, P. (2021). A Longitudinal Analysis of Handwashing and Mask-Wearing during COVID-19.
Frontiers in Communication. 6
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Condon, S., Fletcher, P., Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Croucher, SM., Nguyen, T., Pearson, E., Murray, N., Feekery, A., Spencer, A., . . . Kelly, S. (2021). A comparative analysis of Covid-19-related prejudice: the United States, Spain, Italy, and New Zealand.
Communication Research Reports. 38(2), 79-89
[Journal article]Authored by: Feekery, A., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2020). When being positive might be negative: An analysis of Australian and New Zealand newspaper framing of vaccination post Australia's No Jab No Pay legislation.
Vaccine. 38(35), 5627-5633
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2019). Community of practice versus community of readers: the literacy tutors’ dilemma.
Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 71(1), 108-125
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2015). Young adult literacy learners describe the text-orality nexus.
Text and Talk. 35(1), 101-121
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Tilley, E., Murray, N., Watson, B., & Comrie, M. (2014). New views on a 'Stuck' issue: Communicating about childhood immunisation in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Media International Australia. (152), 40-56
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Tremaine, M., & Fountaine, S. (2012). Breaking through the glass ceiling in the ivory tower: Using a case study to gain new understandings of old gender issues.
Advances in Developing Human Resources. 14(2), 221-236
[Journal article]Authored by: Fountaine, S., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Tremaine, M., & Fountaine, S. (2012). Breaking through the glass ceiling in the ivory tower: Using a case study to gain new understandings of old gender issues.
Advances in Developing Human Resources. 14(2), 221-236 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Fountaine, S., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Sligo, FF., Tilley, E., & Murray, N. (2011). Do apprentices' communities of practice block unwelcome knowledge?.
Education and Training. 53(4), 297-309
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Gray, EF., & Murray, N. (2011). 'A distinguishing factor': Oral communication skills in new accountancy graduates.
Accounting Education. 20(3), 275-294
[Journal article]Authored by: Gray, F., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2009). Life-skills and literacy: Employers perspectives on staff learning needs.
The International Journal of Learning. 16(9), 387-400 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Neilson, D., Watson, B., & Sligo, F. (2008). Teaching beyond literacy: The challenge faced by literacy practitioners.
The International Journal of Learning. 15(7), 37-45 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Sharp, C., & Sligo, F. (2007). Fostering an action research project to promote family learning in a New Zealand primary school.
The International Journal of Learning. 14(8), 235-243 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Syder, M., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2007). Stepping through the looking glass: A vocational literacy action research project focusing on self-reflection.
New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning. 35(2), 61-77
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., & Culligan, N. (2007). Defining focus and integrity in building a community research coalition.
Systemic Practice and Action Research. 20(4), 305-318
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., & Sligo, F. (2006). School to work transition.
International Journal of Learning. 13(8), 69-81
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Sligo, F. (2006). Adult literacy providers and lifelong learning.
The International Journal of Learning. 13(2), 169-176 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., Murray, N., & Tilley, E. (2006). Adult literacy and employment in Wanganui: An initial exploration of the dimensions.
New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning. 34(1), 48-68
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Comrie, MA., & Culligan, NS. (2006). Employees need the write stuff.
Employment Today. (110), 26-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS., & Sligo, FX. (2006). Developing co-creative community-university research relationships: Experiences within a New Zealand community.
Research and Practice in Adult Literacy. (58), 31-37
[Journal article]Authored by: Murray, N.
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Croucher, SM., Cullinane, J., Murray, N., Rocker, KT., & Nguyen, T. (2023). Health communication and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A 22-nation exploration of mask-wearing. In
Pandemic Communication. (pp. 12 - 41).
[Chapter]Authored by: Cullinane, J., Murray, N.Read Online:

Read Abstract:

Elizabeth Gray, F., & Murray, N. (2016). 'A distinguishing factor': Oral communication skills in new accountancy graduates. In
Communication in Accounting Education. (pp. 98 - 117).
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Comrie, MA., Murray, N., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2013). Daring to define literacy in the 21st century.. In A. Pandian, CLC. Ling, D. Tan Ai Lin, J. Munlandy, LB. Choo, & T. Chwee Hiang (Eds.)
New literacies: Reconstructing language and education. (pp. 1 - 19). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, MA., Tilley, E., Watson, E., & Murray, N. (2012). Communicating about childhood immunization: New insights from Aotearoa/New Zealand. In BR. Bates, & R. Ahmed (Eds.)
Medical communication in clinical contexts. (pp. 231 - 251). Iowa, United States of America: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
[Chapter]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Olsson, S., Sligo, F., Murray, N., Tilley, E., Vaccarino, F., . . . Franklin, J.(2005). Perceptions, needs and issues: A discussion paper. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

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Sligo, F., Comrie, M., Olsson, S., Murray, N., & Tilley, E.(2005). Barriers to Adult Literacy: A discussion paper. Massey University, Department of Communication and Journalism
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Sligo, FX., Comrie, MA., Olsson, SC., Culligan, NS., & Tilley, EN.(2005). Barriers to adult literacy. Massey University, Department of Communication and Journalism
[Discussion Paper]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
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Comrie, M., Murray, N., Watson, B., Tilley, E., Sligo, F., & Handley, J. (2010).
Communicating infant immunisation information: Resource development and evaluation. Adult Literacy and Communication Research Group, School of Communication, Journalsim and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F.(2010).
Modern apprentices' literacy learning: A formative evaluation.
[Technical Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Watson, B., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2010).
Modern apprentices literacy learning: A formative evaluation. Department of Labour.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Franklin, J., & Sligo, F. (2009).
A case study exploring the interconnections between literacy, employment and the library in Wanganui Prison's self-care units: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment project. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Watson, B., Neilson, D., Murray, N., Dempsey, B., Sligo, F., Comrie, M., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2007).
Literacy provision and employment: Perspectives of secondary school teachers, employers, and adult literacy practitioners. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

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Sligo, F., Watson, B., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Tilley, E. (2007).
Lifelong literacy: Issues of strategy. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Vaccarino, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2007).
Action research reflections: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment project. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Tilley, E., Sligo, F., Shearer, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., Franklin, J., . . . Watson, B. (2007).
Voices: First-hand experiences of adult literacy learning and employment in Wanganui. Department of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Tilley, E., Comrie, M., Watson, B., Murray, N., Sligo, F., Franklin, J., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2006).
Perspectives of adult literacy learners 2004-2006: A report from the adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Comrie, M., Tilley, E., Neilson, D., Murray, N., Sligo, F., & Vaccarino, F. (2006).
The wider voice: Wanganui community perspectives on adult literacy and employment 2005-2006. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Vaccarino, F., Comrie, M., Murray, N., & Sligo, F. (2006).
Action research initiatives: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Neilson, D., Culligan, N., Watson, B., Comrie, M., Sligo, F., Vaccarino, F., . . . Franklin, J. (2006).
Perspectives of Wanganui employers and providers of adult literacy services 2005-2006: A report from the Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Culligan, N., Sligo, F., Tilley, E., & Franklin, J. (2006).
Common threads: A report for the Wanganui community on the first stages of the adult literacy and employment programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Franklin, J., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2006).
Wanganui's enhanced task force green: Opportunities for those seeking work. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, J. (2006).
Tipping points: Nodes of change for adult literacy and employment. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Sligo, F., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., Tilley, E., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, J. (2006).
In their own words: Policy implications from the Wanganui adult literacy and employment research programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read article at Massey Research Online:

Franklin, J., Olsson, S., Comrie, M., Sligo, F., Murray, N., Tilley, E., . . . Vaccarino, F.(2005).
Wanganui and districts employers' perspectives on literacy and employment. New Zealand: Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University
[Technical Report]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Culligan, NS., Sligo, FX., Arnold, GC., & Noble, AD. (2005).
Analysis of New Zealand data from the international adult literacy survey: Demographic predictors of low literacy profiiciency: Final Report. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, NS., Noble, A., & Sligo, FX. (2005).
Reading between the lines : The international adult literacy survey - New Zealand's performance. Ministry of Education.
[Commissioned Report]Authored by: Murray, N.
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Murray, N., & Ashwell, D.
Vaccine hesitancy in New Zealand. . Virtual conference
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Mason, R., & Murray, N. (2018). The effectiveness of coping strategies in managing the mental load of work and family life amongst female academics. , Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2018). Freedom of choice or crime against society: A comparative study of Australian and New Zealand newspaper coverage of the vaccination debate. , Multiple Realities - Australia New Zealand Communication Association
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Ashwell, D., & Murray, N. (2018). Framing the voices of the Pro and Anti-Vaccination Debate: Australian and New Zealand News Sources. , 68th Annual ICA Conference
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, EN., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2016). Mate it would take me all day to read that: reimagining
university human ethics practices for
people with liminal literacy. In J. Fulton, & P. McIntyre (Eds.)
Refereed proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Creating Space in the Fifth Estate. (pp. 1 - 14). Newcastle, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference:
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

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Fernando, J., Winter, H., Issacs, R., Walsh, C., MacDonald, C., Baken, D., . . . Murray, NS. (2013).
Patient perceptions of adjuvant discussions in the cancer clinic.. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. London
[Conference Poster]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M.(2012, April). From the solitary world of the literate learner to collective orality: What we learn from people with liminal literacy.
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2012). Adult literacy means more than skills: Learning about communication from people with liminal literacy. In C. Ananwu, K. Green, & J. Sykes (Eds.)
Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century. (pp. 1 - 12). Adelaide, Australia: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century,
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2010). Community of practice as barrier to knowledge and skills: The case of apprentices' learning. In K. McCallum (Ed.)
Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2010. (pp. 1 - 14). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association [ANZCA] Conference: Media, Democracy and Change
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Murray, NS. (2009). Stress in formal learning environments: coping styles of adults with low prose literacy. In
STAR 2009: 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference(pp. 183 - 291). : Semmelweis University
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, NS. (2009, July). Stress in formal learning environments: Coping styles of adults with low prose literacy. Presented at
30th Stress and Anxiety Research Conference. Budapest, Hungary.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., & Murray, N.Life-skills and literacy: Employers' perspectives on staff learning needs.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Comrie, MA., Murray, NS., Handley, J., & Waldon, J. (2009, November). Developing immunisation communication tools: A community-university liaison project. Presented at
National Immunisation Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2008). Place, people and voice: Creating and communicating expressive content via cartoons.
Communications, Civics, Industry: Referred Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2007. (pp. 1 - 9). Australia: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association [ANZCA] Conference: Communications, Civics, Industry
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., Comrie, M., & Murray, N. (2007). Adult literacy education: Pathways to citizenship in personal communities. In A. Pandian, & M. Kell (Eds.)
Literacy: Diverse Perspectives and Pointers for Practice. Proceedings of LITCON 2007: International Conference on Literacy. (pp. 340 - 353). Malaysia: LITCON International Conference on Literacy 2007: Literacy and Citizenship: Pathways to Sustainable Education
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Patrick, S., Comrie, M., Dempsey, B., Harrison, G., Murray, N., . . . Vaccarino, F. (2007). Community and university research: Consultation and collaboration. In
International Adult Literacy Conference: Programme and Abstracts Online(pp. 2 - 2). , International Adult Literacy Conference New Zealand: Workbase Ltd
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E. (2007). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 105 - 118). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2007). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 68 - 79). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Coloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2007). Cogitating on our roles as collaborators in participatory action research community-based projects. In E. Gray, & L. Emerson (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006. (pp. 213 - 223). New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, BJ.(2007, January). Picturing words: Illustration-based research feedback to persons of low literacy.
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Sligo, F., Tilley, E., Culligan, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Franklin, BJ. (2007). Picturing words: Illustration-based research feedback to persons of low literacy. In LR. Miyares, AM. Alvarado, & CA. Moreno (Eds.)
ACTAS 1: X Simposio International Comunicacion Social. (pp. 168 - 172). Cuba: 10th International Symposium on Social Communication
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Murray, N., Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., Sligo, F., & Tilley, E.(2006, December). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students.
[Conference]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2006, December). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. Presented at
Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium. Napier, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Vaccarino, F., Murray, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, December). Cogitating on our roles as collaborators in participatory action research community-based projects. Presented at
Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium. Napier, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Culligan, NS. (2006). Challenges of adult literacy teaching: Views of training providers and their students. In
Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium(pp. 43 - 44). : Tertiary Writing Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Vaccarino, F., & Murray, N. (2006). Learning from and with the community: Creating methodology in the adult literacy and employment project. In
Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006: Programme and Abstract Book(pp. 50 - 50). , Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 2006 New Zealand: Tertiary Writing Network
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Sligo, FX., & Culligan, NS. (2005). Rethinking research assumptions about community, and community assumptions about research : The literacy and employment programme. In DC. Mills, DD. Matheson, & LL. Eds (Eds.)
Australian and New Zealand Communication Association International Conference, 2005 : Communication at work. (pp. unpaged). Christchurch, NZ
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Murray, N.
Pennington, HR., Alpass, FM., & Culligan, NS. (2004, April). Who are the participants in ageing research?. Presented at
New Zealand Association of Gerontology Conference. Christchurch, NZ.
[Conference Oral Presentation]Authored by: Alpass, F., Murray, N.
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Murray, NS., & Comrie, MA. (2010). Talking about immunisation: A community-based project. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Sligo, FX., Murray, NS., Watson, B., Comrie, MA., Vaccarino, FA., & Tilley, EN. (2009, May). Apprentices literacy learning. In
Department of Labour. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.Read Abstract:

Murray, NS. (2009, October). Researching leadership and using research to make a contribution to leadership. In
Zonta International Leadership Development Workshop. Presented at Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.Read Abstract:

Murray, NS. (2009). Stress in formal learning environments: coping styles of adults with low prose literacy.. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Murray, NS., Patrick, S., & Dempsey, B. (2007). Consultation, collaboration and partnership: Researching with the community. Presented at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
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Culligan, NS., Franklin, BJ., & Vaccarino, FA. (2006, February). FRST literacy and employment programme participant interview findings. In
Training For You staff. Presented at Wanganui, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Tremaine, MG., & Murray, NS. (2013, March). Cultural Sustainability and Indigenous Agri-food. In
Research Round-house Seminar, School of CJM.
[Oral Presentation]Edited by: Murray, N.
Sligo, FX., Tilley, EN., Comrie, MA., Murray, NS., Vaccarino, FA., & Watson, BJ. (2009, November). Two worlds: Modern apprentices and the chasm between trade and literacy aspirations. Presented at Massey University, Wellington, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N., Tilley, E.
Culligan, NS. (2006).
Prison literacy programme may cut reoffending. (pp. 4).
[Other]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, June). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In
YMCA Staff. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Culligan, N., & Comrie, M. (2006, May). Potential policy implications: The Wanganui adult literacy and employment programme. In
Wanganui PTE Meeting. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Culligan, N., Comrie, M., & Vaccarino, F. (2006, April). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In
Ag Challenge Staff. Presented at Wanganui, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Comrie, M., Culligan, N., & Vaccarino, F. (2006, February). FRST literacy and employment programme: Participant interview findings. In
Land Based Training staff. Presented at Wanganui, NZ.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.
Sligo, F., Comrie, M., & Culligan, N. (2006, April). Trends and directions: The literacy and employment programme. In
Learning for Living Officials' Group. Presented at Wellington, New Zealand.
[Oral Presentation]Authored by: Murray, N.