Dr Ellen Soullière

Honorary Research Associate
School of Humanities

Email: e.f.soulliere@massey.ac.nz


  • PhD in East Asian Studies, Princeton University
  • Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language, Victoria University
  • MA in East Asian Studies, Princeton University (Fields of major study: Chinese cultural history of the Ming and Qing periods, History of Chinese Art, Chinese Intellectual History)
  • BA with Honours in Chinese History, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts


Dr Soullière served as Wellington Regional Director of Massey University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages. Prior to that she was Head of School of Language Studies at Massey and before that Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Languages and Communication at Wellington Polytechnic. She has many years’ experience of teaching academic English and Chinese language, including Chinese for business purposes. She has also taught translation and interpretation to Chinese students, most recently on a programme for Chinese People’s Liberation Army translators and interpreters at the Centre for Professional and Continuing Education. She was a member of the expert reference group for the development of the Learning Languages strand of the New Zealand curriculum and a member of the team which developed the first curriculum for the teaching of Chinese in New Zealand schools.  For many years she lectured on Chinese art history through Continuing Education at Victoria University and has given a number of lectures on Chinese art and material culture at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts and Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington. She has recently developed an interest in oral history.

Research interests

Dr Soullière’s research interests include Chinese history, the history of Chinese art and material culture, second language acquisition in English and Chinese, linguistics, applied linguistics and translation.  

Recent articles

  • Soulliere, E. (2016).The writing and re-writing of history: imperial women and the succession in Ming China, 1368-1457. Ming Studies. 73: 1-28. 
  • Soulliere, E. (2014). Women in the imperial household at the close of China’s Ming dynasty, 1573-1644.  in University of San Francisco, Asia-Pacific Perspectives. Vol. XII, number 1, fall/winter 2013-2014.


  • Soulliere, E. (2016). Empresses of the Ming Dynasty: 1368-1462 from the History of the Ming Dynasty in Renditions, a Chinese-English Translation Magazine. No, 85. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Recent book reviews

  • Soulliere, E, (2017) review of Luk Yu-ping, The empress and the heavenly masters. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 19, no. 1: 119-121
  • Soulliere, E. (2017) review of Christopher Rea (Ed.) China’s literary cosmopolitans: Qian Zhongshu, Yang Jiang and the World of Letters in New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 19, no. 1:123-126.
  • Soulliere, E.(2016). review of Keith McMahon. Celestial women, imperial wives and concubines in China from Song to Qing. in Nan Nü, men, women and gender in early and  imperial China. 18: 396-399. Leiden:  E.J. Brill.
  • Soulliere, E. (2016) review of Paul Kroll, A student’s dictionary of classical and medieval Chinese. In New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 18, no. 1: 109-113.
  • Soulliere, E. (2015).  Review of  Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Courtly encounters, translating courtliness and violence in early modern Eurasia. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 17, no. 2: 151-154.
  • Soulliere, E (2015).  Review of Clara Wing-chung Ho, (Ed.) (2012) Overt and covert treasures: essays on the sources for Chinese women’s history. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 17, no. 1: 123-128.
  • Soulliere, E. (2015).  Review of Duncan Campbell. (trans). Patchwork:  Seven essays on art and literature Qian Zhongshu. In New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 17, no. 1: 134-137.
  • Soulliere, E. (2014).  Review of Linda Cooke Johnson, Women of the Conquest Dynasties, Gender and identity in Liao and Jin China. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 16, no 1.143-146.

Recent presentations and addresses

  • Soulliere, E. (2018) forthcoming. Chinese visual culture traditions in painting. Workshop on Chinese Visual Culture and Modernity at Victoria University, February, 2018. 
  • Soulliere, E. (2015) Culture and identity:  Chinese international students at a New Zealand University, at New Zealand Association for Asian Studies Conference, Asian Intersections: Identities and Linkages at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Soulliere, E. (2014). Seven Chinese Empresses and their times. Floor talk at Throne of Emperors exhibition. The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and the National Museum of China.
  • Soulliere, E. (2014). Chinese imperial courts and the arts. In Continuity and change, a symposium on Chinese art and culture. The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and the National Museum of China.