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Dr Gareth Terry staff profile picture

Contact details +6469516081

Dr Gareth Terry BA, BT, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Critical Health Psychology

Doctoral Supervisor
School of Psychology

I am broadly interested in the intersections of gender, bodies, and health. My research has explored men’s sexual and reproductive health and decision-making, and men’s embodiment and experiences of illness, injury, and body modification. I have also been involved in research exploring the decision to be ‘childfree’ (for men and women), sexual consent practices (and implications of these for sexual violence), reproductive health in mid-life, and most recently work in rehabilitation, disability and access (informed by critical rehabilitation studies).

I teach about qualitative methods (especially reflexive TA) in university courses and through workshops (online and in person). I have written a number of chapters related to qualitative methods, with various combinations of Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke, and Nikki Hayfield. I am co-author with Nikki of Essentials of Thematic Analysis, which is part of The Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series from the American Psychological Association.

I am a critical health psychologist interested in research and theorising the intersections of gender, bodies, and health - especially as they related to men and masculinities. I teach on the Health Psychology programme at Massey at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I use qualitative methods in my work, and am invested in enhancing understanding of qualitative research tools through my wirting and workshops.

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  • Bachelor of Arts (Conjoint) - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Bachelor of Theology (Conjoint) - University of Auckland (2002)
  • Master of Arts with First Class Honours in Psychology - University of Auckland (2007)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology - University of Auckland (2010)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Men and masculinities

Men's health


Chronic health condtions


Person-centred care


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Gender Psychology (170105): Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology (170106): Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis (170110): Psychology (170100): Psychology And Cognitive Sciences (170000): Social and Community Psychology (170113)

Research Outputs


Rosin, M., Mackay, S., Gerritsen, S., Te Morenga, L., Terry, G., & Ni Mhurchu, C. (2024). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of healthy food and drink policies in public sector workplaces: a systematic literature review.. Nutrition Reviews. 82(4), 503-535 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Te Morenga, L., Terry, G.
Hempel, C., Sezier, A., & Terry, G. (2023). What helps or hinders clinicians in their decision-making processes when using or prescribing mhealth apps in practice? An exploratory study. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. 46(2), 73-78 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
McAulay, L., Fadyl, J., & Terry, G. (2023). Effective teams in vocational rehabilitation: An exploration of complexities and practice in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 33(3), 518-527 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, GN., Shaikh, N., Wang, G., Chaudhary, S., Bean, D., & Terry, G. (2023). Chinese and Indian interpretations of pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis to facilitate chronic pain management. Pain Practice. 23(6), 647-663 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Upsdell, A., Fia'ali'i, J., Lewis, GN., & Terry, G. (2023). Health and illness beliefs regarding pain and pain management of New Zealand resident Sāmoan community leaders: A qualitative interpretive study based on Pasifika paradigms. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. Early View, Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Nicholas, L., Newman, CE., Botfield, JR., Terry, G., Bateson, D., & Aggleton, P. (2021). Men and masculinities in qualitative research on vasectomy: Perpetuation or progress?. Health Sociology Review. 30(2), 127-142 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Gibson, BE., Fadyl, JK., Terry, G., Waterworth, K., Mosleh, D., & Kayes, NM. (2021). A posthuman decentring of person-centred care. Health Sociology Review. 30(3), 292-307 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Kayes, N. (2019). Person centered care in neurorehabilitation: A secondary analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42(16), 2334-2343 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, AEI., Saywell, N., Terry, G., Taylor, D., & Kayes, N. (2019). Working-age adults' perspectives on living with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness: A qualitative exploratory study. BMJ Open. 9(4), Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Gibson, BE., Terry, G., Setchell, J., Bright, FAS., Cummins, C., & Kayes, NM. (2019). The micro-politics of caring: Tinkering with person-centered rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42(11), 1529-1538 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Czuba, KJ., Kersten, P., Anstiss, D., Kayes, NM., Gabbe, BJ., Civil, I., . . . Siegert, RJ. (2019). Incidence and outcomes of major trauma in New Zealand: Findings from a feasibility study of New Zealand's first national trauma registry. New Zealand Medical Journal. 132(1494), 26-40 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hayfield, N., Terry, G., Clarke, V., & Ellis, S. (2019). “Never say never?” Heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian women’s accounts of being childfree. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 43(4), 526-538 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Jayamaha, S., & Madden, H. (2018). Negotiating the hairless ideal in Āotearoa/New Zealand: Choice, awareness, complicity, and resistance in younger women's accounts of body hair removal. Feminism & Psychology. 28(2), 272-291 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., Ellis, SJ., & Terry, G. (2018). Lived experiences of childfree lesbians in the UK: A qualitative exploration. Journal of Family Issues. 39(18), 4133-4155 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Ward, MRM., Tarrant, A., Terry, G., Featherstone, B., Robb, M., & Ruxton, S. (2017). Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures. The Sociological Review. 65(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Beres, MA., Terry, G., Senn, CY., & Ross, LK. (2017). Accounting for men’s refusal of heterosex: A story-completion study with young adults. Journal of Sex Research. 56(1), 127-136 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2016). "I think gorilla-like back effusions of hair are rather a turn-off": 'Excessive hair' and male body hair (removal) discourse.. Body Image. 17
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Tarrant, A., Terry, G., Ward, M., Ruxton, S., Robb, M., & Featherstone, B. (2015). Are male role models really the solution? Interrogating the ‘war on boys’ through the lens of the ‘male role model’ discourse. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 8(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2015). Elizabeth F. Fideler, Men Still at Work: Professionals Over Sixty and On the Job, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland and Plymouth, UK, 2014, 232 pp., hbk US $36.00,£ 22.95, ISBN 13: 978 1 4422 2275 5.. Ageing and Society. 35(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). "Suddenly, bang, one day there's commitment with a woman…” Men, vasectomy and the life course. Human Fertility. 17(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Towns, A., & Terry, G. (2014). “You’re in that realm of unpredictability”: Mateship, loyalty and men challenging men who use domestic violence against women. Violence against women. 20(8) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2013). “We have friends, for example, and he will not get a vasectomy”: Imagining the self in relation to others when talking about sterilization. Health Psychology. 32(1) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2013). Kampf, A., Marshall, B. and Peterson, A (Eds.). Aging, Men, Masculinities and Modern Medicine, Abingdon: Routledge. 2013. x+ 208pp (hbk) ISBN: 0‐415‐69938‐0. Sociology of Health and Illness. Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2013). To let hair be, or to not let hair be? Gender and body hair removal practices in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Body Image. 10(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2012). ‘I’m putting a lid on that desire’: Celibacy, choice and control. Sexualities. 15(7) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2012). Sticking My Finger up at Evolution: Unconventionality, Selfishness, and Choice in the Talk of Men Who have had ‘‘Preemptive’’Vasectomies. Men and Masculinities. 15(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., & Farvid, P. (2012). Structural impediments to sexual health in New Zealand: Key informant perspectives. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 9(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2011). ‘I’m committed to her and the family’: positive accounts of vasectomy among New Zealand men. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 29(3) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2011). Brendan Gough and Steve Robertson (eds): Men, Masculinities and Health: Critical Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 272 pp. £60.00. ISBN 9780230203112 (hbk); £21.99. ISBN 9780230203129 (pbk). Feminism & Psychology. 21(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2011). It's kind of me taking responsibility for these things’: Men, vasectomy and ‘contraceptive economies. Feminism & Psychology. 21(4) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Gavey, N., & Fenaughty, J. (2009). ‘Risk’and sexual coercion among gay and bisexual men in Aotearoa/New Zealand–key informant accounts. Culture, health & sexuality. 11(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2009). ‘When I was a bastard’: constructions of maturity in men's accounts of masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies. 18(2) Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.
Alder, G., Taylor, D., Rashid, U., Olsen, S., Brooks, T., Terry, G., . . . Signal, N.A BCI Neuromodulatory Device for Stroke Rehabilitation: An Iterative User-centred Design Approach (Preprint). JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Terry, G.


Reay, S., Khoo, C., Terry, G., Collier, G., Dallas, T., & Smith, V.(2023). Are you making a meal out of research? A recipe for research success. : Routledge
[Authored Book]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Hayfield, N.(2021). Essentials of thematic analysis. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
[Authored Book]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Hayfield, N. (2020). Reflexive thematic analysis. In MRM. Ward, & S. Delamont (Eds.) Handbook of qualitative research in education. (pp. 430 - 441). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2019). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of research methods in health and social sciences. (pp. 843 - 860). Singapore: Springer
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2018). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. (pp. 1 - 18). : Springer Singapore
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Braun, V. (2017). Short but often sweet: The surprising potential of qualitative survey methods. In V. Braun, V. Clarke, & D. Gray (Eds.) Innovative Qualitative Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Hayfield, N., Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2017). Thematic analysis. In C. Willig, & W. Stainton-Rogers (Eds.) The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology. (pp. 17 - 37). London: SAGE Publications
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2016). Doing thematic analysis. In E. Lyons, & A. Coyle (Eds.) Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology, 2nd edition. London: SAGE
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2015). Vasectomy. In P. Whelehan, & A. Bolin (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality.
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., & Terry, G. (2014). Thematic Analysis. In P. Rohleder, & AC. Lyons (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology. (pp. 95 - 113). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[Chapter]Authored by: Terry, G.


Terry, G.Critical upgrade required: Men accounting for ‘maturity’ in long-term relationships. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G.Celibacy among New Zealand men: Disrupting the Sexual Imperative?. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G.“It’s such a pathetic little operation”: Men, masculinities and vasectomy in New Zealand. (Master's Thesis)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Terry, G.


Terry, G., Collier, G., Cummins, C., & Kayes, N.(2020). Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa: A thematic analysis of routinely collected interviews with mentors, young people and young people's whānau. Auckland, New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.
Baudinet, O., Walters, S., & Terry, G.(2018). Accessibility report - AUT fitness centres. AUT
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.
Czuba, K., Anstiss, D., Kersten, P., Rohan, M., Terry, G., Kayes, N., . . . Siegert, R.(2017). Outcomes after trauma study. Auckland, New Zealand
[Technical Report]Authored by: Terry, G.


Bean, D., Morunga, E., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G.(2023, May). Kaumātua insights into Indigenous Māori approaches to pain management: A qualitative study. New Zealand Medical Journal. 136 (1577)(pp. 103 - 104). 1175-8716. Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Kehrwald, B., Nguyen, N., Chanane, N., Sim, KN., Eberhard, S., Winters, A., . . . Terry, G.(2022, May). Applications of networked learning to the support of learning and teaching in higher education. Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. (pp. 514 - 515). Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Dixon, TW., O'Brien, DW., Terry, G., Baldwin, JN., Ruakere, T., Mekkelholt, T., . . . Larmer, PJ. (2021). The lived experiences of ngā tāne Māori with hip and knee osteoarthritis. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol. 49 (pp. 127 - 133). : New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Terry, G.
Kersten, P., Czuba, K., Anstiss, D., Maheswaran, R., Smith, G., Kayes, N., . . . Siegert, R.(2018, July). Predictors of disability outcome after major trauma. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 61 (Suppl.)(pp. e122 - e122). 1877-0657. Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Anstiss, D.(2017, July). Men in and out of health - Men’s experiences of embodiment within rehabilitative care. ISCHP 2017 10th Biennial Conference: Abstracts. (pp. 72 - 72).
[Conference]Authored by: Terry, G.


Lewis, G., Shaikh, N., Wang, G., Chaudhary, S., Bean, D., & Terry, G. (2023). Chinese and Indian views of pain and pain management: A qualitative evidence synthesis.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, G., Morunga, E., Tuck, N., Stephens, H., Terry, G., Bean, D., . . . Hodge, A-L. (2023). The development of a tool to assess chronic mamae (pain) for Māori.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Alder, G., Taylor, D., Rashid, U., Olsen, S., Brooks, T., Terry, G., . . . Signal, N. (2023). Iterative User-centred Design of Rehabilitation Technology: A Wearable BCI Neuromodulatory Device for Stroke Rehabilitation (Accepted In Press).
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Lewis, G., Stephens, H., Tuck, N., Morunga, E., Terry, G., Haar, J., . . . Bean, D. (2023). Development of a culturally informed tool to assess chronic pain for Māori: The Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure-Aotearoa (PRISM-A).
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Christine, O., Rice, D., Michal, K., Terry, G., & Biswas, R. (2023). Home-based EEG neurofeedback for the treatment of chronic migraine: A mixed methods case report..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua insights into Māori approaches to pain management. New Zealand Pain Society
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Upsdell, A., Fia'ali'i, J., Lewis, G., & Terry, G. (2022). Sāmoan attitudes and beliefs about chronic pain and healthcare.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua Insights into understanding and managing pain. New Zealand Psychological Society
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Morunga, E., Bean, D., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., Ripia, D., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua Insights into Indigenous Māori Approaches to Understanding and Managing Pain. First Nations Health and Wellbeing: The Lowitja Journal
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Bean, D., Morunga, E., Aamir, T., Tuahine, K., Hohepa, K., Lewis, G., . . . Terry, G. (2022). Kaumātua (Māori elder) insights into indigenous Māori approaches to pain management: A qualitative study. International Association for the Study of Pain
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2021). Key informants. Wiley
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Cummins, C., Kayes, N., Fadyl, J., Terry, G., & Smith, G. (2019). Researcher safety: managing researcher safety, Keeping Save in the Community. OSF:Center for open science
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
McAulay, L., Fadyl, J., & Terry, G. (2019). Vocational rehabilitation teams: Does the concept match the reality?. Career Development Association of New Zealand
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Reay, S., Nakarada-Kordic, I., Khoo, C., Collier, G., Kayes, N., Grobelny, M., . . . Rodriguez-Ramirez, E. (2019). Design for Health Symposium 2019. Good Health Design
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2017). Qualitative surveys: A wide-angle lens on perceptions and practices.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, A., Taylor, D., Saywell, N., Kayes, N., & Terry, G. (2017). Key considerations for health professionals supporting people experiencing Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2017). Was a qualitative survey useful for understanding engagement with the ‘hairless’ ideal around women’s bodies?.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Anstiss, D., Terry, G., Czuba, K., Kayes, N., & Siegert, R. (2017). Experiencing trauma recovery: the role of professionals in navigating a fragmented rehabilitation landscape.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Sezier, A., Saywell, N., Terry, G., Taylor, D., & Kayes, N. (2017). Key considerations for health professionals supporting people experiencing Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). New Zealand Rehabilitation Association
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Haxell, H., Payne, D., & Terry, G. (2017). Strategies for enhancing access to information, buildings and other facilities: A systematic review..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hamer, W., Terry, G., & Farvid, P. (2016). BDSM and Help-Seeking.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., & Kayes, N. (2016). Insights into person-centred practice: A secondary analysis..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Hayfield, N., Ellis, S., Clarke, V., & Terry, G. (2015). Lived experiences of voluntary childlessness for heterosexual and non-heterosexual women: Negotiating stigma, identity and the life-course. , Windsor, United Kingdom..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2015). Thematic analysis workshop.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). “Overcoming the mental hurdle”: Affective explanations in the vasectomy decision making process..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Ward, M., Featherstone, B., Robb, M., Tarrant, A., & Terry, G. (2014). Beyond Male Role Models: Gender identities and work with young men. ,.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2014). Data generation through interviews.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Braun, V., & Terry, G. (2013). Does body hair removal remain a domain of embodied gendered difference? A report from Aotearoa New Zealand..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Beres, M., Terry, G., & Senn, C. (2011). "What would a player do?" Accounting for men's (lack of) sexual desire..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2009). “It’s a pathetic little operation”: Kiwi men accounting for vasectomy..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2008). Vasectomy and the construction of the caring, responsible man..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G., Braun, V., Gavey, N., & Fenaughty, J. (2007). Cultural contexts of ‘risk’? Sexual coercion and unwanted sex among gay and bisexual men..
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.
Terry, G. (2007). Sex, Celibacy and Masculinities: Is there a sexual imperative?.
[Other]Authored by: Terry, G.

Teaching and Supervision

Graduate Supervision Statement

I have been supervising graduate (Masters and Doctoral) and undergerduate projects since 2015. I am interested in supervising projects that draw from critical health psychology, in particular projects related to men and masculinities, disability (particularly in the use of critical disability studies), and chronic health conditions. I also have an interest in projects related to the social construction of sex, gender, and sexuality, especially at the intersection of health or health decision making.

Dr Gareth Terry is not currently available for Masters or Doctoral supervision.

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 2 0
Co-supervisor 2 0

Current Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • Theo Bennett - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Muscle dysphoria and masculinity
  • Andrew Murray-Brown - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Emotion, practice, and language: A qualitative exploration of the wellbeing of young men

Co-supervisor of:

  • Sacha Malkin - Doctor of Clinical Psychology
    Abortion Telehealth in Aotearoa - Key learnings from two years of service provision
  • Shireen Tresslor - Doctor of Philosophy
    A thematic analysis of health professionals talking about abuse in the context of palliative care

Professor Emeritus
Prof Ian M Evans

Honorary Teaching and Research Fellow
Dr Ross Flett

Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Amanda Young-Hauser