School of Built Environment staff

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Mrs Lara Tookey staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136582

Lara Tookey BSc(QS), GDipHE, MCm, PgDipEd, PgDipMan, HEA

Senior Tutor in Construction

School of Built Environment

I was awarded a national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in 2015 for sustained excellence in teaching (10 years plus).  I teach Quantity Surveying Measurement and Estimation, Tendering, and Procurement.  The trick is to balance the art of management with the practical science of the construction industry.  I make sure there’s enough practical teaching so that less experienced learners can understand the science, while providing enough case study examples to keep more experienced learners interested.  I see my role as adding value to the construction industry, not creating commodities. I may be the de facto gate keeper of the knowledge and skills they need to develop, but I insist they believe in themselves as capable practitioners too.

In 2019 I began my PhD – the impact of carbon dioxide and thermal comfort on student cognitive performance in New Zealand primary schools: monitoring change through an online test and an electroencephalogram.

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Contact details

  • Location: 3.59, Quad A
    Campus: Auckland


  • Bachelor of Science (Quantity Surveying) - University of Cape Town (1996)
  • Graduate Diploma in Higher Education - Unitec Institution of Technology (2010)
  • Master of Construction Management - Auckland University of Technology (2016)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education - Unitec Institution of Technology (2014)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Organisation and Management) - University of Cape Town (1997)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, The Higher Education Academy (Senior Member/Fellow) (2016)

Prizes and Awards

  • Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award - Ako Aotearoa (2014)

Research Expertise


Health and Well-being

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Building (120200): Building Construction Management and Project Planning (120201): Built Environment And Design (120000):
Education (130000): Education Systems (130100): Higher Education (130103):
Quantity Surveying (120203)

Research Outputs

Creative Work

Armstrong, H., MacArthur, J., & Holley-Boen, WR.Space, voice, audience and influence: Article 12 as a lens to consider Mandy’s school experience. : Brill Sense
[Film or Video]Authored by: Holley-Boen, W., Tookey, L.
Wilkinson, S., & Shestakova, Y. (2006). Collaborative procurement on the rise [Artefact].
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L., Wilkinson, S.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Separated system [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Activity identification pt1 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Understanding the node Pt2 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Drawing an activity on node diagram Pt3 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Forward pass calculation on activity on node Pt4 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Backward pass calculation on activity on node Pt5 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Critical path calculations Pt6 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Drawing a gantt chart pt7 [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Integrated system [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Management system [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.
Tookey, LM. (2014). Project management vs Construction management [Artefact]. :
[Artefact]Authored by: Tookey, L.


Tookey, LM. (2016). An exam score comparison between traditional and compressed scheduling on the bachelor of construction, Unitec. (Master's Thesis, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
[Masters Thesis]Authored by: Tookey, L.


Tookey, L., Boulic, M., Phipps, R., & Wang, Y. (2019). Air stuffiness index and cognitive performance in primary schools in New Zealand. Proceedings - Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia and Pacific Rim (HB2019 Asia). Changsha, China: Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Boulic, M., Tookey, L.
Boulic, M., Wang, Y., Phipps, R., Chitty, C., Cunningham, C., Moses, A., . . . Healthy School Research Team, . (2018). A breath of fresh air: engaging school-aged students with air quality science in New Zealand schools.. , Indoor Air 2018
[Conference Abstract]Authored by: Boulic, M., Chitty, C., Cunningham, C.Contributed to by: Tookey, L.Edited by: Tookey, L.
Naismith, N., Tookey, L., & Tookey, J. (2017). A comparative study of traditional and compressed scheduling on undergraduate construction students’ performance. The 31st Australasian Universities Building education association conference proceedings. (pp. 391 - 400). : AUBEA 2017
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Tookey, L.


National Centre of Tertiary Teaching Excellence, . (2015). Excellence: Supporting excellence in tertiary education. National Centre of Tertiary Teaching Excellence
[Other]Contributed to by: Tookey, L.

Consultancy and Languages


  • Sept 2007 to current - Constructing Excellence New Zealand
    I facilitate workshops to help industry achieve excellence in construction. Courses are developed to enhance project delivery skills. I also offer training & implementation around Last Planner.
  • Jan 2008 - Dec 2015 - Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
    Facilitator of Professional Development courses (CPD) ranging from Engineering Economics; Project Financial Analysis and Construction Tendering
  • March 2017 - Feb 2018 - Registered Master Builders
    Created online content to support "Building a Better Business" for small to medium residential construction contractors in association with The Breakthrough company.