School of Management staff

Mr Stefano Cataloni staff profile picture

Contact details +6492136380

Stefano Cataloni BA, GRDip, MM, FHEA

Senior Tutor

School of Management

I have spent the past 16 years in a variety of private and public sector roles. The majority of this time has invloved teaching English to speakers of other languages in rural Japan and teaching Business in New Zealand secondary schools. My primary focus as a new tutor within the School of Management is for my workshops to be engaging, interactive and student-centred. My non-teaching interests and pastimes include travel, cooking, football and family. 


Contact details

  • Ph: 092136380
    Location: QB 2.11, Quadrangle
    Campus: Auckland


  • Bachelor of Arts - University of Canterbury (2003)
  • Graduate Diploma - Massey University (2011)
  • Master of Management with Distinction in Enterprise Development - Massey University (2017)

Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Higher Education Academy (Fellow) (2021)

Research Expertise


21st Century Citizenship

Consultancy and Languages


  • Italian
    Last used: Daily
    Spoken ability: Excellent
    Written ability: Average
  • Japanese
    Last used: Occasionally used
    Spoken ability: Needs work
    Written ability: Needs work