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Prof Malcolm Wright ANZMAC


Doctoral Mentor Supervisor
School of Management

Malcolm Wright is the MSA Charitable Trust Chair in Marketing at Massey University. He has a track record of research excellence and industry engagement spanning 30 years and is known for his innovative work in branding, buyer behaviour and cognitive science. Here are a few highlights of his experience:

- Highly experienced educator and researcher in the field of marketing, with award winning and impactful research, a multi-edition and widely translated textbook on consumer behaviour, extensive successful PhD supervision, senior editorial experience, and a broad portfolio of highly cited publications.

- Substantial history of industry engagement and international collaboration, including dozens of successful research contracts with industry, jointly published work with researchers at leading universities in the USA and Europe, and ongoing collaborations as an Adjunct Professor at the University of South Australia, Visitor to the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute, and Affiliated Scientist at Harvard Medical School.

- Successful experience in academic management, including as Acting Head of the International Graduate School of Business at the University of South Australia, Head of the School of Marketing at the University of South Australia, Head of the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing at Massey University, and Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor of Massey Business School.

- Extensive past governance experience including as director of Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd., managing director of Consumer Insights Ltd, Chair of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute Australian Advisory Board, executive member of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, and board member for Emergence Benefactors (as US-based non-profit).

Malcolm is also a Distinguished Member of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 

Malcolm Wright is the MSA Charitable Trust Chair in Marketing at Massey University.

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Fellowships and Memberships

  • Member, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (Fellow) (2014)

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, Mentor Supervisor, Massey University

Research Expertise

Research Interests

Branding, buyer behaviour, market research, cognitive science.


21st Century Citizenship, Future Food Systems

Area of Expertise

Field of research codes
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services (150000): Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development (150501): Marketing (150500): Marketing Communications (150502): Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations) (150503): Marketing Measurement (150504): Marketing Research Methodology (150505): Marketing Theory (150506): Pricing (incl. Consumer Value Estimation) (150507)

Research Projects

Completed Projects

Project Title: PSAF: Virtual Store Environment for Test-Market Studies

Date Range: 2017 - 2022

Funding Bodies: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; Massey Ventures Ltd

Project Team:

Research Outputs


East, R., & Wright, M. (2024). Potential Predictors of Psychologically Based Stock Price Movements. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 17(8)
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Yang, WFZ., Sparby, T., Wright, M., Kim, E., & Sacchet, MD. (2024). Volitional mental absorption in meditation: Toward a scientific understanding of advanced concentrative absorption meditation and the case of jhana. Heliyon. 10(10)
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., Galante, J., Corneille, JS., Grabovac, A., Ingram, DM., & Sacchet, MD. (2024). Altered States of Consciousness are Prevalent and Insufficiently Supported Clinically: A Population Survey. Mindfulness. 15(5), 1162-1175
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Stocchi, L., Bellman, S., Pourazad, N., Michaelidou, N., & Wright, M. (2024). The mirror effect in online survey data: Evidence and implications for marketing theory and strategy. Psychology and Marketing. 41(9), 1997-2012
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Mecredy, P., Wright, M., Feetham, P., & Stern, P. (2024). Remembering less, or needing less? Age-related differences in the purchase funnel. Marketing Letters. 35(2), 171-186
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Carlisle, DP., Feetham, PM., Wright, MJ., & Teagle, DAH. (2024). Public response to decarbonisation through alternative shipping fuels. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 26(8), 20737-20756
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., Sanguinetti, JL., Young, S., & Sacchet, MD. (2023). Uniting Contemplative Theory and Scientific Investigation: Toward a Comprehensive Model of the Mind. Mindfulness. 14(5), 1088-1101
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Galante, J., Grabovac, A., Wright, M., Ingram, DM., Van Dam, NT., Sanguinetti, JL., . . . Sacchet, MD. (2023). A Framework for the Empirical Investigation of Mindfulness Meditative Development. Mindfulness. 14(5), 1054-1067
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Mecredy, P., Wright, M., Feetham, P., & Stern, P. (2022). Re-examining age-related loyalty for low-involvement purchasing. European Journal of Marketing. 56(7), 1773-1798
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Croucher, SM., Kelly, S., Green, M., Homsey, DM., Cullinane, J., Rocker, KT., . . . Palakshappa, N. (2022). The Link Between Supervisor-Subordinate Computer-Mediated Immediate Behaviors and Organizational Identification in U.S., English, and Australian Organizations. Management Communication Quarterly. 36(4), 688-709
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Green, M., Palakshappa, N., Wright, M.
Santoso, I., Wright, MJ., Trinh, G., & Avis, M. (2022). Mind the attention gap: how does digital advertising impact choice under low attention?. European Journal of Marketing. 56(2), 442-466
[Journal article]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Driesener, C., Rungie, C., & Wright, M. (2022). Dirichlet implications for portfolio management. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 21(1), 49-62
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Trinh, G., & Wright, MJ. (2022). Predicting future consumer purchases in grocery retailing with the condensed Poisson lognormal model. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 64
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Croucher, SM., Kelly, S., Hui, C., Rocker, KJ., Cullinane, J., Homsey, D., . . . Palakshappa, N. (2022). Articulated dissent and immediacy: a cross-national analysis of the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns. International Journal of Conflict Management. 33(2), 181-202
[Journal article]Authored by: Ashwell, D., Croucher, S., Cullinane, J., Green, M., Palakshappa, N., Wright, M.
Trinh, G., Dawes, J., Wright, MJ., Danenberg, N., & Sharp, B. (2022). Extended conditional trend analysis: Predicting triple period buyer flows with a tri-variate NBD model. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 21(1), 92-101
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Mecredy, PJ., Wright, MJ., Feetham, PM., & Stern, P. (2022). Empirical generalisations in customer mindset metrics. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 21(1), 102-120
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Carlisle, DP., Feetham, PM., Wright, MJ., & Teagle, DAH. (2022). Public engagement with emerging technologies: Does reflective thinking affect survey responses?. Public Understanding of Science. 31(5), 660-670
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, MJ., & Elms, J. (2021). Investigating the impact of shopper personality on behaviour in immersive Virtual Reality store environments. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 61
[Journal article]Authored by: Elms, J., Wright, M.
Stocchi, L., Wright, M., & Fuller, R. (2021). The impact of autobiographical memory on brand retrieval and purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 20(5), 1140-1152
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Chen, S., Wright, MJ., Gao, H., Liu, H., & Mather, D. (2021). The effects of brand origin and country-of-manufacture on consumers' institutional perceptions and purchase decision-making. International Marketing Review. 38(2), 343-366
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, MJ., & Holdershaw, JL. (2021). Does the locomotion technique matter in an immersive virtual store environment? – Comparing motion-tracked walking and instant teleportation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 58
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Santoso, I., Wright, M., Trinh, G., & Avis, M. (2020). Is digital advertising effective under conditions of low attention?. Journal of Marketing Management. 36(17-18), 1707-1730
[Journal article]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Carlisle, DP., Feetham, PM., Wright, MJ., & Teagle, DAH. (2020). The public remain uninformed and wary of climate engineering. Climatic Change. 160(2), 303-322
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, MJ., & Holdershaw, JL. (2020). An exploratory investigation of shopper behaviour in an immersive virtual reality store. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 19(2), 182-195
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Konopka, R., Wright, MJ., Avis, M., & Feetham, PM. (2019). If you think about it more, do you want it more? The case of fairtrade. European Journal of Marketing. 53(12), 2556-2581
[Journal article]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Ashill, N. (1998). A contingency model of marketing information. European Journal of Marketing. 32(1-2), 125-144
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, MJ., & Holdershaw, JL. (2019). Immersive virtual reality technology in a three-dimensional virtual simulated store: Investigating telepresence and usability. Food Research International. 117, 40-49
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Holdershaw, J., Melnyk, V., Gendall, P., & Wright, M. (2018). Predicting behaviour: comparing the performance of factual versus attitudinal approaches. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 21(4), 439-452
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Mecredy, P., Wright, MJ., & Feetham, P. (2018). Are promoters valuable customers? An application of the net promoter scale to predict future customer spend. Australasian Marketing Journal. 26(1), 3-9
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Sorensen, H., Bogomolova, S., Anderson, K., Trinh, G., Sharp, A., Kennedy, R., . . . Wright, M. (2017). Fundamental patterns of in-store shopper behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 37, 182-194
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Kooyman, C., & Wright, MJ. (2017). Double jeopardy benchmarks for political polls. Australasian Marketing Journal. 25(3), 180-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Stocchi, L., Pare, V., Fuller, R., & Wright, M. (2017). The Natural Monopoly effect in brand image associations. Australasian Marketing Journal. 25(4), 309-316
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Pare, V., Trinh, G., & Wright, M. (2017). Empirical regularities in average price paid across different types of households. Australasian Marketing Journal. 25(4), 269-277
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Sharp, B., Wright, M., Kennedy, R., & Nguyen, C. (2017). Viva la revolution! For evidence-based marketing we strive. Australasian Marketing Journal. 25(4), 341-346
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Stocchi, L., Wright, M., & Driesener, C. (2016). Why familiar brands are sometimes harder to remember. European Journal of Marketing. 50(3-4), 621-638
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ. (2016). Predicting what? The strengths and limitations of a test of persuasive advertising principles. European Journal of Marketing. 50(1-2), 312-316
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Stocchi, L., Banelis, M., & Wright, MJ. (2016). A new measure of consideration set size: The average number of salient brands. International Journal of Market Research. 58(1), 79-94
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Stern, P., & Wright, M. (2016). The adoption of new prescription drugs is strongly associated with prior category prescribing rate. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 33(1), 220-224
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., & Stern, P. (2015). Forecasting new product trial with analogous series. Journal of Business Research. 68(8), 1732-1738
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., Teagle, DAH., & Feetham, PM. (2014). A quantitative evaluation of the public response to climate engineering. Nature Climate Change. 4(2), 106-110
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Riebe, E., Wright, M., Stern, P., & Sharp, B. (2014). How to grow a brand: Retain or acquire customers?. Journal of Business Research. 67(5), 990-997
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Trinh, G., Rungie, C., Wright, M., Driesener, C., & Dawes, J. (2014). Predicting future purchases with the Poisson log-normal model. Marketing Letters. 25(2), 219-234
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., Farrar, DP., & Russell, DF. (2014). Polling accuracy in a multiparty election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 26(1), 113-124
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Trinh, G., Wright, MJ., & Stern, P. (2014). The relationship between household lifecycle and brand loyalty. Advances in Consumer Research. 42, 387-391
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Lees, G., & Wright, MJ. (2013). Does the duplication of viewing law apply to radio listening?. European Journal of Marketing. 47(3/4), 674-685 Retrieved from
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Sharp, B., Wright, M., Dawes, J., Driesener, C., Meyer-Waarden, L., Stocchi, L., . . . Stern, P. (2012). It's a dirichlet world: Modeling individuals' loyalties reveals how brands compete, grow, and decline. Journal of Advertising Research. 52(2), 203-213
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Singh, J., Scriven, J., Clemente, M., Lomax, W., & Wright, M. (2012). New brand extensions: Patterns of success and failure. Journal of Advertising Research. 52(2), 234-242
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Russell, D. (2012). Some philosophical problems for service-dominant logic in marketing. Australasian Marketing Journal. 20(3), 218-223
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Anderson, K., Wright, M., & Wheeler, M. (2011). Snap judgement polling: Street interviews enabled by new technology. International Journal of Market Research. 53(4)
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Lee, R., Rungie, C., & Wright, M. (2011). Regularities in the consumption of a subscription service. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 20(3), 182-189
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Holdershaw, J., Gendall, P., & Wright, M. (2011). Predicting blood donation behaviour: Further application of the theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Social Marketing. 1(2), 120-132
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
East, R., Hammond, K., & Wright, M. (2007). The relative incidence of positive and negative word of mouth: A multi-category study. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 24(2), 175-184
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Armstrong, JS., Green, KC., Jones, RJ., & Wright, MJ. (2010). Predicting elections from politicians' faces. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 22(4), 511-522
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Riebe, E. (2010). Double jeopardy in brand defection. European Journal of Marketing. 44(6), 860-873
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M. (2009). A new theorem for optimizing the advertising budget. Journal of Advertising Research. 49(2), 164-169
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Armstrong, J., & Wright, M. (2008). Citation house rules: Reply to commentators. Interfaces. 38(2), 138-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Armstrong, JS. (2008). The ombudsman: Verification of citations: Fawlty towers of knowledge?. Interfaces. 38(2), 125-139
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M. (2002). Patterns of purchase loyalty for retail payment methods. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 20(7), 311-316
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Lees, G., Garland, R., & Wright, M. (2007). Switching banks: Old bank gone but not forgotten. Journal of Financial Services Marketing. 12(2), 146-156
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Macrae, M. (2007). Bias and variability in purchase intention scales. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 35(4), 617-624
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Lees, G., & Wright, M. (2004). The effect of concept formulation on concept test scores. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 21(6), 389-400
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Holdershaw, J., Gendall, P., & Wright, M. (2003). Predicting Willingness to Donate Blood. Australasian Marketing Journal. 11(1), 87-96
[Journal article]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Wright, M., Sharp, A., & Sharp, B. (2002). Market statistics for the Dirichlet model: Using the Juster scale to replace panel data. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 19(1), 81-90
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Sharp, A. (2001). The effect of a new brand entrant on a market. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science. 6, 15-29
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Cierpicki, S., Wright, M., & Sharp, B. (2000). Managers' knowledge of marketing principles: The case of new product development. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science. 5, 771-790
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., Gendall, P., & Lewis, T. (1999). Making survey-based price experiments more accurate. International Journal of Market Research. 41(2), 245-249
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Hoek, J., Dunnett, J., Wright, M., & Gendall, P. (2000). Descriptive and evaluative attributes: What relevance to marketers?. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 9(6), 415-435
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., Sharp, A., & Sharp, B. (1998). Are Australasian brands different?. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 7(6), 465-480
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Klÿn, B. (1998). Environmental attitude - Behaviour correlations in 21 countries. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science. 3, 42-60
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M. (1996). The dubious assumptions of segmentation and targeting. Management Decision. 34(1), 18-24
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, M., & Kearns, Z. (1998). Progress in marketing knowledge. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science. 3, 1-21
[Journal article]Authored by: Wright, M.


Singh, J., & Wright, M. (2016). New brands: Performance and measurement. In The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management. (pp. 186 - 197).
[Chapter]Authored by: Wright, M.
East, R., Singh, J., Wright, MJ., & Vanhuele, M.(2017). Consumer behaviour: Applications in marketing. London, UK: Sage
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wright, M.
Singh, J., & Wright, MJ. (2016). New brands: Performance and measurement. In F. Dall'Olmo Riley, J. Singh, & C. Blankson (Eds.) The Routledge companion to contemporary brand management. (pp. 186 - 198). : Routledge
[Chapter]Authored by: Wright, M.
East, R., Wright, MJ., & Vanhuele, M.(2013). Consumer Behaviour: Applications in Marketing Second Edition. : SAGE Publications
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wright, M.
East, R., Wright, M., & Vanhuele, M.(2008). Consumer behaviour: Applications in marketing. London, United Kingdom: Sage
[Authored Book]Authored by: Wright, M.


Santoso, I., Wright, M., Trinh, G., Avis, M., & Santoso, I. (2019). Are branded tweets effective under the conditions of low attention? Exploring the effects of brand familiarity and product category.. Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings 2019. London, U.K.: 52nd Academy of Marketing
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, M., & Holdershaw, J. (2018). Virtual Reality in Marketing Research: In-store shopper patterns in an immersive virtual simulated convenience store. Not available. : ICORIA 2018
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Feetham, P., Wright, M., & Joe, K. (2018). Consumer perceptions: Māori and Non-Māori wine brands. In J. Conduit, C. Plewa, & D. Wilkie (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th ANZMAC Conference Connect Engage Transform. (pp. 567 - 570). Adelaide, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wright, M.
Feetham, P., Wright, M., & Joe, K.(2018, December). Consumer perceptions: Māori and Non-Māori wine brands. 2018 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings. (pp. 567 - 570). Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Wright, M.
MacRae, M., Wright, MJ., & Green, KC.The reality of forecasting fast diffusing technologies.. Paper presented at the meeting of ANZMAC 2017 Marketing for Impact. Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, M., & Holdershaw, J.Virtual tracking of consumer behaviour: Pilot-testing of ViCoS 1.0, the Future of Market Research. Paper presented at the meeting of Christchurch
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Mecredy, P., Feetham, P., & Wright, M.Can we get more out of Net-Promoter data?. . Sydney
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Wright, M.
MacRae, M., Wright, MJ., Green, KC., & Hodis, GM.The downside of diffusion: Predicting the attrition of products based on superseded technologies. . Sydney, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Hodis, G., Wright, M.
Holdershaw, J., Schnack, A., & Wright, M. (2018). Virtual shopping simulation: Consumer knowledge of country of origin. (pp. 118 - 121). : ANZMAC
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Santoso, I., Rosenstreich, DE., & Wright, MJ. (2017). Are we paying too much attention to “Attention”?. In L. Robinson,, L. Brennan, & M. Reid (Eds.) (pp. 481 - 485). Melbourne, Australia: ANZMAC 2017: Marketing for Impact
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Wright, M.
Santoso, I., Konopka, R., Rosenstreich, DE., Wright, MJ., & Avis, M. (2017). Conscious and nonconscious influences on consumer decisions. In L. Robinson, L. Brennan, & M. Reid (Eds.) (pp. 141 - 144). Melbourne, Australia: ANZMAC 2017: Marketing for Impact
[Conference Paper in Published Proceedings]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Nakhaei, A., Wright, M., Avis, MA., & Stocchi, L.Exploring the importance of autobiographical memories. Paper presented at the meeting of Melbourne, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Avis, M., Wright, M.
Wright, MJ., Schnack, A., Holdershaw, JL., & Elms, J.From computer to cave: A simulated convenience store using immersive virtual reality. . Groningen, The Netherlands
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Elms, J., Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Schnack, A., Wright, M., & Holdershaw, JL.(2016, December). Virtual tracking of consumer behaviour: Pilot-testing of ViCoS 1.0, the future of market research. Marketing in a post-disciplinary era ANZMAC 2016. (pp. 175 - 181). Retreived from
[Conference]Authored by: Holdershaw, J., Wright, M.
Stern, P., Wright, M., Faulkner, M., & Konopka, R.Predictable Patterns of Prescribing Innovation. . (pp. 445 - 450). 2363-6165.
[Conference]Authored by: Wright, M.


Wright, MJ. (2014). Pre-Launch Forecaster: Disclosure of Intellectual Property and Agreement to Commercialise Intellectual Property.
[Other]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ. (2013). Snooping scandal shows disconnect between ranks of civil service. Theguardian
[Other]Authored by: Wright, M.
Wright, MJ. (2013). Brand New Zealand still vulnerable because it is weak. The New Zealand Herald
[Other]Authored by: Wright, M.

Teaching and Supervision

Summary of Doctoral Supervision

Position Current Completed
Main Supervisor 0 9
Co-supervisor 1 2

Current Doctoral Supervision

Co-supervisor of:

  • Sarah Harper - Doctor of Philosophy
    Explaining the gender gap in the relationship between materialism and subjective well-being.

Completed Doctoral Supervision

Main Supervisor of:

  • 2023 - Xing Chen - Doctor of Philosophy
    Modelling the Co-dependent Diffusion of Innovation in Two-sided Markets
  • 2022 - Daniel Carlisle - Doctor of Philosophy
    Using market research methodologies to advance public engagement with emerging climate technologies
  • 2022 - Philip Mecredy - Doctor of Philosophy
    Do older consumers purchase differently? The effect of age on brand awareness, consideration, and purchase
  • 2020 - Irene Irawaty Santoso - Doctor of Philosophy
    Is digital advertising effective under conditions of low attention? The impact of low attention processing on consumer brand consideration and choice
  • 2020 - Alexander Schnack - Doctor of Philosophy
    Is it Worthwhile Going Immersive? Evaluating the Performance of Virtual Simulated Stores for Shopper Research
  • 2018 - Murray MacRae - Doctor of Philosophy
    Forecasting the Decline of Superseded Technologies: A comparison of alternative methods to forecast the decline phase of technologies
  • 2018 - Roman Konopka - Doctor of Philosophy
    If you think about it more, do you want it more? The impact of heuristic and deliberative information processing on consumer preferences for ethically endorsed products
  • 2017 - Pamela Feetham - Doctor of Philosophy
    Using Marketing Concepts to Facilitate Upstream Public Engagement with Science
  • 2009 - Gavin Lees - Doctor of Philosophy
    Are radio markets dirichlet? A study into the NBD/Dirichlet, its empirical generalisations and their extension to radio listening patterns

Co-supervisor of:

  • 2009 - Claire Matthews - Doctor of Philosophy
    Switching costs in the New Zealand banking market.
  • 2006 - Judith Holdershaw - Doctor of Philosophy
    Comparison of Two Approaches to Predicting Willingness to Donate Blood