Andryan Setyadharma

Doctor of Philosophy, (Economics)
Study Completed: 2017
Massey Business School


Thesis Title
Upper Secondary School Dropout: Lessons from Central Java Province, Indonesia

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Indonesia's education system has gradually improved and enrolments have increased. However, the country still faces a dropout problem, especially at upper secondary school level. Mr Setyadharma investigated the effects of potential determinants on the likelihood of an individual to complete or drop out of upper secondary school in Central Java Province. He conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses based on primary data he collected. The quantitative analysis covered a bigger set of explanatory variables than previous studies on Indonesia. Some statistically significant explanatory variables from individual characteristics, family characteristics, school characteristics, and Indonesian government policies and macroeconomic conditions are identified, that explain student dropout. In addition, using qualitative analysis, Mr Setyadharma investigated why students act contrary to the traditional human capital investment model. His research contributes to the economics of education by providing a new understanding of students' decisions to drop out in Central Java Province.

Professor Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht
Professor Hatice Ozer Balli