Nancy Brown

Doctor of Philosophy, (Emergency Management)
Study Completed: 2019
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Thesis Title
Disaster Resilience in the Hotel Sector: A Mixed Methods Study

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Building disaster resilience before a disaster can aid hotels' recovery post-disaster. For many communities the tourism sector is integral to their economic stability. Hotels also play an integral role in disaster response and recovery, providing accommodations for people responding to disaster as well as local jobs. To help understanding what disaster resilience is for hotels and what gaps organisations may have this research developed a framework which considers economic, social, human, physical, natural, and cultural capital as components of disaster resilience. The framework was explored through quantitative and qualitative research with hotels in New Zealand. Hotels in New Zealand were found to have a safety culture combined with social capital stocks and human capital skills contributing to their disaster resilience. Gaps included a lack of all-hazard planning, need to integrate staff in the planning process, and a need to better connect with other organisations that may be assets during disasters.

Distinguished Professor David Johnston
Dr Caroline Orchiston
Dr Shirley Feldmann-Jensen
Dr Jane Rovins