Yun-Chin Hsu

Doctor of Philosophy, (Communication, Journalism and Marketing)
Study Completed: 2015
Massey Business School


Thesis Title
Consumer green purchasing behaviour: From attitude, perceived controllability and normative influences to purchasing behaviour

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''Green'' products are considered less harmful to the environment, compared to conventional products; but while consumers often say they favour purchasing green products, their actual purchasing decisions may not reflect their apparent preferences. Ms Hsu investigated the gap between consumers'' stated concerns and their purchasing intentions by means of a consumer survey targeting New Zealanders'' purchase of energy-saving light bulbs. Ms Hsu found that important influences on consumers'' purchasing intentions included their attitudes (both thinking and feeling), their pro-environmental self-identity, and their past purchasing behaviour. Ms Hsu''sstudy supported that thinking and feeling were distinct influences on intention. In contrast to earlier studies, Ms Hsu''sresearch found a different matrix of normative influences on consumer behaviour, and the normative influences were found to be less strong in her research.

Dr Fiona Chan
Professor Frank Sligo
Dr Raja Peter